ORONO WEEKLY TIMIES, DECEMBER 11th, 19T4ý'-q Cou nci I Q..asccepts' resignation The Town of' Newcastle council at their recent meet- ing accepted the resignation of their Meter Maid who had been employed for the Town of Bowmanville. Council is teo re-advertise the position. O.P.P. UCWS The Newcastle Detachmuent of the Ontario Provincial Police investigated the follow- ing Motor Vehicle Collisions and occurrences during. the period ofDecember 2nd 1974 to December 8th, 1974. Twenty-three Motor %leflscte Collisions were' investigated in which ten persons were injured. As a resuit of these collisions eight persons have been charged with offences under the Highway Traffic Act. The Newcastle Officers also inivestigated eighty six occur- rences of a general nature. Some of these occurrences are as follows: There were five investgations into offen- ces of "Thef t", two investiga- tions into offences of "Wilful Damage"!, and one investiga- tion into an- offence of "Assault"'. Other activities included investigations intc reports of lost and found properties, various driving complaints and missing per- sons. Three persons have been charged with offences under the Liquor Control Acu, nve persons have been charged with offences under the Crîm- inal Code and one person bas been charged with a driving offence under the Criminal Code. WINTER VISIBILITY Driving Tip: Here's a winter driving reminder for ail motor-ists! r at s requireai by law to havýe clear driving visibiliLy front. sides and rear, whenever the vehicje is in operation. This means it's illegal to drive with windows steamed up, frosted over, or covered with snow. Weather conditions may make this difficuit sometimes but remember. . .you can't avoid an accident if you can't see one. /U\J DOMINION HARDWVARE Time to complote al (hol choros of the holiday soa7soni is very short. - We offor some giît suggestions from ! aurDoinon Hardware cataloég that Veur dealers will eneaveur te keep a quantity of each advertised itern in stock te reet ail reaseneble custemer dernands. ln the evaet * that the supply of one or more items becernes exhausted. yeur dealer M ... ii require five days te obtain the items, et ne etra charge. frern tàeir werebeuse. If any itemns are unevailable. your dealer reserves thie riglifte osubstitute ite.ms of equel1 or btter quality at the vare price. GIFTS FOR -THE HOME & KITCHEN A. Beau tiful 'Corlle Livingware by Corning îs guaranteed for two fuli vears of normal heusehold use- and if any piece shiould break. craze, chip or stain t ilii be replaced hy Corning wvithout charge. A 20 piece set D contains: 4 each of. Dinner and Luncheon Plateýs. SeupI Cereal Bowuls. Stack Clips and Saucers. BUTTERFLY GOLD. OL11 TOWN BlUE. SPRING BLOSSOM GREEN. $31 .95 WINTER FROJST WHITE $29,95 Appliances from CGE ofi tbîsdy 13 B.Sngle Elornent Kettie with autenatit reset C. lecricSliingKnife bas a slin design handîp in whit wih wodgaintrim -which hoids ntatched stain- D. Steamn/Dry Iron with fabric guide and white handle. The polished alumninum soieptate has 25 stearn vents. $178 - GIFTS FOR THE WORKSHOP b E. 2-Speed Jig Saw Kit includes 6 assorted bledes ln -e plastic pouch. a rip fence and a molded case. Perfect for ail the edd jobs Io bh oree around boirne. $28.M F. 7Y4" Circular Saw An eutstanding value for the home eorkshop. Saves tine and handles rany awkwmrd jobs easily because of tls prtability. $27,97 G. SmalI Parts Cabinet A perfect gift fer anyone who bas a berne workshop. ldeal organizer with 15 drawers. 10" s 8" xs 5W'. $5.97 H. 22 Piece Combhinetion Secket Wrench Set with %119- /Yj and %Y" square drive. $17.95 SFOR THE RECREATION ROOM I. New Salem Electric Clock This antique reproduc- tion of a schooleorn dock rith a pendulurncornes in a woodtone finish. $1 5.q5 s J. 8 Oz. Coffee Mug with Canadian Coat of Arms design. $*1.49 K. Ash Tray wth Canadien Coat of Arrns natching rnug above. $i1.15 GIFTS FOR THE SPORTS ENTHUSIAST L. Hrdwood Toboggan for farily fun.ý $10.59- Rolph Dominiaon Orono, Ont. z 44J ~ Ha ZiM CHARGEX