4- ORONO WEEI4 NEW FIRE HAL (Continued fr0i the new fire hall b must remember ing for the future, a close look.'" Councillor Ly2 local firemen he long time for a r they were, dep moral was goîng wrap it up", he Wearn stated thz logical to first UNITIB 1 ORGANIST4 DIREC Douglas]1 SUN. NOV. 1i ORONO UNITE] Church School Remembrai Service - il: KIRBY 1INITE] Worship Servief Church School Dial-A-Thougi KLY TIMES, NOVEMBER 6th, 1974 engineering report and tben, L fit it with a piece of property. )i page 1) "ýStay in your own area", saidi but said, "We Couin. Lyall, "we will look we are build-, after the fîre hall in New- please take csi. Mayor Riekard said hie was all said the as interested as anyone in ad waited a getting the ne w fire hall new hallhaix underway but said council Pressed and must be concerned with the downi. "Lets core centres ot tne smai said. Coun. urban areas and there was a at it seemed great need for their design. obtain the He stated that such a survey was now underway in the * Village of Newcastle and the * new building should fit into this design when and if ~ CI~UJ1 accepted. Coun- Hobbs said a fire hall Irzono Pastora on tit present site wouia not Charge be catching up with the times but rather going behind. Court. Lyall said that if Coun. .irste Hobbs made the decisions on tev B.E. ongthe fire hall in Bowmanville e.B.TE. Ln then hie knew littie about fire B.Th.halls. This brought Coun. '&CHOIR Hobbs back on his fee t to 'TOR defend the Bowmanville it ail. Eewell t was finally passed that the study be held. !Oth, 1974 Later in the meeting in deciding who would design the ,D CHURCI new fire hall Coun. Entwisle stated that the late John Lang - 10:00 a.m. had listed a number of fîrms rice Day who could do this work. Coun. :15 a.m. Wearn felt that council should get someone who had done :D CHURCH such design before and that they look at some of the new ýe-9:t-45 a.m, fire halls. - 11:00 a.m. Coun. Lvall asked what al the fuss was uver a Wree-bay >t 983-9151 cernent block building. Coun . Entwisle said it l>as to Up and down the bookstacks Th ursday, November 7th, 1974 ADULT Meta-Talk - by Gerard Nier- - enberg and Henry Calero (guide to hidden meanings -i .mconversation( Hard tp Swallow - bv Walter CARD 0F THANKS Kirby UC.W. wishes to Incerely thank ail those who so generously supported -Our bazaar- FOR SALE Four (4) - 15" Ford Wheels Cail 983-5650, s HE NO RTHUMBERLAND AND NEWCASTLE BOARD 0F EDUCATION TENDER Tenders will be received b3 ,he undersigned until 1:00 p.m, Tuesday, November l.2th 1974 for the supply andÉ installation of two (2) Auto. matic Oil flurnfers. Specifications may be ob tained from the Office of: - M.A. MacLeod, Business Ad- ministrator and Treasurer, The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Educat- ion, 834 D'Arcy Street, Box 170, Cobourg, K9A 4L,2. 88881 be better than that. Council gave approvalý to hire either ani engineer os architect to design the new f ire hall. With Epicure by Moffat f rom Rolphls you flot only get a LITTON/MOFFAT DE LUXE MICROWAVE OVEN " Exclusive digital timer " Micro-Browner steak grill " Defrost cycle for thawing frozeni food " Pyroceram icooking surface for easy cleaning * Extensive, thorough cook book vvith com plete, instructions là Model: MUC2484G * 24 3/116"W m 14 1/2"H x 16 7/8"D EPICURE 1000 *Glass backguard *Full widt h fluorescent light 1 1 *Continuous clean oven ,Smooth top cooking Plus-, 08Rotisserie *Automatic oven timer and minute minder .2 - 8" and 2- 6" elemnentS eTrue simimer elemnent 02 appliance outiets eModel: MSC3094 eColors: White, Avocado. Hlarvest GoId 0310-W x 47 1/2-FH x 23 3/4MD $575 0 0 DouluRou Hardware &rmOtal Stewart (why food prices keep rising and what can be done about it. Vedanta - by Olive Johnson (anthology of Hindu scrîp- ture'and poetry) The Country Music Encyclo- pedia - by Melvin Stewart (everthing -you want to know about your favourite singer) The Swarm 7 by Arthur Herzog (a novel of terror) The Murders of Richard TIl by Elizabeth Peters (novel) JUNIOR The Craft of Sail - by Jar Adkins (a primer of s7ilin.g) Nicholas Knock and otheî People - by Dennis Le( (nonsense poems) Recipes for Arts and Craft Imaterials - by Helen'Satti- er ) make you own inks, pastes, modeling compound Run Far, Run Fast,- by Walt Morey EASY READING AND PICTURE BOOKS Tubby and the Lantern - h-' AI Perkins Winnie the Pooh and Eeyore's Birthday - by A. A. Milne. WATSON'S ]Marine and Cycle Orono Phone 983-5343 PRINCE CRAFI' BOATS AMouette Snow Mobiles MeCtuUocla Chain Saws Repairs to ail makes of Lawis Mowers and 2 and 4 cycle Engines ALLOUEITE SNOWMOBILES Notice to Public School Supporters and Separate School Supporter s in the Tr'"- of Newcastle PROCEDURE FOR THE NOMINATION 0F PERSONS FOR THE ELECTION 0F SIX TRUSTEES TO THE NORTHUMBERLAND AND NEWCASTLE BOARD 0F EDUCATION TO REPRESENT THE TOWN 0F NEWCASTLE Nomination papers can be obtained at the Town Clerk's office, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmnanville. Nomination papers must be filed at the office of the Clerk of the Town of Newcatle from Thursday, NovembeK 7th, 1974 to Tuesday, November 12th, 1974, during business hours (9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.) exclusive of Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Six trustees to be elected as follows:- Ward 1 Former Township of Darlington - Two Trustees Ward 2 Former Town of Bowmanville - Two Trustees Ward 3,Former Township of Clarke & Village of Newcastle - Two Trustees PROCEDURE FOR THE NOMINATION 0F PERSONS FOR THE ELECTION, 0F ONE TRUSTEE BY THE SEPARATE SCHOOL SUPPORTERS FOR THE NORTHUMBERLAND AND NEWCASTLE BOARD 0F EDUCATION Nomination papers can be obtained at the Town Clerk's Office, 40 Teixperance Street, Bowmanville. Nomination papers must be filed at the office of the Town Clerk of the Town of newcastle, 40 Temnperance Street, Bowmanville from Thursday, Novem ber 7th, 1974 to Tnesday, November l2th, 1974, during business hours (9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.) exclusive of Saturday, Sunday and Monday.' JM. MeILROY, A.M.C.T. TOWN CLERK TOWN 0F NEWCA STLE RETURNING OFFICER TOQUES FOR MEN Several styles -of warm toques for men and boys in assorted colours and sizes. HOUSECOATS Ladies' long housecoats quilted,. brushed nylon and also short cotton gowns. SLIPPERS- Ladies' comfortable colour- fui sI!ippers snuggle bugs» mules and several other styles. SWEATERS Pullover and cardigan swveaters for girls sizes 4-6X and 8-12 year sizes. ............... 777,'