Newcastle prepares interim pli New,ýcastle planning advis- ory commnittee wîll-push al other business aside Monday night to try to come up with a draft of the interîm official plan for the town. Comnmittee chairman Kirk Entwisle said the official plans of the four municipalit- ies that make up Newcastle - Carke Twp., Darlington Twp. Newcastle Village and the Town of Bowmanville were in various states of approval from the Ontario government, and this interim plan is an attempt to clear up some of the conflicts between them. The plan will be in force until the region brings in a district plan in about a year, Coun. Entwisle said. That document will have to be co-ordinated with -a regional plan, he added. He said the interim plan wilt probably reflect the "status quo" as it is presently set up in the four municipalities. The plan will establish developmnent policies for the town, and will guide Newcast- an le s comimittee of adjustment. La ter a zoning bylaw will be passed by the town, he said. Regular planning advisory committee business will be deait, with in a special meeting on Thursday, Sept. 13. "OUR~ LITTLE GIRL.. TEXACO SERVICE Mill St. North, Orono Phone 983-5130 Art lntroductory - Tues., 20 wks. Art Advanced - Thurs. 20 wks. Basic Knits -lntroductory - Tues., 10 wks. Basic Knits - Advanced,-Tues, 10 wks.' BallIroom Dancing - Thurs. 20 wks. Social style, practical1, men & womnen Cake Decorating - Introductory-Tues-. 20 wks. Cake Decorating advaniced - Mon. 10 wks. Ceramics - Thurs. 20 wks. Chair Caning - Thurs. 20 wks. Contract Bridge - Thurs. 10 wks Cook can be fun - Tues. 10 wks Crochet - Tues. 10 wks. Creative Stitchery - Thurs. 10 wks. Aduit Driver Education - Thurs. 20 wks Dried Flower Arranging - Tues. 10 wks Fabric Design '- Thurs. 10 wks French (conversational) - Tues. 20 wks Hairdressing & Cosmetics - Tues. 20 wks Interior Decorating - Thurs. 10 wks Men's Physical Fitness - Tues. 20 wks Women's Physical Fitness - Thurs. 20 wks Amateur Radio - Tues. 20 wks. Up and down the bookstacks THURS. SEPT. 12th ADL111 The Realm of Music by Nick Rossi (a guide to understand- ing good music) The Collected Poems of Arch- ibald MacLeish by Archibald MacLeish Illustrated Housebuilding by Graham Blackburn (step by step illustrations) In Search of Ancient Gods by Erich Von Daniken (the author's pictorial evidence of the impossible) Mister Target by William' Harrington (crime story) Nebula Award Stories Eight edited by Isaac Asimov (science fiction) JUNIOR What's in the Names of Flowers by Peter Limburg (stories and superstitions be- hînd flowers and their names) Jokes to Enjoy, Draw and Tell by Sid Hoff A Place to Say by Frank Jupo (man's home through the ages) Betsy's Little Star by Carolyn Haywood EASY READING & PICTURE BOOKS Babar and His Children- by The Orono Fair, is the Mr. Charles Gray, members program of skating in Orono. culmination of many things of of the Orono Figure Skating Mr. Bob Morton of Kendal a diverse nature. Shown Club selling draw tickets for was the winner of the $50000 above is Mrs. Pat Irwin and, the club to assist in its cash prize. Jean de BrunhoffthVilgofecste The Caboose Who Got Loose fk ~rB tth 1Vige of eatle.q,1 by Bill Peet " ko ef itTeLosacon al MADELEINE HADLEY ASuccess While the Durham Central Agricultural Society were registering new heights in their aniual promotion of the Orono Fair in Orono the Newcastle Chamber of Corin- merce and Newcastle Lions were registering a similar story with their Oktoberf est in netted- the club a sum of $40000 while the Farmer's Market was a sell out. According to Mr. Eric Barr the'counters at the market were laiden with produce and home baking and in no time it was ail sold. The Oktoberfest dance was also a seil-out and customners had to be turned away from the hall. Most tickets for the dance were pre-sold. Pvrovince stealing Iand in region Queen's Park is "stealîng" land in Durham Region char- ges Coun. Keith Ross (Osh- awa). Coun. R~oss used the wçrd "Isteal" twice during Wednes- day's regional council meet- ing when, provinïtcial land acquisitions were being dis- cussed. The first time was when a motion was being approved regarding regional particip- ation in, a possible meeting between, Ottawa - Queen's Park - Oshawa and the region regarding the advisability of dredging the Second Marsh area to expand Oshawa Har-. bor.1 1 1 The province has expressed a concern that the marsh be kept as a wildlife sanctuary. Coun. Ross did not see why the region should be concern- ed about the provincial go- ve rnment since, he says, it is not concerned about the region. ,"If the province wants the Second Marsh, let them steal it like they do everything else," said. Coun. Ross. He made a similar remark later when provincial land bank purchases in the Brook- lin area were discussed. TV may cover, council'.meetings 1Wm. Riddell, program dir- ector of Pine Ridge Cable TV asked permission of council at their past meeting to televise their meetings for program- m'ing on local Cable, TV. It was stated that it was the intention of the Company to make Monday evening coun- cil night on TV and that meetingsof Whitby, Oshawa, Newcastle and the Region would be run on successive Monday nights. Councillor Lyall came out in full support of the proposaI stating that the council meet- ing should be given the fullest coverage possible. Councîllor Hlobbs had his doubts of the proposai stating that it had not worked in the past and he pointed out that very littie of the Town of Newcastle was- covered by Cable TV. H1e also feared that only brief excerpts from the meetings would be covered not giving the overaîl picture. At t he present time Mr. Riddell stated that they were not covering any of the council meetings but in the past had covered Whitby anid Oshawa which was stopped due to the lack of transporting equipment. The ma tter of televising the Newcastle couancil was refer- red to the Commrittee of the Whole. Rughooking - Thurs. 10 wks. Sewing lntroductory-Tues. 10 wks. Textile Arts & Crafts -w Tues. 10 wks. Upholstery - 20 wks. Wallhanging - Tues. 10 wks. Yoga - Thurs. 10 wks. Drafting & Blueprint Reading - Tues. 2o wks. Electricty for the Homeowner Tues, 20 wks SmaIl Engine Repair - Thurs. 10 wks Welding Tues. 20 wks Accounting- Tues. 10 wks. Law-Thurs. 10 wks Marketing - Tues. 10 wks Shorter hand-Thurs. 20 wks Typewriting-.I ntroductory-Tues. 1e wks- Mathemnatics (9-12) Credit course, Tues. 20 wks Science (9-12) credit course 20 wks, Tues. Eng lish (9-12) credit course 20 wks. Tues. Grade 13 History credit-course Thurs., 20 wks SPECIAL SHORT COURSES Basic Home Repairs, Tues, 6 wks, $4.50 Animal Care-Tues. 5 wks, $3.75 (lst class November 5) Christmas Decorations Wed, 5 wks, $3.75 rM The Northumberland- and Newcastle Board of Education Presents Evening lasses a t BOWMANVILLE. HIGH SCHOOL 49 LibertySt. Registration Tuesday, Sept. 17 and Thursday Sept. 19,7-9ý p.m. Fees 20 wk. course sis.oo 1 wk course - $7.50 Senior Citizens 65 years - no fee Classes start week of Oct.____7___ \~ V~VVx~