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Orono Weekly Times, 15 Oct 1974, p. 1

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I. .... .. i , r p , Planning paper outlines ýfailures in area development The iack of industrial grow- th in Oshawa, Whitby, and Bowmanville and the increas- ing role of Durhamn region as a dormîitury for Alefro Toronto aie two of the main themnes confained in the first major planning study of the regiOn. Designed as the prelimin- ary stage in the formation of a regional officiai plan, the report is titled simpiy, "Back ground Information and Plan- ning Issues." If was circuiated f0 memnb- ers of the region's planning and development commîffee Tuesday but wasn't released to the public. "Oshawa bas faiied to attract ifs proportionafe share of industries or empioy- ment. Most of these declines took place in the automotive and related industries," the Museum offers g4f ts QnIe Gif t Shope a t the Clarke Museum is oniy going f0 be open unfil the end of October, so now is a good fime to sfarf your Christmas Shopping. There is a variefy of articles for ail - mer, womnen and children. The Ieafherwork done by Pau!1 Williamxs is stili -in stock, and there is local pottery done b y Jane Keast and also some done by Paul Bruce of Witby. Why not decorate your home or a friend's with somlething original. There are severai Batik and macrame wv7ll1angings made by Carnie \e ne. Also done iocally are ètuleteci covers by Lila Cartwright and decorafive owls from Laura Atkins. Bird houses and feediers are very reasonable and also imagina- tive. However whaf is in stock now is ail t1haf will be, 50 if's a good idea to come soon. We look forward f0 seeing you before the season ends. report states. Althougb mucb of if is written in planners' jargon, the study contains some interesting facts: -the lacIs of industriai growfh compared f0 increase ir. population bodes 111 for the region. -the region is rapidiy becom- ing a dormitory for Metro Toronto this dormitory role, is creat- ing fax imbalances, especial- ly in Pickering -a large amount of the besf agricultural land wiii be iost (Continued page 2) ORONO WEEKLY TIMIES, WED., OCTOBER lSth ,Expeets new Its back to school airport to be buit Norm. Cafik, -M.P. for Ontario county stated rece nt_- ly that he expects a decision f0 be banded down shortly on the new Pickering airport. H1e expects that ýthe report will give the go-ahead to the scheme. Cafik said he was concerned over the vàluation date which had been set as of January 30th, 1973. He. said there was a great difference between the price of that date and- the present date. -He aiso favour- ed the scheme a Home-for-a- home whicb would ensure an. owner '- ould be able to purchase a similar home as he had to give Up. OronIo show f eatu re s localI a rea ta lent The Newcastle Pepartmenf of Recreation will sponsor a series of Country and Western shows f0 take place in various areas wifbin the Town of Newclistle. Tbe firsf show wiil take place' in Orono on Sunday afternoon November l7tb, at 2:30 p.m. in the Orono Town Hall on Main Street. Tbe bouse, band is the Country Hits witb Fay and Gloria Adams and son Don,' along wifh Len Summer- scaies. Art ists to be feafurud on this show are: Mel Cingmnan, and daugbter Melanie, Mary Bunting of Orono who bas ,participa ted in the Sheiburne pld Time Fiddler Contest, Larry Adams of Orono, Thel- da Dupuis from Osbawa, BihI Woodward, Yodeler and S-ýri- er from Orono, Reg Post and his (5 string) Banjo and last but nof leasf Alfred "Jackie" Jakeman, Master of Cere- monies- NEWCASTLE RECREATION DEPARTMENT Playground Equipment bas been ordered from-r the Rcend- erson Recreation Equipinent Comrpany for Soper Creek Park in Bowmanville. The equipinent conisists- of two teeter totters, twveIve foot slide and a JunÉle Climbiler. New recreational1 program for Orono According f0 Mr. Bud Fanning of. the Town of Newicastle Recreafional De- partinent if is anticipa ted thaf the departmenf will develop sorve recreational programs that are not presenfly being held in the Village of Orono. Mr. Fanning is presenfly ::TO CELEBRATE 1.50th ANNIVERSARY The Newcastle United Cburch wîll celebrate ifs lStb Aniversary on Sundays, November 3rd and lotb. The church is steeped deep) in hisfory and many events have been planned for the occasion. MORE DEATHS ON LOCAL HIGHWAYS Two bigbway traffic deaths were recorded on Monday with one on Highway 35 at the Port Perry intersection and the other on Hlighway 115 in front of Noone's Restaurant and the Coach and Four Restaurant. Monday affernoon at 5.15 p.m. Darreil House, 19,'of Oakwood, Ontario was killed when he failed to stop af the intersection of H-ighway 35 and Victoria County Road 14 and smasbed into a pick-up truck driven by Harry Austin Edwards, 53 of Richmond Hill. The Edwards were hospitalized at the Ross. Memorial Hospital in Lindsay with Mr. Edwards being released later in the day.,Mrs. Edwards remained over night. Earlier on Monday at 4.20 p.m. a '71 Oldsmobile driven by Peter Bissonette, 17, of Fort Erie was crossing the bigbway fromn Noone's Restaurant f0 the Coach and Four. A 68 Firebird driven by James Willaim Fyse, 22, of Port Hope was travelling north on 115. The Bissonef te auto was struck in the north bound lane. A passenger in the Bissonette vechilce, Ester Piehl, 19, of Fort Erie, was kilied in the accident. Peter Bissonette ana another 'female passenger in the î,,,sonette are in serious condition in Scarborough hospital. There were six in the car. considering somne teain and individuai activities and is hopeful of using both the gym at the Orono Public Scbool and tbe Orono Town Hall. The team program would be beid at tbe school witb supervision supplied by the departinent. The individual activities wouid be bield al the Town Hall and couid include sucb itemns as table tennis, chess, records andi somie gaines. This program would also be supervised. Tbe program is expected f0 starf in the Town Hall in the very near future.- ADULT HIELPEQUIRED Mr. Fanning points ouf thaf there is a . need for adutl volunteer heip for the pro- grams and anyone inferesfing in helping with the prograin of activities in Orono is asked f0o contact the Recreation Departrnenf af their office in Bowman'ville or telephone for durham police ']'le Regional Police of Durham frorn sfaff-sargeant down are going back f0 scbool for a one week period. Tbe, first course ended lasf week wifh experts giving instruc- tions on everythinig from psychiatry f0 explosives and bombs. This is the firsf mi-service instruction given since the regional force came into being on January 1sf of 1974. The course affects ahl police on the force . The course is stafed to be different fo thaf given af the Police Scbool in Aylmer, Ontario and will be of benefif f0 the force members. Th'e course includes use of tear gas, sbotgun training, communications and records, talks on Landiord and Ten- ants Acf, bombs, frauds and cheques, n arcofics, traffic violations, identification and a hosf of other subjecfs relevant f0 poice work. In a news report from Queen's Park, Alex Carrufh- ers, MPP, Durham reports thaf an Ontario Development Corporation 'tourisf term blan in the amount of $250,000 bearing an interesf rate 0f 6 percent, bas been approved for Windsweep farmn (1965) Limited. Newcastle. Companv presîdent and. gen- eral manager is T. Scoftt Fennell. The funds will be used to consfruct a marina wifh fuit range services for 400 boats,. summner and winfer boat storage, Marina Hardware and Repair and Food supples. lImproving road to cost owner $20,,000 Mvr. John Liptay, an Osh- awa teacher, who a week ago Monday promised to srnend $~5000 for improvement of the road infront of bis property 50 he could build a home is now faced with an expenditurê of some $20,000. The $20,000 figure was set by the Town of Newcastle 'Public Works department Iollowing -an in- vestigation of the road last week. Liptay bas been refused a permit due to the facf that bis properfy does flot face onto an improved municipal road. Mr. Liptay is to be informed by the Public Works Commit- teen that. the cost would be at least $20,000 to improve the road plus surveycosts, engin- eering costs and the demnolisb- ion of one building and W~ run-down buildings., Mr. Liptay states that the work can be done for a price under the $5,000 which he agreed to spend to improve the road. "They are playing a political game", he, said, and sticking to the book. Mr. Liptay also said he couldn't understanid the concern of members of the committee thbat other homes would be built along the road if it were Newtonville parenlts Set'new rates con cerned forsafety A delegafion of parents from Newtonvilie who met wvitb the Newcastle Public Works department and meni- bers of 'the Ministry of Transportation and Commun- ication were promised a sfudy D traffIc conditions in the hamiet of Newfonville. Mayor Rickard suggesfed the study invoive the par- ents of the area, the town and the ministry. The sfuciy wli consider the lowering of the speed limnit and the piacing of a traffic ligbit at the intersec- tion of-No.2 bighway and the road running soufb t 'o 401 bighway. If was pointed ouf that this was the oniy en- france onto 401 from New- castle to Weicome. Counillor- Entwisle. also pointed'ouf that this intersec- tion could become m-ucb Hope council1 votes amalgamnation Tbe Council of Towýnship of Hope last week gave a majority-approval for amnal- gamation of tbe Township withfHamilton Township, Co- bourg and Pori, HopeThe vote was supporfed by the Deputy reeve Wesfon Bannis- fer and councillors Gray and Leonen. Reeve Howard Quan- trill w as in, opposition to the motion wifb Councillor Geor- ge Stapefon absent but known to be againsf the move. Bannister sfafed he voted for the' motion but- only in nrincipal. More information is required, be said. busier with tife oevelopmenf of the Wesleyville bydro plant. if was pointed ouf, by the ministry thaf the iowering of tbe speed limnif from 40 f0 30 miles per hour was not significant and thaf thie Town did not bave police officers f0 enforce tbespeed imit.' fouriteeni fromq the hamrlet of Newtonvile attended the meeting asking that the speed lbii be reduced f0 the 30 miles and that at the inter- section a sign "dangerous intersection abead" be erecf- éd and that. flasbhing lighfs be installed. for senior citizens The Regional Council of Durham iast week set a new rate for Senior Citizens Homes at $11.50 per day. This rate is up $1.00 a 'day over previous rates and will be effective in the three bornes now operated by the Region. The new rate vill, pi effective November 1sf and remnain until March 31sf, 1975. ,.Che Region bas complained. fo the Province over their deiio o increase fheir charges to residents of the' senior citizens homes and especially f0 the fact fbat these charges are being retroactive f0 April of thîs year. Ganaraska may receive marsh and bush at Wesleyville, Representafives of Hope Townsbip, the Ganaraska conservation Aufhorify and th¶e Willow Beach Field Nat- urlaiisfs anai Hydro met recently f0, consider the man- ýagement of two marsbes and à bardwood bush on the Wesleyville site f'or the Ont ar- io Hydro generating station. Ted Dye of Ontario Hydro assured those present that if was Hydro's intention f0o preserve the marshes and the enaturai environent for wild- li1fe in the area. "Our busi- ness", he said, "is the generafing of electrical power and we feel thaf sucb organiz- ations as represented bere sbould be invoived in the management and the main.' tenance of these nafurai habitats., Ed Haynes, chairman of the Ganaraska, sfated thaf the Authorify feit the lands should be furned over f0 the Author- ify who would work witb the Naturalsist tf0 manage the marshies in a way f0 refain fbem as nature areas evith no disruption. If is expecfed thaf Hydro will turn over the ownersbip of the easf marsb and a portion of the central marsb f0, the Authority. Tbe remainder of the central marsb, which is in a inclusion area, -3000 feet from a proposed-½ucieair station in the future would be managed only by the Aufbority wîtb nc full ownersbip. A hardwood bush to the ea st of the properfy and rigbf along the lakefront is aLso being considered as possible properfy f0 be granfed to the Authority. This would be developed as a park wif h stairs down the cliff. Hydro is also developing a picnic park north of the bush area and af the enfrance f0 the Wesley- ville properfy from the Lake- shore road. If may be that the Aufhorify will eventually con- trol this area as well as the bush area. Other holdings of Hlydro wiiI be considered in the future and if felf of no need f0 Hydro wiil be considered as properfy whicb could go fo the Canaraska Aufborify. Hydro is currently studying the proposal concerning the marshes and the bush and will shortly be reporting back f0 the Ganaraska and thé Field Naturalisfs. Mr. Dye sfafed tha the boped to bave this land fransfer completed this year, if approved by Hydro. $250,000O ban for Newcastle marina - - --- - -------- - i mproved. "'il just have to fight it", he said. Liptay said' ail kinds of consultants and engineers are flot needed to design the improvemenit of the road. The road would have to be improved for a distance of 914 feet. Councillor Hobbs at council said that council had spent a' lot of time trying to get around their own by-law for Mr. Liptay. Mayor Rickard also stated that he did flot know w4~ere else the council iad given such considerations as they have given, Mr. Liptay. Thepublic works commit- tee recommends that the road have a 20 foot top with three foot shoulders which com- pares with 20 foot tops and five foot shoulders to nearby roads. Councillor Enfwisle had taken a sfrong stand in council that the bail was in the hands of Mr. Liptay, flot council. Mr. Liptay has been trying for three or four months to secure the permit and states that, he is a vicfim of regional government. 1

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