,vw. 7 'ý« Moi c 1 , M - ýý ORONO WEEKLY 1 IMES, <>(TOBER 30th, 1974 -~ ('J ('1 :W. FRANK : REAL ESTAIE: LIMITED *234 King Street East * BOWMANVILLE * 623-3393 * Toronto 923-9174 * :Port Hope office 8854543 :*T rpromp4 ,courteous,. *efficient service whene :b:ying or selling and: :frtelargest selection: *lof properties in the ares4I * Contact * Orono Area * epresentativm * Charlie Reid * 983-5914 <«Roy Foster: * 983-5801 *William Turansky: (Kendal1) * 983-5420 *Dane Found * 623-3965 * Ron Hurst * 983-5131 e Srista Winterheltp * 983-5465 *Judy Schuett: * 983-5016 RONtlO ELCTRIO Herb and Gerry uvail ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING ELELTYRIC HEATING Electiienl pi cs TX.,. - COLOUR T.V. Pl - HM-1 DCA, L1E, VENEZIA Restaurant HWY 115 and 35 '9Mile South of Orono Phone 983-5651 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK We Specialize in: Pizza - Meals ALSO Weekend Sp ecials Oxford BRICKLAYERS STON EMASONS Fireplaces ChimnneyRepairs Ail types of House Remodelirtg Ceramic Tiles Flagstones Patio Slabs Concrete Jobs PHONE 983-5606 FORTH COMING MARRIAGE Mr. and Mrs. Allan Gerrow are pleàsed to announced the forthcoming marriage of their daughter Joan Alain to Robert Maurice Barrabail on Nov- ember 9th, 1974 at the Salvation Army Citadel, Bow- manville at 4 p.m. DEATH NOTICE BOUGHEN: Alice Maude at Newtonville, on October 3th, 1974. Alice Boughen in her 8lst year. Wife of the'late Robert Robinson and the late Ralph T. Boughen. Loved mother of Ewart and Morley Robinson, Newtonville, Wallace Bough- en, Newtonville; June (Mrs. Adam Stec), Orono, Edward of Oshawa;' and Jim of Port Hope. Rested at the Barlow Fun- eral Home, Park Street, Orono. Service was held on Friday at 2:00 p.m. Interment Orono Cemetery. Also s urvived by seventeen grandchildren and ten great grandchildren. STORAGE SPACE FOR RENT Phone 983-5272 ARTICLES FOR SALE New Skates for sale. As- sorted sizes a nd mnakes. Priced from $5.00 to $11.00.. Cail 983-5962. a-c COMING EVENTS Kendal UnitedChurich Bazaar mill be held on Sat. Decemîher 9th in tChe churceh sehool, Home baking, sew,,ing, knittedr goods, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of STINSON OSGOODE MARTIN, late of the Town of, Newcastle, in the Regional Municipality of Durham, Superintendent. All persons having dlaims against the above Estate are required to send full particul- ars of such dlaims to the undersigned Executor on or before the 27th day of Novem- ber, 1974, af ter which date thc Estate assets wiIl be distri- buted having regard only to dlaims that have- then been received. ALFRED M. ECCLESTONE, 0f the City of Toronto, in the Municipality of Metropolitan, TOronto, Executor. By MESSRS. SHUYLER, ECCLESTONE, GREEN & CHYKALIUK, Solicitors, Suite 1007, 110 Vonge Street, Toronto, Ontario. NOTICE RESERVE *SAT. DECEMBER 7th Sfor Heather Social Club Bazaar Homemade Xmas Cakes can be ordered by phoning Betty Major at 983-5842. 5-12-a-c NOTICE Senior Citizens wiIl meet on Thursday, November 7th at eight. o'clock in the Oddfel- lows Hall. Everyone Welcome a-p CARSFOR SALE 71 Pinto, 4 speed, 39000 miles, new snow tires, good condition $1600 or best offer cal ,983-5104. THE NOR TH UMBERLAND AND NEWCASTLE BOARD 0F EDUCATION HELP WANTED, CARETAKER Applications will be receiv- ed by the undersigned, until Thursday, November 14th, 1974 for the position of Supply Caretaker, 40 hours per week at the various schools. Knowledge of cleaning mnaterials and caretaking Procedures preferred. Ability to work from verbal and written instruction and with other people required. Reply in wvriting stating qualifications, address, and telephone nuin bei' to: TENDER The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Educat- ion invited tenders for the supply and installation of a. Master Antenna Televîsion System at the Clarke Senior Elementary School. Ten ders will Ibe received by the' undersigned until 3:00 p.m. Wednesday, November l3th, 1974. Specification may be oh- tained from the office of:- M.A. MacLeod, Business Admînister The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Box 470, D'Arcy Street, Cobourg, Ontario. 189314 COMWING EVENT Reniembrance Service St. Saviouris' Anglican Church Sunday, November loth at 7: 00P.m. Canadian Legion, and Ladies Auxiliary, Ex Servicemen and Pipe band in attendance. Red Cross Blood+ Donors C(Unie Wednesda y, November 6th 1: 30 -4: 30P. m. 6: 30 - 9: 00 P. M. Lions Centre, Bowmanvifl, -Please help the Great Pine Ridge Kinsmen Club - help your cornmunity as Donors are urgently required. For free transportation please caîl 623-9010 on day of clinic., HELP WANTED Men and womnen requîredfoi, factory ork Positions oPen ini sanffing anditnoulding departmen4s. Ineelitive sy tiitagod benjeýfis Apply i person te soutk plan ofie Curvly Wood Producrts * TENDER Tenders will be received by the undersigned until 1:00 P.mi., Tuesday,- November- l29th, 1974, for asphaît paving at (lhe following schools. Brighton Public School, BRIGHITON Grafton Public School, Station Road, GRAFTON. Cobourg West Collegiate,,135 King Street, West, COBOURG Stockdale Public Schoolý R-R.1, FRANKFORD Specifications and drawings may ble obtained from ,the Office of: M.A. MacLeod. B~usiness Administrator and Treasurer, The Northumnberland and Newcastle Board of Education, 834 D'Arcy~street, North, Box 470, COBOURG, Ont. K9a 4L2, Apples Honey Pears F FRIED'S ,FRUIT MARKETI HIGHWAY 115 SOUTH 0F ORONOJ ÀATTENTIUN The Orono' Hockey Mothers are taking orders for hockey coats again on NOV EMB ER 9th at2: 00in the Orono Arena BOY COATS - $15.00 ADU LTS COATS - $19.41 inclu des tax and crest AâTTEN'TIOé"N 0 Farmers Farm, Workers1 I do you need I seasonal workers we are here tehelpI * or ful ime workers you find employment* * register with us now *CANADA FARM LABOUR POOL i I I 53 Albert St., Cobourg a * 416-372-8737 14A Young StreetI * Brighton, QntarioI * 613-475-0344 1 23King Sf.,.Ea-, à 'Bowvmanville, Ontitsl - * 416-623-4-794 . mmmm~Umm Mister -T. V. Towers 3'id King Si. W. Oshawa, Ontario Phone,723-9525 - j q q 111,I1,1WANTED, 88976 TIIE NORTHUMERLAND AND NEWCASTLE BOARD 0F EDUCATION Invites Applications from persons interested. in supply teaching for the school year 1974-75. Written applications should include:- - Qualifications - .Grade level gr subject area preferred - Geographical area prefer- red * .Proof of X-Ray indicating freedom from respiratory disease * .TELEPHONE NUMBER (This is MOST important) Applications should be mailed te: Mr. D.W. Patterson, Superintendent'of Planning, The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Educat- ion,, Box 470, Cobourg,; Ont. K9A 4L2