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Orono Weekly Times, 25 Sep 1974, p. 4

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I-)pN <b1\>W i~IIIS'I1 'ME 25th, 1974 K endaI- News Sîura.WV enljoyedth A bus load of Ken da 1i jmily interest-ing things to be citizens traele 0the scen ail under one roo(f. One Sciençe nte in Toronto on couild sece the earlY steam car Y ýFASHION. LONGS CENTRE- ORONO Phono S8:48fl Sewing Centre à36," Pinwa le Cordory $1.89 yd >4V'5 Printed PoIy., .Ponge$3.89 yd. 445" Printed Poly. .~Super Satin $6.99 yd. ~ ~ 60" Bonded L ure x$5,'.79 ydl Gaberdine$6.39yd ~ ~.-W Printed Poly Interlock $7.29 yd. 60" Kikoknit Houndstooh $5.79 yd. ,' 0 Plain PoIy Doeskun InterlIock $5.79 yd. 60" Acry lic Plaid $4.99 yd 60"" Polyester Jacquard Knit $4.99 yd. Sewing Accessories Nylon Zppers ï-_22" -Satin Ribbon Invisible Zippers 7" -22"1 Polyester Thread Seam Bunding Decorating Trim Quality Buttons Self Threading Needies or horseless carniage and the very latest car suited to Our cities and carryîng four passentger-s or you could view a dugout wýar canoe accon]- mIodating as mlany as twelnty- five warriors mnade from British Columbia cedar or a b)irch bark canoe like that used by the voyageur of early Canada. Somnething to interest evel'yofe. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Lang- staff attended the weddîng of Diane's sistertJanet Johnston in Ann Arbor Michigan U.S.A. Other relatives attending were bier brothers Mr. and Mrs. Bob Vernon and Mr. and Mrs. Allen Irwin. The wedd- ing was September 2lst. On September l8th the ladies of Kendal Women's institute' held a successful supper called a "Luncheon is served." On September l6th two of' our ladies Mrs. T. Gossam and Mrs. M.' Wyben- ga attended the procedures workshop in Hampton. Mr, Lawrence Cathcart of Lakefield passed away in P'eterborough Civie Hospital on September 2tb. 1He was sixty nine. He was a brother of the late Wesley Cathcart. 11e leaves a daughter Pearl, Mrs. Eldwood Payne at Lakefield and a sonAlvin of Kitchener. On Sunday morning we enjoyed some fine music by a quartette of girls with Mrs. Keith Wood at the piano. Rev. G. Montgomery preached the second sermon in the series on the parables. This time it was, "The Parable of the Fig Tree." H1e spoke of the belief that wbere there was suffer- Iing there rnust have been sn. Jesus did not hold this view. This fig tree had been planted to be1-ar fruit. Just as we are here to serve others. Fortun- ately we have those whotake on tbe needs of others. This story came from Luke 13. Kendal Anniversary is OCt- ober 2th an af ternoon service with the Rev. Bob Bartlett of Garden Hlli as the guest speaker. Recent' visitons with Mr. and Mrs. T. Stevens were bier sister from Winnipeg and Mrs. W. Marsh of Toronto. Two doctors specialists in obesity and a woman who had lost sixty pounds were dis- cussinig witb Norm Perry on channel nine the problems of overweigbt. Onei( doctor said quote "You viii neyer be thin unless you eat a good breakfast. " He said people had their tfiming al wrong if they went without breakfast -then ate a big dinner atnight and went to bed. They simply put on layers of fat. You must eat a good breakfast and it wiil be turned into energy during the day. Then a light evening meal is always best., Whats'm'AMobile Homne? Corne and see for yourself - in front o f the Elmhurst Hotel, Newcastle. Wilmot Creek Cove retirement park will be good for the Town of Newcastle'. It will not only provide a pleasant home for the retired'people of thearea, but considerable tax dollars t reduce your assesment. If you have not yet seen our mobile home, drop in and visit. The coffee and the vision of homes of the future are both free. MIONDAY TO FRIDAY 1-9 p.m. SATURDAY ANÙ SUNDAY 1 -5:30 p.m. Change ho agriculturi (IIAýN<f lýIN <IIFICV IJOUES -As rnost of y'ou kniow that duLring the sumnmer rnonths, the Agriculture 0f- fice in Bowmnanville bas been on summer hours. As of September lst, we bave gone back to regular winter hours and the office in Bowmanville will be open f rom 8:-30 - 12: 00 and from 1: 1:5 -5-:00p.rm. from now through until the end of May next year. INTERNATIONAL PLOWING MATCH in Halton County One. of the Wold's largest annual outdloor farmn and borne shows takes place fromn Septemnber 241h to 28th in Halton County. The 6lst International Plowing Match and Farm Machinery Show wiil be. officially opened September 24tb, aft2 p.m. by the Honourable James W. Snow, Minister of Govern- ment Services and MPP for Halton East. Over 600 acres of the Craig Reid farma and neighbouring farms, south of Georgetown, will be used for exhibits, piowing and field dernonstrations. Tented city covering al2out 100 acres wili accommodate more than 300 exhibitors displaying every- thing for the newest ideas in, farmn machinery, to new cars, to borne appliances for both rural and urban visitors. There have been more inquiries from potential ex- bibi tors this year than we This year with the very unstable, beef situation, it is more important than over that feed lot operators know' exactly what it is costing thern to produce a pound of gain on their cattle, then relate this to their break even cost. If Vou have been spending hours calculating the price you mnust get for your beef in order to break even, or the price you can afford to pay f or feeders tbis faîl, you will be glad to bear of a break even cost chart developed by Okahoma State University Researchers; and rnodified for Ontario condit- ions. If your cost of- gain is between .15 and .80 cents a Up and down the bookstacks THURS. SEPT. 2tn ADULT The Men in The nets by Jim Hunt (profiles on the best goal tenders in hockey) The Complete Play Product- ion Handbook by C.'& Dý Allenswortb and Claytoîî Rawson (everything you need to know about staging a play) Get a Horse! by Steven D. Pnice (basies of back-yard horse-keeping) Conundrum by Jan Morris (the author underwent a sex change operation, a sensitive- ly written account) Corne a Long Journey by Alan Fry (novel) The- Jevington System by Roger Longrîgg (comnie novel JUNIOR Betsy and the Circus by Carolyn Haywood )urs at al office have evýer had says E.A. Starr, Director of Agriculture and Horticuitural Socities Branich, with the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food. More than. 700 compet- itors and over 35 classes contesting for over $20,000. in prizes. There will also bE tractor and horse drawn plowing classes ýheld every <day, as well as special'classes such as the Queen of the Furrow contest, Wardens Class and the Ontario Senior Cbampionship). AVOIDING LEGUME WINTER KILL Prevent winter kilI in your legumes by not cutting themi two or three weeks. before and af ter their cri ticai faîl harvest date. The cnitical date which varies frorn district to district within the Province gives the time of year when alfalfa is. rnost susceptable to damage, through cutting or grazing. In the Durham County Area, the criticai date for the south part of the county, is September 2Oth and for the nortb part of, the County is September 1Oth.' -If legumes are eut or grazed just before or shortly aftVer their critical date, many of the sugars'in the plant roots: will be used to produce new growth duning the following few weeks. By that time forest .will have severely damaged; the leaves from which the plant replenishes - itself, so' that there can be little. replacemnent, of the reserves pound and you are buying and selling prices are between .?0 and .85 cents per pound you can quickly find your break even ýselling and purchasing prices with this chart. Aver- age cost of gain in cents per pound, includes cost of feed- ing and bedding, facilities costs and inteiYest, death losses and veterinrary costs as well as p~urchasing and mark- eting chiarges. If you would like a cëpy of this b reak even chart or would like to take a look at your cost of production in feeder operation, contact our office and we can send you a, copy of the fact sheet number. 73-113 with titie "Break Even Costs for Cattie Feeding." EASY READING AND PICTURE BOOKS The Land, of Flowers by Dahlov Ipcar Bobo's Dream by marthal Alexander MADELEINE HADLEY Oxford BRICKLAYERS STON EMASONS Fireplaces Chimney Repairs AIl1 types of Flouse Remnodelimg Ceramnic Tues F Iagstones Patio Slabs Concrete Jobs PHONE 983-5606 - ponrix' nex t seiison Alflia is a legurne moswt seveel affecled by cutinig on or i, the critîi( date but othier grasses adlegumnes 'need tirne to biid winter eere as welI. Whiie your legumies are building reserves during the criticai period, let' your cattie graze meadows that xiii be plowed- down this fali, aitbough yields mnay be re- duced next year, bay fields eut once or twice tbis year can aiso be grazed ligbtly during the faîl rest period with littie langer of winter-kili. Orono Building Contractor Brick - Elock - Concrete Stone Work Carpentry - Cabinet Work Floors Tule 983-5441 Orono Charles Reid Orono's Licensed Auctioneer Valuator Specialize in Farm Furniture SaIeF, Consuit me for tentW and dates > Phone Orono 9383-5914 John De With Real Estate Li m ited Realtor Bowma nvillie 623-3950 and 623-3111.f For prompt, efficient service when buying or selin Contact: Joe Barnoski 786-2202 Ross Davidson 277-2321 Monuments Memorials Our quality and service leaves uothing to be desired Ask the person who bought from us, a neîgh- bour, friend or relative. 1The Rutter Granite Company 7~3 Ontario Street Break even costs for beef feeders XkY

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