2-ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, OCTOBER 3th, 1Ù74 oroxito weçkly times Second Class Mlail Registration Number 6368 Published Every Wednesday At the Office of Publication SUBSCRIPTION RATES Canada $3.00 U.S.A. $4.50 r lm INDECISION MULTIPLIES PROBLEMS The Town of Newcastle council of recent days appears to be plaqued with a cuit of indecision in their handiing of the affairs of the municiplaity. Not to be exciuded is the closing of the Orono office, the decision regarding the Rice Mobile -Home proposai in the south of the municipality. Indecision in regards the issuing of' a building permit to John Liptay has also oroloneed this isq11e long hevond reas'n In the case of the Orono office counicil has accepted a report from a committee that the office be closed when it -becomes feasible to do so. This is hardly any answer to the issue for what constitutes the feasibility for either losing or keeping the office open. Surely council could have been more decisive in their approach to the. question. Counci's action has decided nothing. The decision on Rice Construction is again only a play of words which setties nothino on the mobile home schemne in the south of the trunicipaltty. Tney flave only partially answered the question àc'ld left it open'for more time and debate and persuasion of council. Rice no doubtblas a definite plan and would appreciate a definite answer but on his last proposai has only recieved a partial answer. In the Liptay case council, as pointed out by Counicillor Ivan Hobbs bas lone almost everything te see if the applicat could Ireceive a permit. According to the laws of the municipality it was quite clear in the first case that a permît couid ixot be granted and so should have been stated at that time. There really should have been no reasonto ask legal advise if the road was an unimproved or approved road infront of the property. The term is used repeatedly in the iaws of the municipality and surely council must know or at least their staff the condition of the road. Decisive answers are appreciated by the majori.ty of the public and they mnake for good administration and justice for ail. WHAT ABOUT ECONOMY Af ter attending a number of meetings regarding die piacing of the Hydro transmission lines through this area we have become convinced that interest groups and individuais wili only view the problem on a narrow basis. The Conservationîst is only concerned about nature, the farm organization is oniy concernied about farm land and the indivklual is only concerned about his own property. Ail view the hydro uines as a destructive article possibly being imposed upon them. And further to this the politician folows the vocal group. The- Conservationist is committed as is. the agricuituralist to the protection of their property. If -fact were faced on a logicai basis the hydro lines are net going to destroy the forests or destroy the farms. It may be an inconvenience but not a destructive force. The lines could reduce the value of property for deveiopment but surely not as forest land and agriculturai land. Throughout the meetings very little has ever been mentioned in the economy of one route over another'and in fact this is somnething that does affect everyone because ail are users of hydro. Increased costs of constrcution in this area over the juggling of route could weli be multiplied a number of times over the entie route. This mounts the costs and the final hydro bill for everyone. Maybe it is time to consider the end consumer. John DéeWith Real Estate Limited Realtor Bowmanvillie 623-3950 and 623-3111 For prompt, efficient ,service when buying or selling Contact: Joe Barnoski 786-2202 Ross Davidson 277-2321 Randy Tfiompson Orono, Ontario Phone 983-5759 Carpentry ,Work Renîodelling We build from the foundation upý after cattie arr:ive at the feediot and sometimes devel- ops s0 quickly that infected animais die before anyone notices they are sick. The symptons of sleeper's syndrome resembles those of polio and shipping fever. A high fever is the first sign afterwhich the cattie appear to be sleepy and severeiv depressed. It wvalks with its head down, is reluctant to move, duil in appearance and off its feed. The animal becomes stiff and Orono brownies WED. OCTOBER l7th We formed into two teams adpiayed Switch and Hats and Scarves, then we played Shoo Fiy Don't Bother Me. Our sixes were then formed and collection and attendance taken. Our Brownie circle was formed and we decided on having a Costume Halloween Party on October 3Oth. We are ail to come in costumes toi be judged. Tawny Owl's grnups then were tested on "ýCleaning their Shioes',. where they bring in shoes to dlean. The foiiowing passed this badge:- Chariene Jackson, Haley Pot- tan, Sonya Brachvogei, Tammy Sparks, Nancy Cow- an, Colleen Mcbeod, Wendy "Stacey, Janet Stevenson, Nancy Bridger, Naomi Brown Lori Lycett, Michelle James, Kathryn Lyden. Snowy Owl's group planted buibs in containers. This group is to keep a diary of the groWth of the bulb, and bring the diary in when the bulb has bloomed. The tweenies were ail given Octupus who have eight legs. Each leg was separated'in three rows and they were to braid. They must learn how to braid., After ail groups were fin- ished we went and dîd crafts. We macle pictures of what we liked and then put miik weed fluff and seeds on them. This is working towards our artist, badge. We would like to thank Mrs. Pottan, we coming to Brown- les and helping out with the Tweenies. "SLEEPER's SYNDROMIE" Iatest cattle dis ease 1Ontario cat -tie breeders who have been warned recently about bruceliosis now have another disease to be conc ern- ed about which could ravage thei 'r herds. SRod Stork, assistant agri- cultural representative for Durham reports on the Sieep- er's syndrome. It usually strikes shortly I )f It 245OT'73 M.P. 20- Letterheads are our specialty. Choose a creative design and we wiII print them up fast. Business cards, forms, pamphlets. ORONO WEEKLY TIMES' PH ON E-983-5301 Willim C. Hall, B om Cha rtered Accountant Phone Newcastle. 987-4240 ALL DAY WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY jmmmm m m m DX SERVICE STATION' * Highway 35 and_ 115, just north of Newcastle I Premium Quaiity Prgducta [JAt the Most Raoal PricesI Stove 011 U Diesel 0O1U Avalable in any quantityI Phone 987-4215 ç Getour *pri ce f irst!e :DIESE L FUEL: *GASOLINE * *MOTOR OILS e *FARM TANKSAN *PUMPS AVAILABLE* *FRANCIS : *TENNANT * FUELS *AND SERVICE Phone * 983-5693 e *Orono e ADULT COUNSELLING SERVICE [f you want te do ;ometblng about your edficato ... yen probabiy can. See Your Aduit Counsellor EVERY TUESDAY NIGHT 7 to 9at the NEW BOWMANVILLE HIGH SCHOOL GUIDANCE OFFICE The service is free - confidential - and no appointaient ls necessary. MARGARI NE BONUS, OFFER 20 % Extra for 21 SpecIaIIy Formulated for Cholesterol-Reciucod Diets PFrom Your Gleil Rue Home D.lvery Salosman Rue It'Goo walks with an unsteady gait. Complete paralysis develops prior to death. (harles Reid Orono's Licensed Auttioneer Valuator Specialize in Farm Fufrniture Sales Consuit me for tenus and dates Phone Orono 983-5914