OVON() WFE /Jzk~E -n 00000 OSNIENIAO SGOCLU W. FRN starts Tues. Sept. l7th * O at 7:00 p.m. REA * T E united Church Basement * e Members mnust be 12 by * i mm .r~ * Septem ber 1lst * LIlYIUIUPhon * 983-5044 or * £est.r *983-5058 * for information 0 234 Kng Street East * BOWMANVILLE * 623-3393 * Clarke Public * Toronto 923-9174 Port Hope office 85-54543 L I BR AR < Fo popcutous, Monday, Tuesday, *Foeproptcouxteos~. Thursday and Frlday efficient service wheî: 6:30 to 8:30 P.Mn *buying or selling and 2:30 to 5:00 p.m. :fo th 0 etsletoSaturd.ay fortheiares seectoW 10:00 t. 12:00 a.m. *of properties ln the area* Contact________ ___ * Orono Area a 0 Representativm j Rndy înompson *Charie Reid : Orono, Ontario * - 83-514 * Phone 983-5759 SRoy Foster * Carpentry Work .~983-5801 e 0 Remodelling We build from the .-,JilIIam Turansky* foundation up * (Kenda1) e________ * 983-5420 _________ * Dane Found î * 623-3965 * Ron Hurst * 983-5131 .Çhrista Winterhelf: 983-5465 E0 0 Judy Schuett * 983-5016 Box, 133 ph. 668-3552 Limited manufacturers of Cenetery Memorials 318 Dundas Street East WHITBY, ONTARIO Orono Landscapiflg soD)DING + PLANTING SEEDING COMýPLETE LANOSCAPINC ORONO ZE-CTRIC Herb and Gerry Duval 983-5108 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING ELECTRIC HEATING Electrical Appliances FT.V. - COLOUR T.V. -RADIO - HI1-FI WESTINGHOUSE RCA ELECTROHOME Gtaranteed Service VENEZIA RESTAURANT 11ligliwav 115, and.15 niile south of Orono P10 Nul 983-56,10 t>lEN7 DAYS AWEEK SîeCCiaizili n ... Aiso weekend speciais Milison Insurance Agency fer Ail classes of personal and CommercîaI Coverage Office: Corner of Church and CobbledickStreet 983-5032 Res. 983-5754 Durham County Sales Arena (>iONO, ONTARIO LIVESTOCK SALE EVEIIY IUIRISDAY EVENING AT 7.30 p. m. ,SIIEEP--CATTLE IIOGS- HORSES Businless 983-9363 Home 623-4685 BlIAMOSLEY IN MEMORIAM BELLAMY - In loving mnem- ory of a dear husband and father, Howard George who passed away Sept. 12, 1973. Ever remembered by wife Bessie, Betty and Ron; Geor- ge and Edie; David and Darla; and grandehikiren Brooks, Mary, Rebecca, Pet- er and Chris. a-p CARD OF THANKS 1 would like to say thank you to ail my relatives, friends and neighbours for ail the cards, gifts, visits while I was in Memorial Hospital. -Thanks to Drs. McKenzie, Anderson, Rundie and ail the, nurses and staff on third floor. Thanks to Rev. Long, the Orono United Church. Many thanks to ail my famiiy for their kind attention given to dad and myseif. Sincerely, Hazel Myles. a-e DEATH NOTICE LAYNG: Suddenly at Oshawa General Hospital, on Sunday September 8th, 1974. John Layng R.R.1, Orono aged 62 years. Beloved husband of Jeanette Dyer. Dear father of Dyana. Resting at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville for service on Wednesday at 1:30 p.m. Interment Orono Cemnetery. Donations to Ontario Heart Foundation in his memory would be appreciated. a-c NOTICE The Senior Citizens will meet on Thursday, September l2th'at eight o'clock in the Oddfellows Hall. Everyone welcome-. FOR SALE Skating dresses sizes 9-12. Boot and blade skates, size 7. Reasonable. Phone N. Taisma at 983-5755 after 5,00. a-c HELP WANTED SCHOOL BUS DRIVER Maie or female, for local a rea. Driving instructions( provided. Cost of obtaining( license wiil be paid by Charterways Co. Ltd. Pleasei appiy to 248 Simpson Avenue, Bowmanville or telephone 623-3811. a-c CLARKE MUSEUM FALL PROGRAM CRAFT CLASSES Beginners Weaving- start- ing September 3th. 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. for 6 consecutive Mondays. $800 plus cost of material. Christmas Decorations - starting October 2nd. Wednesday afternoons. 2 p.m. - 4 p.m. for 6 consecutive weeks. $8'.00 plu]s c'st of material. Please cali at the musuem to register in person - Thurs- day, Friday, Saturday and Sunday during the musuem's, regular hours. Limit 12 students per class HELP WANTED NORTHUMBERLAND AND NEWVCASTLE COUNTY BOA RD 0F EDUCATION CARETAKER Applications will be receiv- ed by the undersigned until Monday, Septemnber 16, 1974 for the position of Caretaker, 40 hours per week at the Bowmanville High School. Knowledge of cleaning mnaterials and caretaking procedure preferred. Ability to work from verbal and written instructions and with other people required. CLEANER Applications will be receiv- ed by the undersigned until Monday, September 16, 1974, for the position of Cleaner, 20 hours per week at the Clarke H igh Sehool. Maintain offices, staff room female washrooms, dusting, dry mopping and other duties as assigned. Applications wilI be receiv- ed by the undersigned until Wednesday, September l8th, 1974 for the following posit- ions. HEAD CARETAKER CLARKE SENIOR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Applicant mnust have pract- icaJ kqi],ýedge of mechanical and electrical apparatus. Good working knowledge of caretaking procedures. The ability to work harmoniously wîth others. The ability to orgfanize own work and work of others., HEAD CARETAKER SALEM PUBLIC SCHOOL Applicant mus t have pract- ical knowledge of mechanical and electrical apparatus. Good working knowledge of caretaking procedures. The ability to work harmoniously with others. The ability to organîze own work and work of others. CARETAKER NEWCASTLE PUBLIC SCHOOL Good knowledge of sehool caretaking procedure and cieaning methods. Abiiity to, work from verbal and written instructions and to get aiong wi th people. Reply in writing stating qualifications, address and telephone number to: M.A. MacLeod, Business Administrator and Treasurer. The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education, Box 470, D'Arcy Street, North, Cobourg, Ont. K9A 4L2 WANTED Fresh Dead or Crippled Farm Stock Margwill Fur Farm 263-2721 KLV TIMTES, SEP>TEiMBE th. 1974 -9 Immnediately, uiphoisters, mnaterial hiandiers anid a Aàw r I)ll-s v' p'1uit . 'Nu xp ienice necessary. wiil train. Apply at Plydesign, high- way 115, Orono. IV FOR SAXLE Pontiac, 1970 Strato-Chief, 2 One - Johonson 10 hp. with dr .ht., power steering and racing prop. and sea flea. power brakes, radio, 350 eng. $150.00 or best offer. Tele- One owner. Phone after 6 p. m. phone 983-5059. 983-5155 a-c ý ATTENTION * HARVEST ApeWORKERS 8 Aplepickersýànd graders, tomato Ipickers and tobacco workers wanted *in area farms from Oshawa to *Belleville. *Farm, Labour Pool Now * As tomatoes have started and apples * wli start in about approximately one week Enjoy pleasant work in the outdoorýsI I There are about 200-309 vacancies MCANADA FARM LABOUR POOLI I 53 Albert St., CobourgI * 416-372-8737I mmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmlm General, Factory Workers, Required Immediately For Press:Operators Sanders, and Machine Shoij Opportunities for willing persons under our new incentive systemn -Apply in person to our, south plant Curvply Wood ProductS Orono, Ontarjo Town of Newcastle Tender Cail Tenders are invited for the extensions to the Town of Newcastle Dog Pound at Liberty Street, South, Bowmanville. Plans mnay bie picked up at te Office of Ste Townl Clerk. Clearly ntarked tenders to lhe submitted by 4:00 p.ni. on Friday, Septemuber 20th, 1974 to: J.M. Meliroy, A.M.C.T. Town Clerk 40 Temiperance Street Bownxanville, Ontario LIC 3A6 Lowest or any tender flot necessarily accepted. SWEET CORN Lettuce TOMATOES 0 Tideman 'Red Apples * peaches F RE'D'S F RU ITMARK ET HIGHWAY 115 SOUTH 0F ORONO