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Orono Weekly Times, 4 Dec 1974, p. 1

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DerM i+,,AmGM announces meinrdueexamsloaIafs Saturday evenng t te of EdÀucation pre-sentec l2th Annuacýil Comcmencemnent1 Ontario Scholarships to of thie Clarke Highi Sch ool MNr. of thieClarke gradua W. Frank Thomi, director of class. Mr. Thom is a] Education for the Northiumb- mnaking the first preseni. erland Land NwateBoard to MssJanieCaldwve %Corman and Greenwooý Win Mondays's lmctioûn A small turnout at the poils on Monday gave tleir support to the incum-hents in War~d 3 to represent them on the North- umnberland and - Newcastle Board of 1Education. William Carmiai of Orono lead the -polls with Lawrence Green- wood baving a two vote edge over newcomer George Camn- eron of RR Newcastle. The turn out in the poils was Just a ittie over 20 percent. and there was a lack of interest amongst tbe elector- ate possibly due in part to the fact that there was no municipal elections this year in the Town of Newcastle. The unofficial figures show Carmnan with 708, Greenwood 480 and Camneron 478. Ca9trman held bis greates;t strenighth in the Oýrono area while taking Nwovle LocharsLeskard, Oak, Starkville and holding well in Newcastle. -G(reeniwood's greatest support came from Kendal wi th Orono came forth with considerable support. ,d the Orono with Carol Barnett, ýfourl Betty Adegeest and John Vanl ating9 Niejenhuis waiting to receive above their awards for their achie- ation v&~ments. dlI of d Caineron too4ý thé edge in hi offly po1V eat Browns ai bheaded the p)lIs ti Newýcastlc Newcastle bowever showedi very smiall vote in their trr (iJontinued! page 2) To establo ' day care( in Newcas Good news for the working inothers in the Town of Newcastle. According to Counilior Kenneth E. Lyall, the Social Ser-vices Commiittee of the Region of Durham bas recomý-r mnended that Durham's first Day Care Centre be located on Church Street in Bowman- ville. Mr. Lyall is a mlemiber of this commriiittee. The Social Services Comi- itewiladvise the Region- ai Coujncil at a forthcoinýg Wý,edniesday to take steps to purchase the Church Street property for 'the purpose. This Town of Newý,castle Centre will lie the first of five Day Care Centres requestedý happenings PUPPET MAKING DEMONSTRATION This Saturday morning, 9 to 10 a.m. the Clarke Library is holding a Puppet making demnonstration for everyone in thie area, children and aduits alike. Tbe dernonstration is a follow-up of the Puppet show being held hi Bowmanville on Tbursday evening. M'rs. Tansley of Orono wilII conduct the demonstration. FIRE DEPARTMNENT CALLED OUT The Orono fire department was called out due to a breakç in the hydro lines on South Main Street. The break occurred during the storm on Monday afternoon. M r.-E.G. With erspoon.l principal at thle larke iHigh School, inaddrlessing students and parents att the annual Cormmence-ment 0o, Saturday evenîng inform-nedl the gather- ing ithiat the school had introduced one set of formiai written examis during the year. The principal in making this statemnent said the re-intro- duction of examis was not due to the ftact thlat the teachers could not assess the ability of ~the students but rather from feed back from former grad- uates wvho stated they needed this experience when' attend- ing univer-sîty. MIr. Wither- spoon said it wais really a further preparation of thle studenti when he or she lef t the school. lin bis brief address it was outlinied that enirolment at the school hiad reached 550 and that thie po-rtaible .junrgle at the school hiad incre-ased to ten. HIRESHEAD AjlA P.,"Y nili i a mAL LIBHAHIAN sa s w o Th onof Newcastle aswo Lirr at a mneeting on Kirby Shrinks? Says Who? Thursday evening of last Kirby 's alive and well and week hired a head librarian to bias no intentions of "moving administer the three libraries up a sider-oad." his under its jurisdiction. Mviss A few years ago couny road [d Dines of Windsor bias accept- 9 ýAIa given a 60-niile-an-hour e. ed thieposition and is expedted ý, seed flmrit. As a resuIt 1a to take up ber new duties numerous and fatal accidents .-e commencing at the first of have occurred at the junetion January. of this i'oad and Ilwy. 115-35. Can you tell me where there is s'h fiîrst any other juncetion of two 60-mi le-an-hour bighways with only a small "stop sign" centre osprt hm Give Xirby a flashing ligbt several hundred feet from the ;tie higbway and lower the speed for the Durham Region. limit on- Hwy 11,5 froin The property suggested by Newcastle thru Enterprise the ComImittee is just east of Hill to 45 miles an hour! Bowanill'sCanadian Tire Kirby isn't your "whiole" Store anýd the site, pres entîy problem, it's just one of the wnied by Dr. Harold Anfossi, many ,'hazardous areas of this 4l)as a 66 foot frontage with a 'hwy. depth of 165 feet. Clean) up your"hg ay The Inew fvacility that ,ilî and see how peaceable Kirby Iccomodat pt 0pe cari be, haiet or no hamiet. schooILers \will co)stfrn INTERESTED RESIDENTS S225,000 to $ý)250),fl00wihw bettayfiacd ytb -The- orincotero pre-schoolers will be, get ti ng aà break at last", statedMr Lyall commenting on the new, facility. "Our commnittee bas been working on this for the past several months and thE, finalý decision was made at N last Thursday's meeting that was held in Whitby." ,Mr. Lyall said tbat this Day CaeCentre wîlI not solve ail the local problems of mothers who have to get out to work. "Howeverl, we have made a start and when this Centre is> added to the Governmrent's Private Home Dayv Care programmne we will hlave mnade some excellent pro- gress on a matter thiat needed -Theamzn part of the project is thatitl camie inito being in less thlan three Imonths without flhe necessîty Misarlaretagad of studies and yet more Ms a-1Brei rd studies by governm-ient and uate student of Clarke Hligh mnu nicipal officiaIs." Mr. Ly- School was valedictoriani on ail concludied. Saturday evening -at the The board hias however given high priority to construct an addciion to the school and it was -the intention to seek this approval ti 197.5. For thiS the principal congratulated the board. Mr. Witherspoon feit that in the near future the school would operate on a twfl-sem-ý ester system during the year. This would allow for longer class periods and emphasis could then be placed on a specific four subjects during each semester. lie pointed out if a student mnissed a subject thiat under this scheme the student would flot have to wait a full year to reta-ke the Subject. (Continued page 3) at high school Free puppet show for all in area The Regional Library Board in conjunction with the Town of Newcastle Libra-,ry, Boarud are preseniting a r, ree Puppet show .to- be, heId in The show is being presented by the wYorld renowned'Caniad- ian Pppeýt Festivalcmpn whilch has received miuch acclaim' both in Canada and throughout the world. Tt uses puppets from nine inches to a nine feek with talented puppe- teers. The- show is free to al Solandt hc of loca1 hg La-st week the Solandt Commision held wbat is to be the last publie meetings regarding the placement of the Lénnox to Oshawa 500 -KV transmission lines. It is now expected that bis report will ýe presented to the Provincial government sometime in January. The cabinet of the govern- m-ent will have the last say in the placement of the lines. Dr. Soldant held meetings in the village of Newcastle and in Port Hope last week. The Newcastle meeting wvas treld on Tuesday evening wvith s ome 120 present again with children ofsev-en years and up, as wel1 a s for adults, The show is,ý not recommended for >cl4ildren six years and under. SThe B3owmanville present- ation, the only one in the Town of Newcastle will be held in the old Town Hall ýi Bow- rianville on Thursday even- ing De cember 5th commenc- ing sharp at 7:00 p.m. Plan to, be early to obtain a seat. Children throughout the entire Town of Newcastle are inivited to attend the show and there is no charge for the cuting. JIds last e-a r i§ngas indivîdual groups supporting various alternate routes. The Newcastle on the lake ratepayer's association sup- ported the Hydro-Comimon- wealth route which passed tiirough the middle of the community. A group from Tyrone supported the propos- ed Ganaraska route as it least aiffected theirý community passing somnewhat nortb of the com munity. Pollution Probe of Toronto .Isked that any decsioni be d eferred until such time as nydro had presented their long-terni plan s. (Continued iage 3) annual Commencement and Student council and the stud- following her address was ents of the school and gradu- presented with a bouquet of ating class. flowiers on behaîf of the General Motor.s of Canada. announced on Fridaý layoffs which effect some,2000 \vork- ý,rs ini Canada inéluding 1,130 romn the Oshawàa plant. These wreswill .'be Laid off indef initely, at, the end of January., Over one-haif of the workersbeing laid off [rom the oshawa plant'wiIl ot * be eligible for supplemnental benefits. The Iayoff s -of the 1,1:1o Oshawa workers will take place gradually before Jan. 13, whien the line producing regular-sized C hevrolets and Pontiacs will be reduced to 46o cars per hour from'48. At the samie time the rate of production of interm ediate- sized cars such as Cevelles, Monte Carlos and Le MJans will be reduced fromn 37 cars per hour to32

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