li-ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, DECEMIBER l8th. 1974 F eder ation se ek s DRYWALL TAPING"( PLASTER HREPAIES WaIly Lucyk ORONO 7Monuments and Family Memorials OUi' qualit7v and service leaves viuthing to be desired Ask the person who bought from us, a neigh- bour, friend or relative. The Rutter Granite Company 73 Ontarlo Street PORT HOPE Phone collect V. W. RUTTER Office -885-5216 Home - 885-522Z :Hameliltons :Insurance Sservice : a Your Frieudly Agencys0 * YOUE 0 * Ail Personal * and *Commercial * isuranlce *1975 :CALENDARS AVAILABLE at the office. *Sadie Hamailto n *Sue Sawyer, * Jim Hare *For dependable service@ im m ediate passing snowm obile act With the snowmobile season just beginning the Ontario federationi of Agriculture is urging speedy passage of Bill 161, the Motorized Snow Mobile Act. Farmers have been living in under the threat that they mnay be hiable if a trespassing snowmobiler is injured, Gar- don Hill, president of the Ontario Federation of Agri- culture,said recently. The new legislation, -intro- duced in the Ontario Legisla- ture early this month, is a tough piece of legislation that deserves ta be passed, Hill said. OFA strongly advocated such protection before th eLegisla- ture's Select Committee on motoriAed snow vehicles and * JACK ïb RI CARD e * REALTOR 99 King St., E. BOWMANVILLE - mWen Buying or Selfing* * Cal :*wILF IHlAWKE:l 0 & 0 Vour Or-ono Aiea 9 * Representative 0 983-5274S * Member of Oshawa and 10 0, District Real Estate s *Board P UMPING OtlT SEPTIC TANKS Bert Tompkins Phone lb>i45.% John De With Real Estate Limited Realtor Bowmanville 623-3950 an-d 623-3111 For prompt,' efficien service when b;uyiig or selling Contact: Joe Barnoski 786-2202 Ross Davidison 2 é &-2321 Dave's PlÎumbmng Heating E lectrica I Industrial -Commercial Residential Free Estimnates 786-2471- R.R.l, Orono ail-terrain vehicies. "We hope the Bill wo't be watered down on second reading which is expected next week", Hill said. Under, Bill 161 a snowmo- biler will be required ta obtain written permission from the owner or occupier of private, property before he enters that property.' Failure to obtain written permission will represent a provincial offence of trespass in the absence of any lawful excuse. Uporn request of the property owner or accupier the snaw- mobile operator will be re- quired ta stop, identify him- self and produce hos licence as well as written permission ta cross the property. W here a complaint of trespass is made, the Crown will assume responsibility for in- vestigation and prosecution. The new legisiation wil ensure that a, porperty owner or tenant is not hiable for injury ta a snownfiobiler who is either a trespasser or a tolerated, but univited, per- san. The latter might have been gicen verbal pernMission to cross the land but is nat an invited or paying guest. Any snowmobiler who tres- passes will be hiable ta a fine up ta0 $50000 "From now on a snowmoi)îler It was not all-cancty for the ting Party at the Orona c 1hocalate and christmas children on Sunday at the Arena. A long line-up was in cake. Some cake was left ovei Orono Chamber Family Ska- éxistatice ta be served hot and auctioned off. had better know where he is at ail times," 11i11 sa-,s. "The oid excuse of saying he did not know he was on private property, won't wash any longer. 0o.P. p .NLEWS The Newcastle Detachmnent of the Ontario IProvinIcial Police investigated the follow- ing Motor Vehicle Collisions and occurrences during the period December 9th, 1974 ta December 15th, 1974. Seventeen Motar Vehicle Collisions were investigated in which there were three persans injured. As a result of these collisions two persains have been charged with oflences unoer mhe iHgnway Traffic Act and ane persan has been charged with a driving affence under the Criminal Code. The Newcastle Officers al sa investigated eighty four oc- currences of a gèneral nature. Some of these occurrences are as followýs: There were six investigations into offences of "Tlhef t", six investigations inta affences of "Break and Enter", three investigations into offences of "ýWilful Dam- age" and tWo investigations into offences of "Fraud". Other activities included in- vestigations into reports of mnissing persans and lost properties. DRIVING TIP DRINKING & DRIVING MOTORISTS!-2 During the Festive Holiday Season, one of the hazards is the drinking driver. ALL drivers are reminded of the legislation on drinking and driving. Lt is a Criminal Offence ta be in care or contrai of a Motor Vehicle if you have consumed enough Alechol ta register mare ~ point zero eight on a B Test... .that is it you h~ lJood alcohol level of more (han point zero eight percer' And it is also a Crim-iit-,' Offence ta REFUSE ta take a Breath Test if requested to do s0 hy a Police Officer. MWake this a happy and safi Holiday Season. remember .... .If you drink, ,)ON'T drive. G. W. Brunton Comm-unity Services Officer IONG'SCENTRE Main Street * M * * + 4: niI.' * .4.. ORONQ Phon e 98343 Warm Gift Ideas for your4 familyi MOTHER COA1 JACKETS PANTSUITS SCARF GLOVES JEWELLERY HOUSECOAT NIGHTGOWN LINGERIE SLIPPERS PURSE AND MANV MORE SON LEVI JEANS CORDS SWEATER SJHIRT BELIT NHL ,TOQUE MIITTS UN DE RWIEA R PYJAMAS n~f~ DAUGHTER JACKET PANTSUIT DRESS SCRAF MITTS SLEEPWEAR JEWELLERY SEWATER LEVI JEANS LEVICORDS ET. BABIES' lst CHRISTMAS- * UTIN BAGS PRESSES -- * . SWEATER SETS ROMPERS SHAWLS OVERALLF o ,, " IGHTOWNSETC. MITTS Oshawa, December 9th, 1974'- Central Mortgage, and Housing ýCorporation today announced, the appro val of a National zHousing Act Loan and contribution totalling $133,000 ta Durham. Regional Cheshire Homes Inc., for a special-care home in Oshawa., The boan, which includes a federal contribution of $12,000 wil assist in the acquisition and conversion of an existing apartmenit building ta provide hostel accommodation for 12 physically-disadvantaged adults. When renovated, the build- ing will contain six single-oc- cupancy and three double - occupancy raoms, a main kitchen, a small kitchenette, dining 'roomn, living roomr, 'ibrary, staff quarters and an elevator. Suffîcient revenue ta caver aperating expenses, including mnortgage repayment, will beprovided by the Ontario Ministry of Community and Social Services. Provided under the non-pro- fit provisions of the National Hausing Act, the boan is for a term of 50 years at eight per cent. ,%.ounter -dormnitory cha racler-planner Proposed development in the Newcastle area should counter the "dormitory char- acter" of development in the town, a Murray Jones Assoc- iates repart cioncludes. The repart presented ta the ta wn planning advisory com- mittee Monday, makes éther long-range recommendations for development in the town along with the idea that Caurtice will become the town's main urban centre. The repart says the town should develop a labor pool, and , by inference, develop a large amaunt of hausing for "blue collar workers." This development shouid be lcated ta take Advantage of the employment range urban opportunities, services, ent- eranetandi recreation in the'Oshawa-Whitby area, the report says. It says, new development should benefit the existing residents as well as niew residents, and this new devel- opment should be located ta make the best use of west and north west linkage roads. It adds that the houses should be of a wide variety and allow for change in the future. Pr ojections for the Newcastle population ta the end of the ceîitury, will be 60,000 ta 100,000 the repart says. Grant for regfion special -care home