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Orono Weekly Times, 18 Dec 1974, p. 6

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?-ORONO WEFKLY1 UNIT9D CHUJtdTf àK Orono Pastora Charge e Minister Rev. B. E. Long B.Th. ORGANIST à& CHOIR DIRECTOR Douglas-DcwelI SUNDAY, DECEMBER 22ud ORONO UNITED CHURCH church School - 10:60 a.i Christmas Sunday Service 1: 15 Very Special Music CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICE Tuesday, December 24th 10:00 p.m. Sponsored by the Hi-C KIRBY UNITED CUURCH -Worship Service -9:45 a.m. Church School -11:00 a.m. Dial1-A-Thought 983-9151 WATSON'S Marine and Cycle 0kono phone 983-5343 PRINCE CRAFT BOATS Alouette Snew Mobiles -McCuiolchChaiSaws Repairs to ail makes of Lawn 1Mowers and 2 and 4 cycle Englue. ALLOUETJTE SNOWMOILES Clarke Public Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Frîday * 6:30 to 8:30 P.m. Monday, ThursdaY, ,Friday Afternoons 2:30 to 5:00 P.m. Saturday 10:0 to 12:00 a.m. ST. SAVIOUR1%S ANGLICAN Established 1869 Regular Sunday Worship Service - 10:00 a.m. Holy Commuion- First and Third 'Sundays Morning Prayer- Second and Fourth Sundays lloly Baptism by appointment nith Rector * 987-4745 Rev. H. Robert Hayne, B.A., L.Th. DECEMBER 18th, 1974 Jun-ior gardeners christmas show .A delightful program, inter- spersed with singing of Christ- mas Carols, was given at their Cristmas show by Junior Gardeners members, on Dec- ember ith. We were pleased to have a number of parents seated around the candle-lit tables with us. t was noted, too, bow attentive the chidren were while -others entertaineci. Mrs. Zegers welcomed everyone and tbanked the cbildren for their efforts in mnking their exhibits. These added .up to large entries in nearly every class. Wile Mrs. Tansley was judging the entries, Mrs. Zegers called on various cbildren to give their numb- ers. Denise Pedwell played "Good-f(ing Wenceslas" as a piano solo and Audra Goor- bnrry recited a poem. Danny Zegers played twoepieces - "I sought tbe, Loédl' and "Abide witb Me", usîng three mouth- organs, one at a time, each one having a different tone. Elza Vogel gave a reading "No Room". The Tate family provided several selections. Arnold played a violin solo "Don Messers Breakdown"i accompanied by Laura, then IKàren Atkins played "Silent Nigt" on ber flute-J(,aren, Arnold and Laura then played- together "We Three-lUngs", and "O Chrstmas Tree." This was a1 different and- very pleasing combination. Mrs. Ttate tben accompanieci ber family, Laura, Ruth, Bill and. Clifford as they sang several Christmas songs, 'Clifford ringing the belîs very effect- ively for -Jingle Belîs." They endled by calling out Merry Christmas! Martin Boekee read the story of 12-year old Jenny, who was so clumsy, ber brothers said, she, could trip over a penny.- Wben a' Daniel Zegers, Frank Zegers,ý Laura Tate. Junors, - Martin Vogel, Donna Colvin. Those who did not receive tbem can work to- wnrd them- for another time. Mrs. Tansley gave 'an excellent commentary to the children stressing how well they bad done in makirig their exhibits and saying they would not need to be lonely or have notbing to do wben they were older when they were learnin now how to make tbings and make use of inexpensive materials of nat- ure. She did suggest using ,more pictures in their note- books to make tbem more colorful. Thanks were extended to Mrs. Tansley and sbe was presented with a gif t. Several special prizes were awarded as well as some to children wbo had exhîbited but had not won a prize. Fruit brend, cookies, cake andbot chocolate was served to the forty people present. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Vear to ail and we look forward to seeing you al next year. PRIZE WINNERS JUNIORS 1Door Wreatb Martin Vogel, Robin Lycett, Janne Tamblyn, Tom Lycett "Spnrkle" - Bill Tate, Robin Lycett, Martin Vogel. Wall Plaquo - Martin Vogel, Bill Tate, Denise Pedwell Song or Carol - Martin Vogel (also a speciai), Donna Colvin Audra Goorbarry Characters fromr cones, nuts, etc. - Clifford Tate, Martin, Vogel, Waryn Lycett Note Book - Matrin -Vogel (also a- special),ý Audra Goor- barry,, Clifford Tate, and Janne Tamblyn. SENIORS Wreath - Larua Tate, Dan Zegers, Frank Zeg ers, Elza skating race was aanounced Vogel at sehool she was determin.ed "Sparkle" - Elza Vogel, Dan she would win that race. On Zegers, Ruth Tate, Frank race day she sped- past theZegers other shaters until there was Wall ýPlaque - dried seeds, only one girl ahead of ber. She pods, etc. - Elza Vogel, Laura was tryingto catch ber when Tate,- Kathy 'Lycett, Dan the other girls skate became Zegers. cnugbt in a crack in the ice. Song or Carol - Elza Vogel, Instead of passing ber, Jenny Dianne Colvin, Dan Zegers,- stopped to help ber and witb karen Atkins, Laura Tate tied' difficulty wnas able to free ber, for1 4tb By tbîs time the others bad Characters-- Laura Tate (also passedthemn and the race was a special), Bîza Vogel, Jimmy over. However, the Judge Vogel announcedt that be felt Jenny Note Book - Elza Vogel' (also a should bave a special prize as speciail)-,Iaren- Atkins, Dan! she bad stopped to help Zeégers, Rutb Tate. somneone in trouble and thus karen Atkins received a lost tbe race herself. So, special prize for ber door clumsy Jenny had won by decoration. helping someone else. Mrs. Zegers said we could too, by giving our love at Cristmas to someone wbIo needs it. Diane Colvîn rend a Crist- mas poem and--Katby Lycett played two piano solos, "Tbe E ntertainer" and "Cbristmas Song." Through the kindness of mirs. Fa irbrother, tbe founder of Junior Gardeners in Orono, crests were presented to 14] cbildren. Mrs. Fairbrotber' would bave iked to present themn, but unýlfortunai,,tely, sbe is in Oshawa HlospitaL, Sas result ofJ a car accident. Mrs. Chiapmnan haci tbe honour of pinniing the crests oni as Ms Zegers called the fllowing cildren to corne andi receive them - Seniors - Karen Atins, RKathy Lycett, Elza Vogel, Yianne Colvin, Ruth Tate, Jirmmy Vogel, Martin Boekee, In auga ura] m, e eting The Nortbumberland and Newcastle Board of Educat- ion will hold its inauguari meeting in Cobourg at tbe Board offices on Tbursday,, January 9th with a few, new faces present. The meeting will commnence at 7:30 p.m. The B-oard at thieir recent m-eeting passed a mnotion which illeliinee the secod mothlyDecember meetingwhich as slated for Decmbe 26h.The Board also decided to contfinue with botb being bheld on Tbursday evenings,- the second anid fourth. Kendal news We have bnci no snow s0 tar this yenr. Perbaps we will bave a wbite Cristmas. A fine Cbristmas' programme wns put on by the'Sunday, Sehool Pupils on Sunday mnorning December l5tb,. Eacb class put on two numbers. The primary class was, led by Cheryl Bradley and Terry Moffat. Tbe Jun- iors. by tbeir teacher Mrs. Dianne Langstaff. The Senior Grils by Mrs. Peggy Frank, and the Junior Boys by Mr, Mark Wagnr. Mrs, --Keith Wood was orgnnist, witb Terry Moffat and Corrine Turasky assisting. The cbildrens story was the "life of Bandel" after wbîcb the cbildren sang " Joy t o the ýWorld The Lord Bas Corne. The music of tbis bymn was composed by Bandel. Sixty bags of candy were distribut- ed. We were ple ased to see s0 mnny parents there. Next Sundny is Christmas Sunday, be sure to- attend Cburcb. Pays 7,650 for sehool Tbe Board of Education received a tender of $7,650.0 from Mr. -Tom Barry for the purchase of the Old Lake- sbore School property lot 17, concession B .F. in the former Townsbip of Clarke. Tbis tender was accepted over the only other tender submitted by Mr. Samuel Powell for an amount of $1,000.00. Or o no j am bore Final arrangements bave been made for tbe second Orono Jamboree wbicb will be beld in the orono T1own Hall on Sunday, Jnnuary l2tb, 1975. The program will get underway at 2.00 p.mi. with 1mouth organ artist, Alf. Jake- i man acting as Master of PtIc Ceremonies. Ptlc As at the last Jamboree Fay Adams and the Country Hits will be featured as the Bouse band, The Hits include Fay and Glory Adams along with son Don and Len Somerscales- on the steel quitar. Other artists on the show will include Randy Adams, local singer, Gloria Somer- scales, wife' of-Ken Somer- scales, John Noonan of Rose- neath and the Blue Grass Trio of Reg Post with his five string banjo, Sborty Miller, mandoline and Rod Craig, fiddle . If the last show was any indication a good crowd couid be expected on January l2th in the local Town Hall. supper St. Snviours held' their Christmas Pot Luck Supper on December 15tb in- the Parisb Hall, witb some 50 people in attendance. Everyone enjoyed the good food and fellowshîp, as well as the small prograYm put on by the Sundny School as well as a few adults. t was announced that our. Christmas eve ser- vice 'will, be at 8 p.m. December 24tb. Everyone welcome. ~Ê~ffDed a S1NOWBLOWER Torü 2 h.p. Sn o-pup 179.95 ArtenS 4 h. P. Ariens 5 h.p. Ariens, 6 h.p... Toro 7-h.p. Lawn oy 359.9q5 399.95 459.95 569.95 575.95 DISCOUNT IF PUIRCM&3gD BEFORE XMAS DomIIon ardare .n.emtarltmo Phoneo 9s353e? Slacks, Suits, Dresses, Night Wear, SlipesSlacks, T-Shirts, Sweaters and Mitts. FOR BOYS- Jeans, Dress Pants, T-Shirts, Slippers, Snowboots, Sweaters, Toques a nd Mitts. FOR LADMES- Housecoats, Slacks, Blouses, Sweaters, Nightwear, Slippers, Hose and Gloves. FOR GENTLEMEN- Wvarm Coats', Work paints, Dress Pants, Work Sirts, Dress Shirts, SoÉks, Ties, Sippers, Pullovers and Sweaters. 4 ARMS T RON' CHRISTMAS GIFTS FOR EVERYONE IN THE F'AMILY FOR GI1RLS-

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