ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, NOVEMBJUR 6th 1974 -3 EXPECT EARIY REPORT iN ENTRANCE TO SCHOOL (Continued fromn pagel1) showed a constant ..uw of traffic on the highway with the report that it was almost impossible to exit fromn the school property under these condidtions. A previous public meeting asked that there be an immediate reduction of speed from 60 to 35 miles per hour on the highway from Newcastle to Enterprise. They aisô asked for new construction~ and traffic devises at the school entrance as well as improvement of Martîn's side .road east of the school and a widening of the school drive. Officiais of the school board stated that the board was on record as saying it will pay for improved lighting and a wideningz of the roadway inte, the scnooi. Dave Patterson, board sup- erintendant of planning asked that the road be marked as a school zone with large white arrows for the turn into the school. Jack Dunham, of the New- castle works department stat- ed it, was too late this year for his department to do any work in improving roads. James Peer of the ministry aiso pointed out at tue meeting that an -amber flash- ing light could cause confus-' ion at the entrance and ~rhaps not be as asset to the The report is to be available from the ministry within four to five weeks. * JACK * REALTOR 99 King St., E. BOWMANVILLE When Buying or Selliug* * Cai :IWILF 1HAWKE:0 * our Orono Aiea 6 * Representative de *983-5274 e Meriber of Oshawa ande 0 District Real Estate 0 Board Building a House? or remniodelling your present one? Then contact: Floyd Phone .983-5049, Orono Box 133 Ph. 668-3552 Sioffo rd Brothers Limited Manufacturers of Cemetery Memorials> 318 Dundas Street East WHITBY, ONTARIO KT%-RBY NEWS fhe family of Mr. and, Mrs. Ted Copping heid a surprise birthday dinner for their Dad at the home of Mr. an d Mrs. Bob Coppings and famiiy on Sunday, October 27th. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Bob Boyton and family, Peterborough. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Barnes and family, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Copping and family and:Mr. Cecil Tebbie of Orono. We were sorry to hear Mr. Ken Bail ha d injured an eye at work and, was off work for a <week. We hope it is ail better, by now. Last Thursday morning when it was se foggy a school bus with children on it mostiy from the, Kendal, Starkville area was involved in an accident while turning onto 115 highway, nporth of the, Kirby Kndergarten School. It was lucky that not anyone was seriously injured. Mrs. Mar- lon Tennant was one of the èars aiso invoived along with Fred Winn of Kendal. Mr. Scoffield a High Schooi teach- er at Clarke took to the ditch. Some say as many as eleven vehicles were involved one way and another. Kirby U.C.W. heid a tea and bazaar on Saturday afternoon at the church. It was lovely weèather for the occasion and they cieared around five hundred dollars we beleive. Thanks to ail who participat- ed. Leonia Wilson was the winner of the lucky door prize. The first card party of the season was held at Kirby Centenniai School on Satur- day evening with nine tables. High lady for the evening was Bernice Moffat prize donated- by Armstrongs I.G.A. and Frank Lane was high gent, prize donated by Rolphs Hardware. Phyllis Bugden was iow lady, prîze donated by Miss Burtis, and Charlie Cooper was low gent with the prize donated by Mrs.'Blaker. The holder of the lucky door number was Joan Couvier. Prize doanted by Stutt's Drug store. A big thanks to ail who donated the prizes and there is to be another car party on 'he seventh of December everyone welcome., Friends and relatives in the Kirby Area attended' the funeral on Friday of Mrs.' Alice Boughen of Newtonville, 'rom >Barlows Funeral Home, Orono. She Was a sister of Mrs. George Morton and Aunt of Mrs. Lawrence Harris our sympathy goes to ber famiiy and relatives. We were sorry to hear Rev. Basil Long was a patient in Bowmanviile Memorial Hos-' pitai last week. We under. stand he camne home on Friday. Hope he, is feeling much better. Miss Lorna Lowery attend- ed a banquet at Guelph on Saturday for the Orienteering club and received the award for the top Ontario Junior Oienteering Lady. congrat- ulations. Ron Lowry of New- Fastle came first for the men hbis brothér Jeff and Arthur Groot were aiso top winners in their classes. So Clarke took home the prizes congratulat- ions to ail. Ladies from Kirby attendeà the Bazaar and tea held at week. Miss Sharon Lowery, Pet- 'T7LUE CHECK'D "BRANflDED" erborough spent the weekend SHÉORT-RIB ROAS at home. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ruther- WELI TRIMMED - FOR BRAISINI ford attended a wedding at BLADE STE AK~S Bancroft on Saturday. FORMEAT LOAF OR BURGERS No layoffs GROUND CHUCK say GM IPRIDE,0F CANADA 16 OZ. PKU;. Canada- SKINLESS WIENI Although General Motors Corp. in the United States has TFRESH PICN 1IC STYLE SHOULDI implemented, plant layoffs P ORK ROASTS and a general cutback, in production, GM Canada ha" "MAPLE LEAF"' CHOPPED SUE'] n't been considering an> HO 1layoffs from its Oshawa H PE D SUEI'j plants, saîd a compa 1ny spokes M1%APLE LEAF' HINT OF MAPLI man today. "'After two record sales RINDLESS BAC( years in a row for GM Canada," said the compafly IMAPLE LEAFI ALL BEEF WIEJ ,pokesman, "we aren't con- sidering layoffs, from the WV E NE RS Oshawa plants." "THE-,RÉAL TEST IS IN THE EAI A Port niope iirm thougfl, B Ais OA T laying off 65 wvorkers. B A ER A T Although one GM officiai WELL TRIMMED noted that the car industry PORK BUTT CHOI here enjoys "a reciprocal" D JiL O market with the United States B L G A AL EA since some 40 percent of the LOG A MPFEA autos produced in Oshawa are P RK FA sold south of the border, P R O K FT lagging car sales in the U.S«. Haven't reached the point s Where they've affected Cana- C R N ISH 'S dian production. ERS ER 5 to 6 lb. avg. T' 16 oz. 'NERS 16 OZ.- kTING"'BONELESS MEATY JUICY PSI lb 8e F"6 oz. pkg. lb. 88e TY TENDER lb.-49e Orono il hb il * r: ~ lb. 96C b. $1.08 lb. 98e- lbý. 79e lb. 78e Ibo 69e . $1.28 lb. 88C b. $1.16