Trees need not be only decoration A tree may be the focal, point of your living roorn this 0, tmas but Azaleas, Poin- se-- s and other growing things make particularily ap- propriate Christmas decor- ations. The Azalea, a sbrubby evergreen, produces flowers in Christmnasy sbades or red, whute and 1avender as weli as pink. t does best in an east window at a temperature of f ifty-five to sixty degrees F. The plant should receive a- thorougb watering at frequent intervals. From early December Poinsettias in a wide color range of red, dark red, pink andl white should be available at your garden or flower centre. K-eep your poinsettia in a well lighted spot at about 65 degrees. It's bottomr leaves mnay yellow and faîl if it is in a drafty location or if itsroots are allowed to dry out. Red or pînk bloomning Reiger Begon- ias last for weeks in moist well'drained soil. Keep tbem at 70 degrees. F. during the day and not lower than 55 deg. Fat night. The Cyclamen witb its red, white, pink or mauve, flowers requires-frequent wa- tering and plenty of light. If it is kept at àbout' sixty-five degrees during the day and 50 at niglit, and fertulize sparing- 'y a few weeks after it lias been purchased, it should last for several months after Christmas. For an unusual touch to your decorations, try a Kalanchoe, a short, plant with groups of tiny red flowers. t may need water as often as three times a week and does best at a tempera- ture, of seventy degrees F. These are some of the plant that can be used in your home over the Christmas Season to decorate your home along with the customary Christ- mas tree. OR(>NO WEEKLIIMI Setot standards for reg iona1 cira nts Requests for grants fromn Durba m Region will be pro- cessed first next year by the finance committee, if -council approves a committee re- commendation. This year the regiondonat- ed about $26,000 to non-profit organizations, most of them based in Osbawa. The McLaugblin Art Galfery in Oshawa, for example, got $10,000. Coun. Christine Tbomas (Osbawa) explained the .1974 art gallery grant by pointing out "Tbe gallery is open to the entire region." "So are the fairs at Port Perry and lackstock," shot back Coun. Lawrence Mal- colm (Scugog). Requests from a number of fair boards for grants were turned down this year. Tbe finance committee spenit considerable time Tbursday discussing mnethods of determining wbich organ- izations are regional and whicb are purely local. Coun. Mary Reid suggested that the decision may not always be based on the merits of the organization mnaking application. "Sometimes lin the past," she said, "an organization bas got a grant simply because someone on council had. intimate know- From your Xmas Florist. VAN BELLE Now open daily. 9-9 Sat. 6 p.m. Nurserymen and Florisi YULETIrDEFLOWR Drop in for a coffee and Christmas c ake and see our beautîful array of centre piec-es, Poinsettia"s, Piéks for the do if yourselfer!!! MIAY WE SUGGEST FROM BUSHY PLANTS THE PLANTROOM THE TRADITIONAL CHRISTMAS PLANT -Rubber Trees- Shefflera $6.5-Ts$6.95 Beautiful Christmas Pieaes 1295 Palm Trees POINSETTIAS Tree $1.95$29.95 - Velvety Red- Sof t Sheli Pink Orange Trees -Fern $-9.9Pure White 'L- ý ut Leaf 1t (BëaUtifu1l~* Grown just for you Philodendum Cherries $ 3.95 $.0$m$00 -~x ~$13.95 --&Intas$6OO$850$1.O DELIVERED BEFORE CHRISTMAS "YULETIDE CHEERI" this ail around arrangement ý contains Red Carnations, single Daisy Poms, White Pine, Berry Clusters plus 3 candies. Truly a cheerful gif t. ALSO WHITE MUM WITH RED POINSETTIA IN CENTRE - "THE GIFT SOLVER" The right touch often eludes us when we need it mQst, but you can, say it With Flowers !!!An arrangement of White Mums with a touch of Red set in with Pink Boughs and 2 candie's. Excellent fo he Turkey Dinner Table. From $12.50 to $15.00 From $12.50 and $18.00 Delivered Delivered CASH AND CARRY S PE .CIA L 4 Inch Potted 99e ILS, DECEMBER igth, 1974 -7 iedge oi mheorganization ana was able tô put forward a strong case in council." Coun . Gordon. Attersley (Oshawa) said that decisions on the regional or local nature ýof the services provided by organizations mnay be difficuit because of "grey areas." Some services may be partly local and partly regional, hie said. The committee noted that a resolution of Oshawa council, passed Nov. 4, says an organization can not get mon.ey from the city if its gets money from, the region. That, said Coun. Attersley, might prevent an organization .wbich is baif'and half from getting any local support. He used the example of the McLaughlin Gallery. « Last year, in addition to the $10,000 it got from the region, the gallery got $80,000 from' the city. The committee interpreted the Oshawa resolution as meaning if the gallery got $10,000 from- the region in 1975, it will not qualify for any Oshawa money. "The, thinking behind this Oshawa decision was not too good," Coun. Atterlsey said. Costly brief That brief the Town of Newcastle presented to the Solandt Commission opposîng the Hydro Line routes was a costly opinion. . Th'e Murray Jornes and Associates consulting . firmn wbo put the brief together charged $720 for the venture, of wbicb just over $40 went into actual mnaterial costs.. The rates were based on $42 per bour per one planner and $30 per adffitional planner. The mayor bas been asked to let the comnpany know that the town tbinks it's a pretty sfiff fee. Change Tbe Nortbumberland and Newcastlfe.. Board of Educat- ion nioted changes in categor- ies for teachers on Thursday eveninig at their regular meeting. Included wereMr. Douglas Mof fa tt with Category change from C to B and Mrs. Donald Staples witb change from B tc AI. Both teachers at the Oronc Public School witb Mr, Mof- fatt principal and Mrs. Stapl- es, kindergaretn teachers, received their B.A. degrees this year. H ires a s s i s t a n t The Northumberland and ."Jecastle Board of Educat- ion bas bired an assistant clerk for twenty bours a week to hielp with the film and learing resource cenitre. The .film library servi7ce was created in 1971 to serve the requirernents of both the public and, separate, sebools mwLitbithis jursdctin.Tbis service bas since expanded to include POI NSETTIA RED, WHITE, PINK 0, - - w , queil - -,mmoowoql mil i IMM -llý.@-" .i - -- m