EI'-ONO WEEKLY TIMIES. lWE»., OCTOBER 15th, Â974 Prohvides Free Advisory, Forestrqy service The Ministry of Natural Resounces through its Divis- ion of Forests provities a free advisory service of up ty four days un aay one year for pivate landowners interesteti ia mnakiag their woodlands mnore profitable anti enjoyahie ,andi idle lands productive. This service hcludes adylco on a wide range of forestry ectivities such as plaatiag, lnsect ientification andi con- trol,. marklag woodlots for monuments anid FamIIy Moemoriails Our quaUty and mevivle leaveos uauilng t.o b. desliw Ask the persea Who bought trom i s, aa elgli' bour, trlend or relative. The Rutter Granite Company 73 Otaio .Street Plioee olleet phone 1)835249 Oroîte SHamitons :Insurance *Serice *Ail * and *Commercial *Insurance *Sadie Ham1iton Sue Sawyer * Jim Rare s For dependable mrvice thinning or barvest cuituag and considerations for limpro- veinent of recreational or asthetic values. In many cases ouir first contact with propeýrty owners cornes after that "special"' parcel of land has eeon porchased, Aftor many days or even months of searchiag; the ideai view, the sceaic valley, the attractive woodlot or the perfect building site hias beea founti. The property may encompass a few or maay acres but now its yours to enjoy, andi to put to goo-d useý ,ou pirobably have ,a "dreain" plan for, the land but need to contact som-eone who can help you put it together. Inspections van be arrangeti through the nearest Natural Rosources office to your property simply by phoaing, witiag, or droppiag ia per- sonaahy, If planting is desiroti a plan can bo preparedti tntihcatiag suitable specioS, spacias of trees, naumýbens requireti, huf-~ fer or rocreational zones to ho ef t for suech purposes as skllaig, snowmiobiliag, hersa- back rlilang or just walkiag, Winti or privacy breaks can bo plannoti te protecî build- ings, roadw'\ays or act as a screen or bannier, Forest troos an liepureha- soti froin Our nurseries at $moo Qper thousanti provlclng the landowaor lias at least wo acres exclutiing lani occupioti by structures, If p!tinigi contemplateci next sprnig h ould be wise to have an inspection complateti ths ai seplans cvan ha formulateti andI trees resarv- att before the available supply is exhausfed, If weodlot improvament work is coatamplateti a plan et action canbhas,ýt Lup, Whether improvernant work hs raqired at ail doepande gn a numiiber ot factors suctil a,, speclas composition, stand tIenity, quality anti mgaet the woodlet, tJsually ipecies ad tracs e of arvalue, anti poorhy formied ipacimeai are marked for ref:ioval, If im.aterial in tne woodloti of miarkeabhasee 0,9, eawhegs or puhpweod) a volu- ieaestimiatecl cari aise ha u rovitietiand ilnteretd buy- ) us cotavted. Actual sale of ý,matanial ih negotlated 0 ý.eween thea landowner anti *bqyer; hiowever this Mialmstry duîupya lust of guldelinies DRYWALL AP PLINGYWL PLASTEU REPAIRS Waily Lucyk I e e e e e e e s e e e e e e e s. whicli nay be followed when markletng wooclot products. F'roni tirne to tme insect or disvase problems arie on prlvate landS,.'Identification and control measures can be obtaineci by contacting youer nearest Ministry office. Up andi down the boolstacks TIIURS. OCT. l7th, 1974 The Life and Timnes of George V by KeitLiMviddlemas (rnany excellent photographs) Dlctionary of Marks: Pottery and Porcelain by Ralph and I'erry Kovel rhe Mazi Secret Service by Andre Brissaud Bhrds of tne Qshawa-Lake Scugog Ilegion, Ontario by Ronald Tozer and James Richards Mlidiiglit hs a Place hy Joanl Aiken (novel) The Cry of the Ilalidon Iby Johnathan Ityder (mystery- Adventure') JUNIOR Filngerprint Detective by Ro- bert Milihuaki (the sto ry o f fingerprinting) Monitors on Whol hy Geor- ge Ancona Pirates andi Buccaneers by Tilla Brading Mdore now PaperbackS EANSY REAING AND PICTURE BSOOKS Snowýý White and Rose Rtd by the Bros. Grimmi llurstrated by Barblara Cooney And1 INMean It, Stanley hy crosby Bonsali MADELEINE HADIEY Kendal news Our weather ha. beenl following a vary up and clown patterni, for, example, Frlday ,was perfect Iiidiant summirer weta~ the trees along hOrono main Street waro aa blaze of volours: when 1 purchaesed My tuh'iip bulbes the $1h0p)keeper teld Ile, "Every- onoe's buying buibs todt>y," w. could hear the flocks of goeai geing South at twllight, then Saturday rait), Suniday was fine and unny, THianksginýg Monday rain, The long range forecast wam correct it tateci wewould have lo normal temperature and aboya nor- mal rain all.h We are orry to report two accidentes during the paît weak. On ",Tuesday afternoon Miss C. Stewart wam drivlng on the Taunton r6ad north of 0hawa when the cair ahead topped uddenly. She wam uniabie to $top fla time Se racelved a suddeni jolt and aime bruimes from c ontact wlth the steerlag wheel, Mr, Art Low wam busy cloing lecetrical instala,,tion a( the home of Mr, Mininie \Wybonga when hie jack kilife lpped and pierced hlms arm, causing rapid bieed- ilng. Ha was rvmhed tw Oshawa General IfopitàlWe under- stand thase two aire maklng a 1rapld recovery and ut Urne of wrltlng are at homne, A fine 'than-kegiving service wae held la Kendai Ulted Church on Sunday mernhing , The joir sang a niew anlthemn entitled "A -Mansion in~ the Skyl'. Rev. G. Mlontgomery choie ai hlm icripture reading Farmers De Go On Stri Farmers ao noi, ta'ke ii upon thlemiselves to go on strike andi deprive Canadians of their daily bread. Neither therefore do the), believe that farra workers have this right. frank W,01, first vice-president of the Ontario Federation of Agriculture, said at the Inter- national Plowing Match today that granting this right to strike would put the decimion over the life and dedoaW of Canaffians goýnerally in the hiands of a few. Recent news stories have seriously nmusrepresented QFA's position, Wall îaýys, OFA agrees with LabGr Min- ister Andras that fan work- ers have the right to organizo and fori a union. Ir they do create a repreientative or- ganization, thon we wtill recognize it as their legitîra- ate spokesmn" Wall i also Cha,>iirma Qof the OFA labor Commhttee, Fariners who hiroemnploy c'es have long recognizeti that, hike theniselves, their work- ers are underpaid. As tarin incomies have improveti over the past two vears, fanonr hiavýe incereased propQrthonate- Iv the wagcs they pay, Most farmers value their helpeons as an indhspenishbho part of their operation. At least one organization on public funlds is activelv tryhng )N ot ke to stir up farrta workons a gainst the farinons who hire theni. 1 do not believe that the Canadian taxpayer wouid frrely choose to spenti his tax dollars on these activitiels, Wall states. The Ial3or stuation on the farni has its own difficulties but the widespread alienation of worker from eemployver is not one of therni Usually the fa ner employ-' er hires onfly a few n'men, lie works alongside themn, and lie knows tlie worker and his fanilypersoiiàllv. Ontarlo Telophone Service Commission I'earlng Communlty Telephone * Company The Orntario Telephone Service Commission wili open a Public Hearlng on Moniday, October 28th to consider an application with the Communlty Telephone Company of Ontario Limiteci for an iricrease in telephone rates. The Commission wiII meet et M000 amý et the Howard Johnson's Hotel, DIxon Road *and Hlghway 27, Toronto, Onta rie. It willI reconvene et Hillsburg, Ontario on November 51-h, 1974 et 7.30 p.mý in the Hlllsburg Cormunlty Centre. It wilI reconvene et KIngston, Ontario on Novem ber 7th, 1974 et 7.30 p.m. In the 401 Inn, corner of Highway,401 antd Division Road, interested persons are invlted to appear et these hem rings. TELIPHONE 9835536 ACCOMMODAT ION AND FOOD OF EXCELLENCE LICENCED DINING LOUNGE SPEIALIZINO IN (cilgfffi5 £tr'ie %oaot etef minnetv Noone'. Hotel 1 Uýestauraft Hwy. 115.&35 9 Mile, North oî401 RJR. 2 ORONO Your Bosts EILEEN & OIRRY NOONI PUMPING OUJT SEPTIC TANK~S Bert Tompkins Phone ?86-Z55à