Ourono jamboree packs town hall Pictured above is the house the Orono Town Hall Sunday Adams, guitar and son Don ban-d, Fay AI'damns, of Orono9 afternoon. The band includes Adamns oni the drums. who plannred the programn at Glory Adams, guitar, Fay Sunday afternoon the stage lights were turned on at the Orono Town Hall and a group of local talented musicians presented a two and a haîf hour musical programn before the packed house. Over two hundred were in attendance to enjoy the toe-tapping music. Billedl as the Orono Jamboree the afternoon was sponsored by the Town of Newcastleý Recreation Department. Mr. Bud Fanning, director of the department, was pleased with the attendance and calibre of the program and felt it insured-future schjambor- ees. The program was well organized and provided a varîety of numbers, both vocal and instrumental. To say the least everyone pre.sent enjoyed the program and are looking forward to a repeat performance. Mvr. Alfred Jakeman was master of ceremonies for the afternoon and as well gave forth with some mouth organ selections. The house, band, Fay Adamis and the Country Hlits f ea t ured, Fay, Glory and son Don01 as well as banjo player Ken Somnerscales. They carr- led the program and played background music, for other, artists. The audcience e-njoyýed Mel Cinýgmiani and daughter Me- lanie as well as Mrs. Mary, Buin,,g old time fiddler, aryAdams, Thelda Dupuis, Bill Woçodward, yodler and Reg. Post with his 5-string banjo. The program) raniged from singinig, yodler, guitar, banjo anid the band. Study airport relocationà Relocation of the Oshawa airport wiII be thé subject of a planning study Durham Reg- ion council'decided Wednes- Oiay. Council endorsed a motion move d by Regional Coun. Jim Potticary (Oshawa). calling for a study on thie possible relocation of the airport, in the intierests of increasing employmrent for regional re- sidents, freeing land for housing- and encouraging in- dustry. Coun. Potticary said 'the city hias received "very good rpne"from th-e two fed- eral minister s involvedi in any Possible relocation, Jean, Marchand minister of trans- port and Barnett Dianson ministeýr of urban affairs. O ONO WEEKLYTiIME S, NO% LBv.KR 2o9a* Apprve in pÏncpalNot Approe inprinipalwithout sr. citizen's complex humour- Last week the Town of -,ý,7astle Planning advisory \-1éinmittee gave approval in plrincipal týo the Durhamn County Senior Citizens coin- Qplex proposed west of the %illâ«ge-ô Ô 6 iilôügh illh& approval was given for the inclusion of this project in the interim district plan it was subject to the applicant re- ceiving al necessary approv- als for items specified in a report -by George Hlowden, Town Planner and a report by Municipal Planners before rezoning of the land would be undertaken. The Hlowden report brought "th inany questions which will first have to be satisfied before the approval for rezon- ing of the land will take place. Rezoning of the !and will be necessary prior to any insur- ance of a building perm-it. MVr. Langmnead, a planning consultant retained by the Durhamn Sen-ior Citizenis group oultlinied ,the project which will consîst of 40 units in ten building 's proposed to be built w-est of Orono on the oAd dump site. Mr. Langmread said they hadl not changed the basic collýept of the project bu! di outline a more detailed site plan including landscaping Mr. Douglas Mloffatt of the advisory committee stated that he did approve of the concept and felt that most of the committee also felt the samne way. He said that this biowever dîdl not dissolve the comfmittee Of their responsib-, ility. Doug Moffatt referred to the H-owden report and quest- ionied Mlr. Langmead if appr- oval had been received from the Hlealth Unit to which the answer was yes and that they felt the site was satisfactory although the unit wished to take their own percolation tests at the time of excavat- (Continued naee 3)ý happenings ADVANCE POLLS-Three Advance Polling St ations will be open this Saturday for those who cannot vote on 'December 2nd concerning the Trusteepsfr the Northumherlandî and Newcastle Board o-f Education. Check the add in this paper. MIDTOWN EXPA,)NDS-Midtown in Orono has further expanded over the past month withl adding further space to their store on, the Main Street. They are to be congratulated and it is noted they are carrying manly new lines of gif t items in their store. THREATEN FURTIIER AC,(TION- Mr. Doug Moffatt.has been reported to have stLated that if somnethinýg is not soon down over the entrance to the Clarke High Sehool that local citizens will have to take further action. It was reported that this could include blocking the highway in the area with cars or.citizen demonstrations. SOLANDT CONTINUING H1EARINGS-The Solandt hearings are to corne to a close next week in this area with an evening meeting in Newcastle, Novemnber 26th and a day meeting in the Legion Hall in Port Hope on Novemiber 27th. The Solandt hearings held in Kendal last week, were not withouýtt humour. Mlr. Art Low who lives northi of Kendal and close to the Ganaraska stated thiat there was no wild if e in thie fure,,t ,oher than ihe snowmiobilers. Mr. M. Sawyer brought forth some chuckles wheh asked David King of the Sierra Club if hie was prepar- cd to) eat trees in the fut ure. King was suggesting that the hydIro lines be kept'out of the forests so the forests could be uorotected. He felt that the Unes wouict not interfere that much with agricultural land. "l'ou ris t camp by-law Last Tuesday evening the Planning Advisory Commit- tee of the Town of Newcastle gave review to a proposed Tourist Camp B -law hich they are to r~rTedto councîli somnetimie in the future. Followýing the review withi David Barber of Muni- cipal Planning Cônsultants th- Advisory Committee ask- ed for some revision and then again be brought before the committee. The By-law wihil set forth polîcy underwhýîch-. Tourist Camp Operators wil coriduct~ their enterprises in respect to (Continued page 3) TownGanaraska in opposition The Tomn Sparling proposed hydro alternate routes across Hlope, Clarke and Darlington Townships gained diverse support on Wednesday even- ing in the1 hamlet of Kendal when close to 150 were in attendance at the Solandt hearing. Mr. Bob Hodgins of the Ganaraska Conservation Authority supported the 401 corridor route in the south of the area while Mayor Garnet Rickard, speaking for the Town of Newcastle councîl stated there was no way the route should be along Hwy 401 and suggested that the route follow the Ganaraska or farther north. Mayor Rickard in the town's brief stated that the lines in the south would pass over lands of possible deve- lopment potential as well as excellent farmr land. H-e said these lands in the future may prove to be of major recreat- ion)ah value and noted that they wvould pass over one of the few remnaining lake mnar- shes in the area. The Mayor also said that if the lines were to pass along over route 401 it wouh d be an invitation for other services a nd utilities (Continued page 2 ) Region seekinmg local planning im-put ,Mayor Rickard of the Town of Newc-astle at the .recent Plannig Advisory Commit- tee iniformed the meeting that the Region of Durham had set meeting dates when' they. would be outlining some aspects of the Region's-Offic- iai Plan. The purpose of thèse meetings stated the Mayor- Rickard was to get the public involved and to give thiern a n opportunity fo)r iniput., [Je said the presentation by the Region will be- the resuits of their studies to date. He said the town would have to get a move on with- their Interim plan if they hoped to keep pace with the region. The public, meetings now arranged for the Town of Newcastle are: Bowmanville Court House, Novemnber 25th, at 7:30 p.m. Newcastle Hall, November 28th from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.i Coujrtice .Tigh Scoliool, Nov- emiber 29th, fro-m lu a.m. to 8 p.m. Three seek two trustee positions in Newcastle Ward 3 On December 2nd the voters of Bowmanville, Clarke, Orono and Newcastle village w il be called upon to elect members to the Board of the Northumnberland and New- castle Board of Education. There wilI also be elections i the whole of the Town of, Newcastle, to select a Roman Catholic representative for the Board of Education. In ward three, the two seats represent the former Clarkze Twp. and village of Newcastle George W. Cameron, whio lives at R.R.2, Newcastle, is running along with incumb- ents Wm Carman ot NMain St. in Orono an WL. Greenwood of R.R.i, Kendal. Two seats are up for grabs. The ward one seats in the former Township of Darling- ton are already filled by <(Continueci page 3) Melanie Clingmnan, singer the Ofriio JamDoree on Sun- Jakeman, master of ceremon- (lef t) was accompanied by day. Thee two performers go les. Everyone reports ani her father Mel Clingmnan at over the program with Alf excellent afternoon of music.