i Smiles 'N Chuekies CHOCOLATES * ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, InECEMBER 18 th. 1974 -5 B ow nia nvi i e-w esi Gang by Joan Lowery Nixon for t EASY READING &' i o oi a f) gro t PICTURE BOOKS' The Newcastle planning ulation of the town, he said, CMist m-as y egybelaeiy advisory committee unanim- and the completed commun- hita y eg lkl ously adopted piahnner George ity would end up with a My ond ToTmthe re 1owden's recommendation population of about 10b0Toy0o0nto l.fhn thp nrnQr nu)n Thig rmj,; . q i ta. n MADELEINE HADLEY r mat meJ.» proposed bwan,- ville West community "does flot constitute the most desir- able direction of grow,,th" for the town in the future. Mr. Howý,den- recommnended tha t no change be made in any planning and engineering studies-for Bowmanville West and that the proposai only be considered in conjunction with, the regional officiai plan. H1e pointed out that the town's officiai envisages a balance between induastrial and residential development which 50 far -hats failed to ma.ýterialize," and therefore no additional residential plans should be approved. The initial phase of Bow- manville West would more than double the present pop- i. tus v wouiiu ieai lU U continuous urban communit, from the east limit of Bow mnanville to the west of Whitb, which would go against ti town4s ideas to maintain ti distýinct identity of' urbai centres in Newcastle. Thie proposed neighborhoo wouid also be separated fron Bowmanville by D urhar Road 57, and the Bowmanvill Creek Va4iev, Mr. Howdet pointed out, and aiso be bul gn prime. agriculturaI iand som-fething thle town wants t discourage. Mr. HIowden went on to sa, that thie proposed communit wýould cos, inestimable mone to expand the present sewer age and water systemn, per haps involving expropriation he le to ty en. Staff requires more parking The region's executive comn- mittee bas authorized staff to negotiate with Consumers' Gas Ltd. for provision of mo1-re parking space at Consumiers Drive in Whitby. S TYLËE LITTLE CAMERAS :BIG PICTURES Now there's a bigger choice than ever in easy.-to-uise KODAK INSTAMATIC Camieras. Choose the KODAK INSTAMATIC -15 Camera ta save your homespun fun int big, bright snapshots andt sltdes. e 19.990 See the amazing Po la roi Up and down the book stacks THURS. DECEMBER 19th Space in a building next EiaULth yDc hpa door to the Consumners' Gas (iga fElizabeth byDT hparc- building is rented for offices (igah fEiaehTy of'th e region's public works lor) deprtmnt.andtheplanning Canada's Sporting Heroes by deprtmntandtheS.F. Wie and Douglas Fisher. and development department. Woman plus Woman by Dolores -jlaich (attitudes to- The rentai includes some wards lesbianism) parking spaces, but flot Arigo: Surgeon of the Rusty enough for region staff and Knif e by John G. Fuller (the none for visitors. Brazilian peasant's amazing surgicai and healing powers) Consumners' Gas has offered The Millionaire's Daughter by to develop unused land~ at the Dorothy Eden rear of ils property into .a Beginnings by Susanna Jul- parking lot and rent to lot to iusburgeir (first novel by a the region for $813.60 a month seventeen year old author for five years. JUNIOR The region lias four and a haif years ieft on its lease on the rented office space. Coun. Garnet Rickard (Newcastle) suggested that public transit might make more sense than using up land for employees' parking, but that suggestion died quickly vhen Works Commissioner Bob Richardson pointed out that "you can forget about a bus system, because the people come from al direct- ions." Chooe te nw KDAK PHIOTO ACCESSORliESýi besideUth e comisîsioner Pocket INSTAMATIC 1O11 pointed, out, manyv of the Camera ta slip in ayaur ANI) FILM, employees need their cars for pocketao purse for Pc- _____________ hi ok tures an the cia.terwr $25 A45 CLAIR OL Mr. Rîchardson said hr AI R BRUS H is no-restaurant or other place to eat in the area, so BROODNTELCTICStyling Dryer emp loyees must drive at BROX DENTELEC RIClunch time "or carry a paper Tooth Brush C.G.E. HOT LATHER bag."1 S HAV E Coun. Rickard commented that "we really have a problem in this country when YAR LEY we need more space for employees to park cars, than SETS - SINGLE, COLGONE AND PERFUME we need for them to work in." FOR lM AND HER However, the committee. agreed that employees are P harm acentitled to proper parking spaces. "We can not force PHOEORN 8i50 them into car pools," said Prehistoric Monsters did the Strangest Things by Leonara and Arthur Hornblow Skylab Pioneer Space Station by William G. Holder Born in a Barn by Elizabeth and Kl(aus Gemm-ing (farm animiais) The Mysterious Red Tape a à *CONFECTIONERY ANDe * GIFTS *ORONO, ONTARIO* W We il]vite you to* View our m any *L eef ese.01ate *Christmas at * MSoingStueret *NTL AN Toiam etix a the Freeristm aP nts. 98-2 P one 83522 S ae an evc FURNRNSRVCE GUFFNACN HA UMIDIFERat Phone:, Tyrone 263-2650 IAttention Farnuers! WHYi PAY MORE?