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Orono Weekly Times, 27 Nov 1974, p. 4

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4-ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, NOVEMBER 27th,, 1974 O. P. P. suggestions for snowmobilers Witb the approacb of winter and a new snowmobiling season, Commissioner 1.11 Graham of the Ontario Pro- vincial Police reminds snow- ,mobiliers of the dangers of travelling on thinly-frozen lakes and drivers, especially early in tbe season. Every year, members of the OPP are called upon to investigate incidences of per- sons going through the ice, ,many with tragic results. Later in the season when the ice is tbicker, a thorough knowledge of prevailing ice conditions is still necessary. -Underwater currents can, erode the strongest ice so thati there is open water on evert the coldest days. Commissioner Graham re- cently said, that a new problem bas 'arisen. NMany conditions are using "ice.- away" machines fe protect their docks and boaf-houses. Kendal news Our lr coaster weatber con tinues N ovem iber l7tb cold. November l8th very mild, a large flock of geese perbiaps sixtyý went south. Novemnber l9tb very dense f og. November2fb a very bea\vy ramit faîl in the after'. noon. November 21st rainy with bhigb winds, Fridjayand Saudyperfect weatbe(r, Sundcay foggy and rainy, temnpe raftrre 55 degrees Mon- dlay at nloon teniperature 25 degress as this goes to press. Sunday waý,s LaitySunday. Thiose taking part in the IJon't Leave 1, It to chance Be sur-e yuoei gopod policyý. Cail us Milison Insurancel . . Agency .. Office: Corner of Church and Cobbledick Street 983-5032 M 0 AY To TiA VE44U1 FE(TI/CAL AQOBLEMS ,W! CA N UNRA VEL"I Air pumped into the water creates a turbulence which prevents the formation of ice. These machines are very useful for protecting the lakeside property but present a potential bazard to any person travelling on the ice. Anybody using the ice-away machine sbould remember' that tbey have a definite legal responsibility to guard the opening in the ice. The law states that anyone who makes an opening in ice bas a legal duty to guard it so as to prevent any person from falling into the water. Sbould someone- faîl through' the opening and drown, the per- son who-made the opening could be guilty ofmanslaugh- ter and liable to life impris- ionment. L.G. Br uner, Inspector Acting Director Community Services Branch Telephone 965-4474 service in Kendal were M r. Mark Wagar, Mr. Len Falls, Mr. Arthur Thompsoni and Mrs. G. Cathcart. The latter toldi the children the story of Mlary Jones a Welcb girl who walked twenty-five miles over the mounitains to get a Welch Bible. The same distance as from Kendal to Peterborough. None of them had walked to Peterborough. So she told them that her aunt Esther Elliott who was born on the Eliott homestead north of Kendal in the pioneer days msiarried a man named Cooney wvho lived in Peterborough. Sfie was married a year and became so home sick to see her mother that early one miorning she tgok the baby in he-r arms and started to walk to Kendal. No doubt she stayed that night in some farm home and perhaps the next night in another, home. WhUen she reached the Elliott home her mother was down in the valley drawing water. So she laid the baby on the spare bed and hid behind the kitchen door. When her moth- er came in with the two pails of water she rushed out, thirew ber arms around her mother and kissed ber. Her mother was overjoyed to see ber and to see the new baby. The Kendal choir san~g "Trust and Qbeyf", Rev. G. Montgomery spoke to us on the subject "Thie Laos" or the people. H1e told of a red cap in Grand Central Station named "Rols- ton Yonge", who practiced his Christianity every day. many times he was able to say the right tbing to comfort the sorrowing, or lead the lonely to their Saviour. The Kendal Women's Instit- ute met at the home of Mrs. A. Low on the 20thof November with fourteen present. The Bob0 Veomans Plumbing ani Heating 24 Hour Service New Installations Alterations - Repairs Specializing in Hot Water Heating Forced Air Heating Septic Tank Work R. R.1, Oronio 983-5624 0.P.P. news The Newcastle Detachmenit of the Ontario Provincil Police investigated the follow= ,ing Mlolor Vebicle Collisionsi and occurrences during the 'period November il, 1974 f0o November 17, 1974. Sixteen Motor Vebicle Coll- isions were investigated in ,whicb eigbt' persons were i njured and one person was killed. As a resuit of these collisions four persons have been cbarged. with' offences under the Higbway Traffic Act and one person bas been (harged with a driving offen- ce under tbeCriminal Code. The Newcastle officers also inves;tigated 119 occurrences of a general nature. Somne of these occurrences are as follows: There were five investigations into offences of "Theft", five investigations into complaints of "Wilful D)amrage", tbree investigat- ions into offenceg of "Break and Enter", and two investig- ations into complaints of "Assault". Other activities include' investigations into report of lost and found properties, trespassers -and various driving complaints. Three persons have been charged witb offences under the Liquor Control Act, four persons have been cbarged witb offences under the Crim- mnal Code and two persons have -been charged witb driving offences under the Criminal Code." The following is a brief President of West Durham, Institute, Mrs. R. Fraser Solina was our guest of bonour m'ho gave ussera suggest- ions on ways of improving our institutfe and prob-lemis we n-ig00tackle that would make t hi s a bl etter commniunity. The roll caîl was "'Your most vivid .cildhood mmoy" ,One nmember si,"h remembered black snow in London England. Another remembered, Two very bad lires at La Pas in Northern -Manitoba. Another "ai veryj cold night near Cochraïne-." Mrs. W. Turansky took as ber topic, "Browndale," Wbere the Lost Child Flnds a Thanik you notes were read 11rom Mrs. Pearl Clarke andý Miss C. Stewart. Mov(,ýed by Mrs. E. Couroux sec. by Mrs. J. Henderson that we pay baîf the cosf of-the Kendal Scbuol Pins fa be purcbased before grades sev- en and eight move to the new .Junior Higb at Clarke. A delicious lunch was pro- vided by Mrs. W. Hoy and MIrs. A., Poster. Next meeting will be a pot lucb dinner in the Sunday School room, on Tuesday, December l7tb when the boxes for the shuf in's will be packed. Mrs. H. Foster bas offeredto cook the turkey for this event. There will be an exchange of gifts, not to exceed $2.00 in value. Be sure and vote on Monday, December 2nd for you scbool trustee. Mr. Tom Gosson of Kendal w as honoured by bis comrpany Pringle and Booth with wbohm be bas been employed for fwenty-five years-as director of Art. This ýbanquet took place af "Ports of Call," Toronto on November 7tb, Viior ,ifb he Gsso report of two fatal accidents. On Friday, Noyember 15, 1974 at approximately 8:00 p.m. a fatal Motor Vehicle Accident occurred on High- way 35, approximately haîf a mile north 'of the junction of Durham Road 72, wben two cars were in collision in the northbound lane. Dead is the passeneger of one of these vehicles, Mark W. DONOGHUE, 18 years of 240 Adelaide Street, Apt. 2, Kings- ton Ontario. Six other persons were- injured in this collision and were taken to the Bowman- ville Memorial Hospital. This accident is being investigated by Provincial Constable D. COOK of the Newcastle De- tachment of the Ontario Provincial Police. On Friday, Novembèr l5th, 1974 an industrial accident occurred on a construction site at the St. Mary's Cemenit Plant. Claude BERGERON, 30 years of 2284 Iberville Street, Mon- treal, Quebec was killed when, he feIl approximitely 80 feet from a partially éompleted roof structure which collaps- ed.. The victimn was an employee of Arsenault Struc- ture Ltd., of 6013 Robert Blvd., St. Leonard, Quebec.k. This accident is being investigated by Provincial Constable D. MacKay of the Newcastle Detachment of the Ontario Provncial Police. G.W. BRUTON, Provincial Constable Community Services Officer TENDER JUICY FOR ROASTING (TENDERLOIN PORTION 3-31 LOIN O PORK FAMILY PAK 9-11 CHOPS -1/ Pork Loin Chops IT'S THE FLAVOUR THAT COUNTS Loin Pork Chops lb lb il B ologn a- NIAGARA-BY-THEPIECE <MILD SEASONED) Sausage. SMALL LINK (BEEF AND PORK) P ork ]Ribs LEAN THIICK CUT COUNTRY STYLE I Rîndless Bacon Chieken Wings lb~ FOR SOUP OR JUST PLAIN "PICKIN" Fresh Minced Ground beef FREEZER SPECýIALS STEAKS Round - Sirloin T-Bone R-OASTS Rump -Sirlo in Tip - "Round .L B. GIRONDMEATS'1.24J ail bone andf fat ïncIuded in weighf 3~ LB. AVG.) *95c .$1.0 8 b. $1.28 lb. 44c lb. 78c ). $1.19 ). $1.19 lb. 55c lb. 88e "BRANDED" hindquarters of beef contains; ICORN ISH'eS I -I I r v Townt of Newcastle Elections Noti ce of Pol AN LECIONTO FILL THE FOLLOW'ING OFFICES WILL BE HELD ON Mo n, Decem ber 2nd,1, 19744 Poils wiIl be open from Il 8 pm.4 NORTHUMBERLAND AND -NEWCASTLE B~OARD 0F EDUCATION4 WARD 2 Former Town of Bowmanville 2 Trustees4 WARD 3 Former Township of Clarke and Village of4 Newcastle-2 Trustees4 <NOTE:,2 memhbers for WVard 1, Former Township of Darliiîgton were elected by acclamation.) One Member to be elected by Separate Sehool Supporters ia the Town of Newýcastle and County of Northumberland Peterborough, Victoria, Northumberland-Newcastle Separate4 Sehool Board4 One Memnber was elected by acclamnation of Separate Schoo upotr in the Tw of Newcastle4 Voters will be advised by mail of their Polling Subdivision and we to vote. J.M.Mcry.AMCT Tlown lClrk, R-'eturn1ing Officer,4 40 T;mperance Street. Bowmanville, Ont. Phone 623-3379.4 -- Mm mm 1

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