NOTICE, The unidersigned makes noiethat be will no, beý responisible for debts,încur-red7 by Mrs. Carol Anne Eastra- brook. Donald R., Eastrabrook 9-16-25 -~ ('j (q s W. FRANK SREAL ESTATE: :LIMITED * Reator *234 King Street East *BOWMANVILLE e * 623-3393 e Toronto 923-9174 * :Port Hope office 8854543& * For prompt, courteous,* : efficient service whene *buying or selling and for the largest selection:le *of properties in the areat * Contact * Orono Area 9 Bepresentativms * Charlie Reid *l * 983-5914 Roy Foster* > 983-5801 @William TuranskyO i (Kendal1) 983-5420 * Dane Found e * 623-3965 * Ron Hurst * 983-5131 e @Christa Winterhelto 983-5465 *Judy Schuett * * 983-5016 Mister T.V. Towers 378 King St. W. Oshawa, Ontarïo Phone 723-9525 Herb and Gerry Duvail 983-5108 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING ELECTRIC HEATING Electrical Appliances T.V. - COLOUX T.V. RADIO - HI-FI WVESTIN'GHOUSE _RCA 'ELECTRoHOÔME Guaranteed Service Dave's Plumnbing Heating E lectrica I Industrial - Commercial Residential Free Estimates 786-2471 R. R.1, Orono VENEZIA Plestaurant HWY 115 and 35 12 Mile South of Orono -Phone 993-5651 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK We Specialize in: Pizza - Meals ALSO Weekend Specials Oxford BRICKLAYERS STONEMASONS Fireplaces Chimney Repairs AIl1 types of House Remodellrlg Ceramic TiIes F Iagstones Patio Slabs Concrete Jobs PHONE 983-5606 TENDERS THE NORTHUMBERLAND AND NEWCASTLE BOARD 0F EDUCATION Tenders are invited for the supply of One (1) Ryan Tracaire Turf Aerator (or equivalent). Tenders will close Monday, November 4th', 1974 at 10:00 a .m. Specifications may be ob- tained from the office of: M.A. MacLeod, Business Administrator and Treasurer, The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education, Box 470, 834 D'Arcy Street North, COBOURG, Ontario. K9A 4L2 ORONO PAPER DRIVE SATURDAY OCTOBER 26th 9 a.mI. Please leave papers tied at roadside. For indoor pickup caîl 983-5716. Thankyou frorn Sigma-C, Boy Scouts, Cubs,' Youth G roups. a-c ATT EN TIOUN * Apple Piekers'and * General Farm Workers * I wanted in area farmns * Apply at: CANADA FARM LABOUR POOLI 53 Albert St., Cobourg I 416-372-8737 14A Young Stree t Brighton, Ontario M 613-475-0344I * 123 King St., EastI * Bowmanville,OntaricI * 416-623-4794I mmm mmmmmm mmmum Umm MOTORCOACH TO URS TO FLORIDA FOR CHRISTMAS 15 DAY DE LUXE CIRCLE DEPARTS DECEMBER 21st PRICED FROM $275.00 15 DAY ECONOMY DEPARTS DECEMBER 21st PRICED FROM $2 15.00 il DAY SPECIAL, DEPARTS DECEMBER 26th PRICED FROM $205.00 Nonight driving on the above tours. For brochure contact: TRENTWAY TOURS LTD. P.*O. BOX 772, PETEgBOROUGH, ONT. Phone Tol Free * 1-800-461-7615 9-16-23-30-ac HORTICULTURAL NOTICE Orono Horticultural Society Faîl Show and program will be held on Thursday, October 24 at 8. p.m. at'the Church. Corne and enjoy an, evening out. Everyone welcome. 15-23 COMING EVENTS Lockhart Parents Associat- ion is holding a rummage and bake sale in the gym at Lockhart School, Saturday afternoon October 26th, at 1.00 p.m. Everyone welcome, but sale donations gladly accepted. Call 987-4378. CARD 0F THANKS 1 would like to extend my sincere thanks to friends, relatives and neighbors for their kindness in sending me flowers, gifts and cards dur- ing my stay in hospital and to Rev. L ong and Rev. Smith for their visits. A special thank you to Dr. Westgarth, Dr. Grant, nurses and staff of Memorial Hospital also for the fast efficient service of the, Bowmanville Ambulance. MURIEL PATTON -ap AUCTION SALE SATURDAY OCTOBER 26th The houseliol contents of Mr. 4,nd Mrs 4J. Ordonez, R.R.Ï Ntwçfl, brono, 7th Conce~sion Àf Clarke Twp., 1 mile west from Kirby. Kenmore Electric Stove (24 in.), 2 year old - Philo Side by side Fridge and Freezer, Cold Spot Deep -eezer, (like New), Auton tic Clothes Washer, 5 pc. Çitchen set, Metal Cabinet, Lazy Boy Recliner with Vibrator, Bed Chesterfield, Lamps, Smoker Stand, Hall Table (Claw feet) Double bed and mattress, 2 chests of drawers, 2 continen- tal beds 0/4 size) night tables, runners, Johnny Pole, Fan, Folding Picnic Table, Kitchen Stool, Small Electrical Appi- iances, dishes, pots and pans and kitchen needs, tools, wheel bartow, lawn chairs, garden tools, roto-tîller (5 hp), 4 cycle mower, and other items: Note: the above appl- iances are in very good condition. Plan to attend. Refreshments available. TERMS: CASH NO RESERVE STAPLETON BROS. AUCTIONEERS 786-2953 HO01U S E TOU R *Saturday,. Novembeir 2ndI 10.00 a.m. - 4.00Op.m. I * TEA SERVED AT ODDFELLOWS HALL from 2.00 to 4.00 p.m. I * FIRST HOUSE TOUR FOR THE KINETTE CLUB * 0OF THE GREAT PINE RIDGE CLUB I Maps and Brochures availahieI I Tickets wilI be available at Mom's Kitchen on Main Street, Orono, on day of tour fromn 9:45 a.m. TICKETS WIILLRF AVAIT 4BLE ATI I ~ 983-5390 * Proceedis for CystiC Fibrosis * $2.0per person Apples Honey' Pea rs Cider, F R ED'S FRUITMARKETI HIGHWAY 115 SOUTH 0F ORONOI Newcastle Recreation Department GIr'sGym Class AGE CATEGORY: T to 12 years old WEDNESDAY EVENINGS, 6: 30 t o 8: 00 p. m PLACE: Bowmanvjlle High School REGISTRATION FEE: $8.00 for 20 weeks STARTS: NOV E M B E Rth, 1974 INSTRUCTOR: MRS. R. RICKARD Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority BALL'S MILL CONSERVATION AREA, BALTIMORE, ONTARIO TENDER FOR CONSTRUCTION 0F PARKING AREAS Sealed tenders addressed to the Secretary-Treasurer will bie received at the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority Office, 56 Queen Street, P.O. Box 328, Port Hope, Ontario, until 5: 00 p.m. Wednesday, October 30th, 1974. For the construction of 2 parking areas with a total of 78 spaces and short access roadls, including: clearing, grubbing, stripping, topsoil, grading ditches, Granular A & B and 1 each acceleration and deceleration lanes. Plans and tender forms miay bie obtained from the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority Office in Port Hope, and from the consulting engineer, Knox, Martin, Kretch Limited 1 City Centre, Bramalea, Ontario, L6T 3R6,, upon deposit of $10.00. Deposit will bie refunded in full to bona fide te nderers. Lowest or any tender will not'necessarily bie accepted. D.H. PALME R Secretary-Treasurer Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority.