6-ORON() WEEKLY TIMIES. OCTOBER :;Oth, 1974 osdrn omn I ~? Ildi'Ratepay&,ers Associaion, RACING NOW ON SATURDAY ONLY The Kawartha Raceeay for the remainder of this year will hold one weekly event [beinig on -Saturday. The last Thursday evening race was held last week. On Saturdav aatthe Kawartha bath Derek Newmanand Junior West chalked up wins at the Kawartha. Newman's win came in the tenth race with a time of 2.11 driving James Phairs horse Tarpot Scotty'ý. Junior West and Keith West placed seventh i and ighth in the samne race with Jaco Chief and Donna Duke )ceê. Wes's wýin camne in the third event af the night with King Direct, a horse owned by G. and M. -Robinsan of Newtonville. The win ca me with .a time of 2.11.4. The opening event of the night was wan by Stewarts Flyer with Junior West second driving Our Fticka. In the fifth race Junior West again finished second this time with Stcwart's Tartan. The win went ta Rager Ringa. Gord Irwin placed sixth with Angela Grattan. Three Orana drivers cangregated in the eighth event which win went ta Koala's Maid in 2.08.4. Juniar West was third with Geisha Richelieu, Keith West fourth with the new S West-Martin horse, Sunset Anne and' Gord Irwin sixth with Hoot Van. The feature for the night. the ninth. was won by Choclate Cherry with Arts and Batties second and Stewart's Battle third. Tennis Club- Iooking toward bright, future The Orono Tennis club held a Most successful meeting and dinner an Sunday in the mnain hall of the Orono United Church with close ta fifty in attendance. The graup enjay- ed Kentucky Fried chickeni and salad and followed the dinner -wi th the annual mieet-. ing. The business portion of the, nieeting was sparked with solm-e new ideas ta be cansid- ered for th, Coing yýears INSTALL AN FURNACE BOILER 4 HUMIDIFIER YR HOT WATER H1EATER No paymients toi, six months Harvey Parner Vaur Essom Service Deater Free Estimates 983-5206 Orono 1PLUMBIUNG 1-11EAÊTI1N G Sales 2AndService N 24 HOUR BURNER SERVICE GULFFI NCN lowintereât Ratea_ IPhone: Tyrone 2632C50 GI Z'. Don't Leave It to Chance Be sure your home is truîly Nprotected 1)'yva good policy. Cali us now. MKVIlison Insurance Agency . Office: Corner, of Church and Cobbîedick Street with thehope of stimulating intercst in the cl ub. The club lis cansidcring paving the outer edges of the courts ta the fence as wcll as apply a special paint covering ta anc of the courts. Also in the uine of ncw impravements the club is hopeful of arranging tourna- ments with ther clubs in 1975, a that bas been lacking with the local club in the past. A spring mecting-will also be hcld at whichi tim'c it is hoped that furthcr imprave- monts can bc discusscd and irnplcmented for an early' start in the new year. Mrs. Peggy Sawycr gave the financial repart of the club and it was found that the club was in good financial position ex en ta the point of financing new improvements. paid tribute 1The club paid tribute ta Mr. and Mrs.. Joe Ordonez for the assistance they had given especially with the youngcr players. Mr. Ordonez bas conducted classes for the junior members during the past twa or thrce years and the club expressed their appreciation by presenting A group from the former Darlington- Haydon area are considering the formation of a ratepayers association. The group of some 22 met on Friday eveningand set up a committee of six ta, investi- gate the possibility of a ratepayers association. John Liptay, one of the group, and one who bas been seeking a building permit to build in the Heydan area, said the association would be a "watch dog" an counicil as welI as letting council know what the people wanted. He said he was not seeking the organizatian of the associa- tion just because he bas been unable ta obtain a' building permit. The group was disappointed with the turnout and some feit, if only 22 out of 28,000 wcre interestcd it was hardly worthwhile forming the asso- ciation. Councillor Don Wearn was present at 1t h feeting and stated that the council meet- ings were not attended to any great dcgree by the residents of the area. He also referred ta the lack of interest in candidates seeking election.' The graup is loaking into the aperation and by-laws of the Bowmanville ratepaye rs as- sociation *which operated from 1954 to 1960. bath with a gift. Mr. and Mrs. Ordonez lef t ta live in Califar- nia this week. OFFICERS ELECTED Mr. Dick Rutherford was electcd president of the club *with Mrs. Lowes as vice-pre- sident. -Mrs. Peggy Sawyer continues as tréasurer with Miss Janet Duvail acting as secî'etary. Mr. David Fields, past president, will hold an oftice as advisor for the coming ycar. The club alszo set a tirst by electing a Junior executive group which includes David Ard, Margot BPayne, Chris Selby and Yvonne Schoen- maker. This group, it was felt, could have dloser contact -wi th thie younger players on the club. Tihe club is iooking forward' Io a most act;ive and success, fui year in 1W75. Pro School, Reading The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Educa- tion, at their recent meeting showed concern over the reading habits of children. This came before the board when they were discussing the curriculum committee repart. It was teit tmat. parents shauld be encauraged ta read ta their children, especially the pre-schoaler and ta, stimu- late an interest in books with the child. Just how ta do this presented another problem. It was stated that the pre-schoal preparatian of stu- dents 'for school was very important. Mr. Pattersan said that parent-teacher groups and the board cammittees were working towards more involment and input. The Port Hope representa- tive on the board said that most libraries does have story-telling periods for pre- schoolers and feit that a follaw-up could give depth-ta the program. She also cau- tioned that the board should not lay down tao many rules' and regulations that might frighten parents. TIEYRE INTHE MONEYIATELY A FEW WEEIS AGO THEIR DOCTOR PUTTHEMION ASTRICT DIET,1 Elmer 's Garage TEXACO SERVICE Miii St. North, Orono n tro d u c in g - e; *# Ben-aGayGe A new fashiôhed remedy for an oId fashisoned problem A cear ron-greasy, fast-absorbing externat analgesie, with the modern feel of gel 85G $2.06 35G $1.16 Stutt's Pharmacy PHONE OBONO 983-5009 Hockey Notice There wiII be a meeting, 'at the Orono Arena on Sunday,, Novemf- ber 3rd at 7.30 p.m. for ail those interested in coaching, managing or referring this; year. PIease plan go attend. Thank yôu. ORONO AMATEUR ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION The Corporation of the. Town of Newcastle Noice Revision and Certification of the Assessment Commissioneris List School Support Entry Last day for fiIing an appeal November 1, 1974 Notice is herebygiven that pursuant to Section 516 of, The Municipal Acet and, the Ontario Regulation 374- 72 as amended, I have posted up at my office, on October 23rd, 1974, a copy of the assessment Com mîssioner's List showing the School Support for ail persons Who are qua lified to direct taxes 'for the taxation year 1975. The persons who are qualified tao direct taxes are: Ownters, Joint Ownerés,-Tenants or Joint Tenants. 1 hereby call upon ail persons qualified to dir ect taxes in the Town of Newcastle to take immediate proceedingîs to have any errors corrected, the iast day for appeal being - November lst, 1974. Revision of the list for a change in School Suppor t will commence on November 2, 1974 in the Clerk's Office, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanvi11e, Appeal forms for Alteration of your School Support' are available at the Clerk's Office. Dated at the Towvn of Newcastle, this 23rd jday of October 1974. J.M. Mellroy, A.M.C.T. lerk Corporation of the Town of Newcastle TRUSzT ADSAVINGS CORPORATION PAYS YOU O10Y2% O1-5 YEAR GUARANTrEED, INVESTMENT CERTUFICATES fnterest payable Haif Yearty ot mly be Compounded to.Maturity Piiblivhed ra4iý'çfu1)jeý t et change u ithout notice, contact your LOCAL FINANCIAL ADVISOR