Mrs. Jenniel3owýenot urono demonstr-ation mobile-home mer. She and tier flusbant, l(A in Orono, have a'similar Miss Jackie SneIdlersol Orono hostess at the mobile home. (éft) was a visitor to the unit in Newcastle last sum- Lorne, who is a butcher at the home in Florida. With hier- is who spent the summer as a It's that time of year again when thoughts are of faîl and 0- r' ning winiter. With that iind the Orono Junior ,-,aidenr-es brought, plastic bottles to their meeting last Tuesday, September loth so0 they could mnake bird feeders hopiilg fo attract the birds to their homes this winter. M\artin Zegers drilled holes near the bottomn for a piece of dowling to fit through so the1 birds would have a place to sit ither on the ends otside or ni the shelter of the bottle. He DRY WALL TAPING WaIIy Lucyk ORONO WATSON-"'S Marine and Cycle Orono, Phone 983-53,13 PRINCEr CRAFT BOATS Allouette Snow Mobiles McCulloch Chan Saws Repairs to ail mùakes of Lawn Mowers and 2 and 4 cycle Engines 4ALLOUEITE SNOWMOBILES also dirilled holes in the lid and copper wire was put through these for thle string to tie, them to a limb or the clothes 'line.' The children th en cut out a. hole in the front, about,,the size of the label which was on some ofthe bottles. Mrs. Zegers had brought some flowers which she labelled and gave to the children. She explained the difference 'between annuals, periennels and biennials. Mrs. Zegers told the child- ren to keep track of the birds which came to their feeder, and to write them in their note books. She suggested putting suet in, the bottles or in an onion bag and also that if they mixed some fat with the seeds T ELEPHONE 983-5536 ACCOMMODATION AND FOOD OF EXCELLENCE LICENCED DINING LOUNGE SPECIALIZUNG IN Noone 's Hotel & Restaurant !) Miles North of 401 R.R. 2 ORONO Vour Hosts LILEEN & GERRY NOONE Hwy. 11&,&35 they would not blow away as easily. Don't'forget to gather cones and seed pods and dry them 50 we can use them in the winter to make various things. The next meeting will be on Tuesday, October 8 when you, will, be given instructions on cleaningup your gardens for winter. Information will also be given on planting bulbs for f lowers next sprin . RCMP DRUG RAID AT PORT HOPE The RCMP confiscated, 4 pounds of a substance thouglit to be methamphetamine drug "speed" in a raid at the West Beach in Port Hope._ i'homas Mark Heyninck of R.R. 2 Newtonville an0 James Thomas Boundy of no fixed address appeared in Cobourg court and were remanded until September l9th. Bail was set at $1,000 on one surety with no cash deposit. No plea was taken. . SEEKS LIBERAL, NOMIN+ ATION IN DURHAM WEST John A.,,Coates, 51, a Toronto lawyer and a 10-year resident of Pickering for 10 years will seek the liberal nomination in the proposed niew provincial riding of Durham West. Mr. Kirk Entwisle of New- tonville has made it known that he intends to contest the liberal, nomination for the Durham riding providing the- houndaries do not change prior to the next election. PORT HOPE MAYOR TO RUN FOR OFFICE AGAIN It has been reported that Mayor Wladyka of Port Hope will again set the top office in ORONADE COLDS, HAY FEVER SINUSTIS 12's $1.97 wS U P E R POLI GRIP DENTURE ADHESIVE CREAM 97c Smilies' n Chuckles TU RTL ES 14 oz. $2.48 Mlickey Vieuse PENCIL CASE 92c NOTE PADS 69c KODAK FILM SF for fal colours Slide or Print ail sizes Popular Prices the Town. Elections for mun- icipal council will be held in December. No elections are nbeing held, in Durham Re- gion this year. LANACANE Soothes ltching ~o.$2.24 Sm iles' n Chuckles MINT PATTIES 1 2for $1.09 HI INTENSITY LAMP' Sewing, studyiing.etc. 1'oIds flat $10.99 PAMOUIN for in iiWorms ?i4- $3.86 HAEFFER PENS DESK SETS $3.95 STUTT'S PHARMiACY PHONE ORONO 983-5009 Oronlo junior Gardeners Prepare Bird, Feeders,