LOCAL GROWN25 CANADA NO. 1GRADE Cabbage2<049 FIA VO RFUI PROD UCE OF U.S.A. Cello Spinach 10 Q SWEET &t JUICY PRODUCEOFREP.OFS.AFRICA Outspao Oranges,)'(')" IIA[IO (I'N TIFAT j PRODUCE OF 0 S A Peanuts in the Shenl2 ~ IGA RIPPIE OR REGULAR HIGHIINER BOSTON BLUE 61/2 O Potato Chips o 390 Fish in Batter DÉ[0 SOUTH FROZEN (CONCENTRATED> RIO CHOICE PURE PAK 100% PURE FROM FIORIDA SIICED FROZEN Orng uie1?2 FI -39e Strawberries <PREPRICEO 2 FOR 11) LONG SPAGHETTI OR READY-CUT MAI HOILANDIA- ICE WAFERS,GRANDMOTHER Cem te SUGAR., COFFEE SPRITES OR SHORTBREAD) FINGERS rante Bicut 8 TO 12-Oz, 2 89E BAN Bicis1PIKGS. 2FOR PR8UCR BAN WEREERE HERIHTTO LIMIT GUANTITIES Baby Edam Cheese Pl lAGý OZ 791 15 OZý PKG. ACAR ON I 2 LB 590 PKG. 1.79 Beef e;44LX m, Coloring.. t s truc we -sllop vwth our eyes-'but in the case of iree f don tl let celor interfere witir your îudgment of_ quaiitp. Wtrei first cut, beel is pur p lsh-ted. This s due to thee muscle pigment called myuglobie b-eing deprived of onyget I(myoglobini. simî'Jar te the bluudpigrment heeruglubielJ.After expuirure te thre i ,t the mysplobin, îcouplex prutein pigment, reacts wth tire xygen te 1utin, uuYmyoglubin -tire brîght-red celer Yeu Ceein thre ,,,ca counter. Alter keepîîrg thre Ipeat nici 0ortriage fer a dan urtwt* yeu itnuy notice anuther change tl will touna rrewnish- red ce r. Agaînpins s neut an indication uf puier qualîty, Iiiiitarther it s theient raturaI culer change. Preeîdîng theireirrat is pruperly sturedatutibenne furthtie recomt îîreîîded tune tl shouîld be sale te eut and gîce peu geed i .tiing satsfaction, Mm. Green is aialable to talk "shopping" 10 groups. Write 300 The East Mali, lsington. Ontario M98 688 or' call (416) 259-"33. Jjit f l fljr\ îlFXljP liit-D inItýýýýý rý '1ý