6-ORON() WFEKIy TIME'S, OCTOBER 23rd, 1974 Orono brownies news October l6th, 1974. ke's Lechrauan's won this We started the meeting with, prize by bringing in ail the- "Outdoor Nature Puzzle";, Puzzle. An example of one called Find Me. Patty Blash- puzzle is 'mr gold, and 1 mnak e some people sneeze. AnPswer is Golden Rod. Each oneI of the six received a bubblegumn. The sixes were theni- formed and the Elves and Lechrauans had perfect attendance and collection. The six songs were sung really good this week, but still nieed Ipractice. Three grouips were formied: One group still worke-d on Sign Language, -while another worked on "How to Shine a Shoe." BADGES PASSED) Salute, Sing and HIandshake Sherri Sharp, Kelly' vAnderson, Anigela West, Cindy Sparks, Shelly Farrow. BROWNIE SMILE Kim SHerwin, Julie Harri- man, Eileen Aldrecad, Jackie We'sth1)rook We hen playved "U'nder the Chair, coat onl." After this we had crafts where each brownie, coloured a picture of' a Brownie,- Activity. ~ii~ DIMMER SWITCH Create a soft, invitîng atmos- phere in vour home at this low price. Push-on, push-off operation with 600 watt capacity. 399 AUXILIARY NIGHT LATCH The Burglar Baffler -wîtb 5 pin lumbler cylinder locking action for maxi- mum security. INTERMATIC [AMP LYTER Thîs,24-hour automiatic plug-in timer turns bouse lîghts on and off wbîle you're away gîivîng an empty bouse an', "at home" look. Police and insu r-îNI ance companies recommend thî 72 DO.IION HARDWREJ DA YS ARE GE TTING SHOR TER.. L EA VES ARE FA L LING.. ? LL IS HERE A ND WE HA VE RO0UNDED UP S OME BA RGA INS FOR THE SEA SON ELECTROHOME HUMIDIFIER An excellent bargaîn at this price. Qesigned for small homes and apartments, the cabinet s walnut finished and bas a 4 gallon capa- city in the plastisol lined tank wîth 2- speeri control. This unit uses t he Humidi- Pad metbod of water distribution for maxi- mum effîcîency. - 'CEDAR JUMOO SPONGE MDP Extra large sponge on thîs mop makes short work -of spilîs and floor, cleanu p. The squeeze iandle and bhead are. 3 41 n colorful plastic. SPRING-BRÀCED il 9 LAWN BRUME RAKE1. Efficient sweepîng action wîll rîd yolu r lawn of leaves and clippings quîckly. A good - addition to your m garden tools collec- tion.at this season of the year. CHARGEX Your dealers wî Il endeavour ta keep a quantlty of each advertised item in stock to meet ail reasonable customer demands. In the event that the supply of one or more items becomes exhausted, your dealer will require f ive days ta obtain the items, at no extra charge, from their warehouse. If any items are un- av ailable, your dealer reserves the right to substitute iterms of equal or better qudlity t the 5amç.price. VINYL & CARPET MAT A lfe saver for you and your carpets and floors. Just in time for rainy faîl weatber, this mat measures 18" x 30" and comes in7 assorted colors. l1 2 1 GSW Garbage Can in Avocado StSee New, colorful and strong. Heavy gauge steel conýstruc- tion and 16 gallon capacity miake t bis garbage can a 6 3 good investment 9 thîs faîl. [[el EE . olph Domninion Hardware Orosio, Ont@ TelePhone 983-5207 ____j