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Orono Weekly Times, 18 Dec 1974, p. 9

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NELU STLEV TOUS N LEMXGUE MOCKEY REPORT I>AIINERs 3 ELM1IR SI:1 Partner's lumibing fhef(d the league laerElmihurst Hotel to a -3 tiein tbeir gamleat the Ice PalaceSunlday init. It %vas a fathard cbecýking, but cle'anly pla!yed hlockey game. w \itb the ireferee N. oos anding out onily three minor penalities dur-ing tbe sixty inuites ofpay The Pipebeniders tookth lead at the 4.40 miark of thbe first period wben S. Bosak popped one belhind goalie George V'an Damn. Minutes later the Hoteilmen ied it up wýitb a rolling bounicing shot between the egsý of ArtHeer Second period saw the Pipebendfers once again with tbe lead when N. Plethrick ;coted and tbree minutes fifeen secondis later M1ike Dole tied it uip witb a low drive to tbe corner. In the third period there was an exchange of goals, one by Ron Slack of Elmbhurst and one by Kim Rodgers of Partners. tREGIONAL RCLAMER ;3SPENCERS I Regional Reclaim)ers scored a goal in eacb period Sunday night at the Ice Palace to give tbem- a 3-1 wivn over spencers Real Esta te. The Real Esate mien started off at a fas pace, but soon losithteir entbusiasm wbten tbeelaitnes trew a few bard, but, dean body checks. Reclaimiers -wbo controlled mst of the play scored three times, one each by Joe Reader, Waynie Pearce and P1hil Fox Spencers onýy goal came from the effort of 'Mike White in the third period. QU EENS 2 COWANVILLE2 Coav llAuo Part(s who ba1ve lost only one e thcis season battled toa 2-2 ié wt Queens Hlote! Sunday, nigbt at the Ice Palace. Bahtams exchanged goals in the first period one by R. Morrow , Queens and P tete MIcCullough, Cowmnvile.In the second period one goal by Glen Murphy, Queens and L. Burns, Cowanville. There were no goals scored in the third period. Individua sorng PteMcCullough,Comnie,1 points: lIon Slack, Gerry Vn Dam, Elmhurst 10 points and l)ouglticardSpeners itb 10 points. Top goalie Gerge'anl Dam ofl (ÀElmburst with 2.18 pret Flhrslote,] fîstitb0Iopoints Cox~manvîIe and Rgional wijth 8 points Quen otl wýitb GI;points. Spnesand art(ners with -5 points each. FUTU'HRE MS SunldayDcme 2d Partners Plumbing vs Regional Recaimrs.Ehlmurst Hlotel vs. Queens Hotel, and Spencers Real Etate lay ost to Cowaniville Auto Parts. The R(creation D)epa1rtment of the Town of Newcastle bas been publishing an informative bulletin with al the rec-reational andi sporting activîties which come under its jurisdiction tbroughout the Town. The events have a wide range of inte-rests and it just could bc informative for local reietîo get one to read. They are available at your local sbopping centres and r-etail outlets throughout the area. ThIle Departm.ent this ye(ar has a budget of around $250,000 which wýIll iluitde ex'penlditures at the arenas coming under their ianid at 1this timie. Registrations in the various programs held in 1973 numbered a total of 3,814 and at this timé this would have been just for the Town of Bowmanville. (IIILDREN SHOW UP FOR TEEN'S CLUB Some- thirty-five children sbowed up on Saturday a( the Orono Te(ýns Club being held in the Orono Town Hall and under the direction of the Newcastle Recreation Department. UItOO WEKLYTIMES. I- )ECEMNBER lxth. 174-9 'bih ]S s 1 flu1lst gl ond attenidanlIle usince.(,the club )was organî1zeac solim rl,(ier in i)beccmlber. Thoe1d C luio n, 13 years and undfer 17 yea ilo age ~ ~ ý Aoringtothumnh ulletin the club is held é very Tu esd ay ýEening and Thurisday eveýnin1g froll. 6.30 to 9p.m.' 'c',l a on orda eenlings from i7,00 t0 10.00. Th'le club also oprtson Stra afternoon from 20 to 41.00 pm. A lait f game ni ' iid act iv\ities alre scbiedujled ifor the group. itsemstali tho word had to fir-st get arouiid before 1 Il Teens Silo\\ed up. CLARKE AREA SCHOOL TEA-CHERS 0. P. S. HOCKEY TF'AM v S. C.F.T.O. EMPLOYEES Sat., Decemnber2l"' AT7: 00p. m. ADMISSION 50 CENTS Proceeds for Cystic ibrosis DEPARTMENT 0F RECREATION CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F NEWCA$TLtE NOTICE Holiday Season Closing DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE & BOWMANVILLE MEMORIAL ARENA (a) WilI be closed at 3.00 P. .M., Tuesday, December 24th' Christmar, Day, Boxingi Day. WilI open as per schedule Frîday December 27th, 1974. (b WMil be closed at 2.00 F.M. on December 31sf andc open agaîn on January 2nd, 1975. Community Services Comamittee Corporation of theF Town of Newcastle 12 year-old Mari-Lou Pow- ~ell, representing the Wbitby Figure Skating Club, brought honour 'to herseif and the Whitby Club, wýhen she placed 7th in figures and 8tb in free skating out of 31 competitors in the Pre-Novice Ladies Ca tegory at the Eastern tntario Figure Skatinig Com- petition held in Brockville, December 6th - 9th. MARI-L1OU POWEILL CAM'.E FROIM SU CH PLACES ASOhwKingston, Ottawa and Peterborougb. In order to reach Eastern Ontario Sectional cornpeti- tion, Mari-Lou placed gecond in the Whitby Figure Skating Club's run-off, as only three competitors from each club were aflowed to compete in the Pre-Novice category. MaiLuskated with the Orono Figure Skating Club up until last yawben because and a larger ice surface she was forced to re-locate in Mari -Loui hopes to have ber fiftb figure by Sectionals next year s0 tha t she will be able to compete in Novice Ladies, with tbepossibility of placing in the top four and a chance to compete in the Eastern Div-, isional Competition --- the qualifying competition for Canadians. Photo courtesy of W. Stanne Whitby. DEPARTMENT 0F RECREATION CORORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F-NEWCASTLE DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE AND BOWMANVILLE MEMORIAL ARENA Ice Rentai Rate#s Prime Tîme - (a) 5 P.M. to 12 Midnight Monday through Friday - S26.00 per hr. (b) Saturday, Sunday and Holidays - $26.00 per hi. Off Heurs - 12 Midnight to 5 P.M. - Monday through Friday - $20.00 per hr. Non-Residents - $30.00 per hr. anytime. Ice Rentai Rates for Darlington Centre when Arena opens. Bowmnanville Arena rates, effective January Isi, 1975. Community Services Committee Corporation of the Town of Newcastle I -nerd. f« exti

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