Planner suggests another-, site for- L"-senior,,citizen pro 1ject Mr. George Howden, Town of Newcastle Planner'in a report to the Planning Advis- ory committee recommended in Nis summation that the apolicants should seriQusl) seek a more suitable site for their proposal. "I believe that the proposed site (west of Orono) has severe handicaps for the use intended -which cannot be economically over- come without undue hazard and hardship to the proposed' residents," hie said. The planner suggested that if they wish to proceed that the applicant get approvals from the Health Unit for the UNIT£ 01 Re ORGANISTe DIRECI Douglas I septîc system, as. weîl as approval from, the Regional Works Department for arî extension of the Orono Water System as well.,as approval fromn the CNR and, the Ministry of Natural Resoure- es to the transfçr of Station Street (west to manicipal jurisdiction). Mr. Howeden also suggest- ed that the applicant, Durham, County Senior Citizens Lodge should bear ail costs associat- ed to study for roàdways, sidewalks, street lighting and that they should also agree to pay the costs of the required improvements. Ail this should be dune before the Municipal- ity agrees to rezoning. CHURUJI The Howden report stated n that the regional Planning rono Pastorve Board fet that the four-tenth of a mile distance for older Charge people to have to walk to the shopigcnr and other M1inister facilities was excessive. Not having public transportation ,v. B. E. Long for use or soute uot being able B.Th. to walk to the Village the &CHOIR complex, he said, could be- come something of an old TOR people's ghetto and not be DewelI ipýtegrated with the remainder of the communitv. ORONO UNITED CHURCH k.Church School - 10: 00 a. m. Worship Service - 11:-.15 a.m. KIRBY UNITED CHURCH Worship Service - 9:45 a.m. Church Sehool -11:00 a.m. Dial-A-Thought 983-9151 JST. SVOR ANGLICAN Established 1869 legular Sunday Worsbip Service - 10:00 a.m. Holy Communion- First and Third Sundays Morning Prayer- Second and Fourth Sun days Hoîy Baptismn by appoirtment nith Rector 987-4745 Rev. H. Robert Hayne, B.A., L.Th. Clarke Public LIB 5%RAR Y Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Frtday 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Monday, Thursday. Friday Afternoons 2:30 to 5:00 p.m. Saturday 10:00 to 12*00 a.fl., WATSON'S Marine and Cycle Orono Phone 983-5343 PRINCE CRAFI' BOATS Allouette Snow Mobiles McCulloch Chalu ,Saws Repairs to ail makes of Lawn Mowers and 2 and 4 cycle Englnu ALLOUETTEý SNOWMOBILES Up a nd dlown the book stacks THURS. NOV. 2lst, 1974 ADULT A Bridge too, Far by Cornelijus Rayn. (reclounts the, battie of Arnhem which ended in defeat for the Allies, the author finest book to date) 1 Presume You Can Type by Sonja Sinclair (the "Mature" women 's guide to second careers) Dried Flowers by Leonard Karel (a history and practical guide to drying flowers), "Click" by Russell Miller (a pictorial history of the photo- 6 -aph) One O'clock at the Gotham by Rae Foley (novel of suspense) The Wat Between the Ta tes by Alison Lunie (novel)> JUNIOR The Mystery-ofthe Laughing Shadow by'Alfred Hitchcock EASY READING& PICTURE BOOKS The Bear's Almanac by Sta n and Jan Berenstain Jay Brîd by marie Hall Ets. MADELEINE HADLEY Orono Building Contractor Brick .Block -Concrete Stone Work Carpentry - Cabi4et Work Floors -Tule 983-5441 Orono In regards the road access hie said that it could be prohibitively expensive to bring it up to standard. Hie also pointed out that the Station Street extension to the west was not public road. He also pointed out that side- walks and street lighting would be required for acess to the village for shopping and other services. In conclusion the planner feit it would be more reason-- able to obtain a new site or sites which could be integrat- ed within the community. O.P.P. News The Newcastle Dytachment of the Ontario Provincial Police -investigated the follow- ing Motor Vehicle Collisions and occurrences during the per iod of October 28th, 1974 to November loth, 1974. Thirty-seven Motor Vehicle Collisions were investigated in which 27 persons were injured and one person Was killed. As a resuit of these collisions 17 persons have been charged with offences under the Hwy Traffic Act and one person has been charged with a driving offen- ce under the Criminal Code. The.Newcastle Officers also, investigated 273 occurrences of a general nature. There were 24 investigations into complaints of "Wilful- Dam- age," il investigations into offenices of "ýThef t", il invest- igations, into offences of "Break and Enter" and 4 investigations into complaints of "Assault", Other activities included, investigations into reports of missing persons, lost and found properties and complaints of trespassers. Fifteen persons hav e been charged with offences under the Liquor Control Act, four persons have been charged with offences under the Crim- mnal Code and four persons have been charged with driving off ences under the Crirtinal Code. Two persons have been charged with offences under the Narcotic Control Act. The following is a brief .report of a fatal Mtor Vehicle Collision accident. On Saturday, November 9th, 1974 at approximately 7: 10 p.m. a fatal Motor Vehicle Accident, occurred'on Highway No. 2, approximate- ly 0.8 miles west of Durham Road 18, Newtonville,. when two cars were in collision. Dead is the driver and only occupant of the eastbound vehicle, David Peter 1Shearer, twenty years of Sunset Blvd., Newcastle, Ont- ario, Injured and taken to Bow-, manville Memorial Hospital was the drive of the west- bound vehicle;, Charles OULDS of 666 Terrance Drive ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, NOVEMBIÇR 2th, 1974 -5 iides, under sixteen a pack 01 cigarettes a-nd a policeman catches the proprietor of the store he could. then lose hîs selling license. The girls asked questions and then had doughnuts and soft drinks which were served Girl Gu 2nd OIRONO GUIDES On Monday night October 3th the 2nd Orono Guide Company- invited the lst Orono Company to the schooî for a special evening. We had a guest speaker fromn the Durham and Regional Police Department a Lieutenant Carm Whyte who is a member of the Youth Bureau. He talked to us about what happens to people who steal in stores and out of stores and why they do fit. He also talked about smoking, alcohol and drug abuse and what people do to their children when they are tinder the influence' of these things.,Mr. -Whyte said,, "'children under, the age of sixteen are not allowed to go and buy cigarettes or even smoke themn for this is against the law." If the storekeeper does not think that you are sixteen you could always brîng your birth certif icate along with you. A parent should not give their child a note and say, "now you go get me a pack of cigarettes," and then, on the other hand, if the storekeeper >gives a child Ladies long sleeve blouses from Gaytown sizes 13- 18. Price $12.50. MORE NEW IDEAS' FOR' CHRISTMAS GIFTS EXPECTEDON TUESDA Y "Ladies fancy brushed nylon and nylon nightgowns. by the girls. After our refreshmrents the first 'corn- pany and the znci cOmpany closed )yith prayer and songs in their magie squàres. Mrs. TFate, Mrs. Graý and Mrs. Yôungman also- shared the evelning in different ways. BY SUSAN STOLK Florida! Texas! C a1if ornia Mexico! ENJOY EXPERIENCE LIVE. YOUR KIND 0F HOLIDAY ON AN ESCORTED MNOTORCOACH TOUR THIS WINTER WITH TRENTWAY TOURS LTD. WHAT'S YOUR PLEASURE? WE HAVE THEM ALL Snd for a Free colour BrochureNow TRENTWAY TOURS LTD.. -P.O. BOX 772,PETERBOROUGHu o LPHONE TOLLFREE 1-80 0-461-7615 BOWMAN VILLE HIGH SCHOOL 49 Liberty Street, North Parent Interviews You are cordially invited to discuss the progress of y-our' son or daughter with the teachers al the following times. DECEMBER 2nd, 1974 2 - 4 p.m. - ail parents 7 - 9ý p.m. - Surname A-M DECEMBER 4th, 1974 7-9 p.m. - Surname,,N-Z