~,"Imm Ministry submîts 115 freeway plan Sauta greets one youngster the visitor left with a bag of stocking come christmas at the Christmas party at the candies after teliiug Santa morning. Orono Arena on Sunday and what he would 'like in' bis The Ministry of Transport- ation and Commrunication last week held two meetings in the area, Milihrook, and Ponty- pool to submit their plans to the public concerning deve- lopment of Highway 115 to a Freeway stlatus from Enter- prise to Highway 28. This section of' Highway in the future will link at En.ter- prise with the proposed 407 highway and continue north to Highway 28 where it will then link with a ne-w proposed Peterborough by-pass3. The highway wouid initiafly be atwo way freeway with Mthe initial interchnanges being at Enterprise, lt 20 and 21 in Manvers Townshipe (south of County Road 17), at the 8th line of Cavan and at l-,,liway 28. Possible future interchan- ges would be at the 6th fine of Cavan and a t County Roadi 16. It was pointed out at the meetings that the develop- ment of this section of road to a freew,,ay status could be 15 to 20 years in the future but that the Ministry was now prepar- ing for thisdevelopment as part of the transportation grid. within the province. The hig 1hwxay would be a controlled access highway. t was point- ed out that the highway ln this study area has held that status ?$nce it was co nstruct- ed. The highway right of way wil be extended to 500 feet in width from the present 120 to 150 feet. Tb'ere will be some staging before the first initial concept is completed in its entirity. t was also felt, although there is now concrete plans, that somethîng would have to be done with Highway 115 soutH of thie 35-115 intersection at Enterprise. The meeting was shown road closings with the great- est number being in the Enterprise area. About seven- ty, five attended the two --~Pfings làst week.-' 2782 enrol in cla*sses' In a report submitted by the Board of Education on Thurs- day of last« week it was revealed that a total of,2,782 people enrolled in evening classes for the faîl term throughout the board schools. 0f this total there are 98 senior citizens along with an additional number of 248 enrolled in driver training courses. The Port Hope High School lias the greatest number enrolled in evening, classes with 668 students. The two Cobourg Collegiates have a total of 614 whi]p Bowmanville has 559 enfrolled.at. Higb Sehool has 16 enrolled while theyKendal Public School bas 30 enrolled in the evening classes. Total enrolment fees from all courses along with a federal grant amount to $38,775.75. The federal grant is for the Roseneath Centenn- ial Public School and amounts to $1,419.M0 O1-WNO WEEKLY TIMES, DELEMBER l8th, 1974 300 chîildren charqjed "TlAIIîTCSTMAS CONCERT" - December igth visit with Suuday afternioou at the SOrono Arena a few short of 300 lined rip to be greeted by SSauta at the Orono Arena. It was the occasion of the S Family Skating Party at tihe ~arena .a wh;ac time Santa made bis aunual visit to the comnmunity. The afternoon. activities were sponsored by the Orono Chamber of Commerce and was a real success, with botb chiltiren andi aduits taking part. Sautas arrivai was thre maj9r itemn for the younger cblidren and ail were given Study area *Newcastle planning advis- ory eomnmittee bas designated the area between thre Wilmot sànta .in raid' thre opportuuity to talk wilth After receiving numerous him in hîs crown chair in the complaints the Durham Reg- cafeteria area. Every visftor louaI Police aloug witb the to Santa received a bag of RCMP narcotic division con- candies andI ouiy six were left ducted a raid on Bill's over from a total of three Billiards in Bowmanville, last hundred. ev(ning.The raidi Further to augment the resulted in 30 people bei ng afternoon hrot chocolate and charged. christmas cake was served by Durham Det. Sgt. Dean mnembers of the Chamber andi Westbrook, who lead the raid their Wives. Also of great said small amounts of drugs interest were the many prizes - and alcohol were seized. drawn during the day for gif t At the time of the- raid some which were donated by local 150 youths gathered outside merchants in Oronio. the hall calling out *"cat-calîs" The afternoon had a little at the eleven officers taking bit of everytbing for everyone part lu the raid. Pine senilor sc"."hool to open January 13 andU (.rahadIIi ureeâ'ç.,nere T he Pines Senior Public Newcastle and just south of' souith of thre CPR tracks as an School is to open for students thre Carke Higir Schoi. enviroumnental study area in on January 13th, 1975. The Thre school wiil receive the proposed ;iteim district school recently namned, i5 studeuts of grades seven andi plan. located off Highway' 115 eight from thre former Clarke marina.. ue -P xitn midway between Orono and Township area as well as from tire Village of Newcastle ~i~\i~and Orono. Tie scirool bas lu fact beeu - ~ .. set up since tire first of n~n ~ z5~September and altiroughirnl- dividuai classes are coinduct- WEAHES ND MPOYESTO PLAY ed lun the various public The area ecers a re to play tire CFTO Emolovees scirools witbmn the area they at the Orono Arenia'tins comiug Saturday evening witir game are under the administration timoe at 7.00. p.mr. Proceetis wilI go to Cystic Fibrosis. Plan tLo of the Pines Senior Public attend.< Scirool with Mr. Bob Bolton as No BADUMINTON UNTIL JANUARY 7th principal. Tire Orono Badminton Club which holds, forth every Tirere are 82 students with 'Tuesday and Tbursday eveuiug at the gym, in the Orono their teachers now' beiug Pub ic Sch(ool wý,illf be lu recess until Jauuary 8th. Duriug tins accommrodated at the Orono period a new, floor is to be iustalled in tire gym makiug it Public Schiool. These studeuts imnpossible to use thre area for badminton. and teachers will miove to tire TWO FIRE CALLS new school on January l3th. The local fire department di1 uring the past week received Enirolment at the Orono two fire calis both lu the Orono area. The first cal was* to Public School will then be lu Çurvply Wood Products soutb plant wirere paper had caught grades kindergarten to grade ire between the uew addition andthie present plant. No six with 306 studeuts. damnage. Ou Sunday eveuing the department received another cail to the New DutchOven Restaurant where an Soon to electrical outlet had burst into flame. CHRISTMNAS B9ULB HUNGRY - It is apparent tbat mnake statement Christmias decorations lu Orono are gahing attention for Alex Carruthers bas beeb residents are coutiuually reporting tbat thir Christmas tree reported to have stated tirat lights are beîng strip off thieir trees andi from arounti their ire will mke a report to the homes. One resident hias taken their igbts down due* to tbe public lu regards the propofiec fact that over forty lighits bad been stoien. Thé cburcb iost a CN dump to be sited inl Hope nuniber of lights as well as two large spot lights. Township. Envision population from 60,,000 - 90,000 The Murray Jones Associ. The Bands and Choir are ates Limîted, Courtice, con. sponsoring an "Almost cept plan, presented ta th( Christmas Concert," on Dec- Planning Advisory Commit- ember l8th, at 7:30 p.m. lu the tee of the Town of NewcastkE Clarke High School auditor- last week stated that New- iumn. The prices are, $1.50 castle beiug on the edge ol adults; .75 students and senior Metro Toronto is on the citizens free. The music for tblreshold of the great chaniges Baud, the Intermediate Band, out tbat how the growth takes the Choir, andi the Allin place is to a great degree lu Family. Refreshmnts served the hands of the Town of and a baby-sitting service for Newcastle. small childreu. The report did state that an We are well on our way to approximate range of popul- the purchase of uiforms. ation which rnav be expected Please come ont and support in the thiree Secondary Plann- us. We need your help. ing area, Courtice, Bowmau- Publicity Dept. ville and the Village of Mom's Kitcflefl iu operation in Orono sine July Ist, l1973 is surely a famnily affair with botb Mr. and Mrs. Matt Suelder and their two daugh- ters sirariug tire work load of preparing (entucky-styled chickeu and otber foods for the Duublic. The family group is sbown aDove Iiouwing a busy day (left to right) Matt, Snelder, Marilyn Suelder Jackie Stielder and Ne] Sueici- er. Mlany changes have been noteti at Mom's--Kitchený over the past year and a half from tire time of the barbershop and pool hall and confection- ery busiuess. Many changes are aiso being considered for tbe future with au application beiug made to the Otario Liquor Control Board for a dining licence. Mlatt states that if they receive tire licence th#-rt wouid bave to be other extensive chbanges iii tie Newcastle, by the end of thE century could be from 60,00( to 90,000. The report stated that the greatest growth emphasiçs should now bc placed lu the Courtice area. It did say also that substantial and steady growth sbould take place, iu ~Bownhanville. It stateti that JBowmanville is now commit- ted to a population of 15,100 but that existing retail servic- es lu the Town do not provide satisfactory service for the scale of its service area. It is feit that a consolidation of a population of 15,000 in Bow- manville would also conisolid- Contiplit-d. page 3) üneration of the business inceluding a full menu as weli as-tire fried chicken me-c-nu. 'He also notes there would be interior cbanj2es such as morving the frier into tre kitcheu area and the eliminat- ion of tire present counter spaice to inake room for more tables. Congratulations are surely lu order to this euterprising business iu Oropo. ~JY' L~? 4 j.