__________ i S OHN4>Wl,1' K.Y rII E EMBER 1H u«h 1974 Santaba a lot of helpers, Santa was --ot alone imi had a hittle band of four elves Mgercer, Wendy Watson, Mar- gree(tînig theyotof the assisting. Those assisting cia Lowery and Julie Reed. commmity on Sunday fior hie were (lef t to right) Joanne CANCEL PLANNING ADVISORY MEETING At the last meeting of the Newcastle Planning Advisory Committee it was decided ta cancel the next meeting of the committee whihch wold have been on Deemrber 23rd. The comnmittee will how- (harles Reidj Orono's Lîcensed Auctioneer Valuator ,Specialize in Ffirn Furniture Sales consuit me for terns j andi dates IPhione Oropo 983-5914 I c-ver meet on Thursday, December i9th ta further, consider thie inteim i-.district plan. MIAY HAVE STARTED FATAL FIRE A fatal fire in Claremiount ]aist Friday 'in which twoý WANITED Fresh Dead orj ICrippled I Farm Stock Marqwill Fur Farr 26e-2721 For the Holiday Season Glaun BoWmanville 623-5444 IC losed for ho0lid'ayvs T he V ene z ia PRes ta ur a nt w ill be c losed fo)r' ho()id ay s from 1) ecem ber 15th toJa nuitry 15th W e woulId1li k e t o ta ke t h is 1)pp o rtuiity t o t ha nk every one for their- support during the past year w i ich i s g r ea tly ap pr ec iat1e d. V ene ziîa a u rauan t younig children died may have been started with the aider of the two playing with matches, an Ontario Fire Marshall Office investigator has said. The office is also consider- ing that an overheated iight bulbs may have-caused the, blaze which took the ife of Douglas Taylor, 5 and brother Terryv, 3 years. The father is listed as satisfactory condition in hos- pital with minor burns. MIrs. Taylor hias been released from hospital. The fire apparently started on, the main floor and spread ta the second starey, eventu- ally engulfing the sauth side af the home in flames. Tink-Iyx- angrels Children love ta, partici- pate in holiday prepara- tions and these edible an- gels are simply assemnbleci fromi Hostess Twinklès taothpicked ta styrafaam canes. Rýeady-in-the-can frostIng robes the cakes and silver cake decaratiaons add, sparkle. An apple serves as the large angel's head with the crawning wreathi made of colorful gum draps, mini'a- ture -marshmallow,ýs and foil-wrapped chocalate can- dies. Ail are fastened ta the apple with, toathpicks. .A single .taathpick halds the mini-angel's Hastess Daughnut hala abave her head and anoth er daughnut shapes the larger angel's collar. Here is what yau need ta make the larger angel: 16 Hioste.as Twinkies 1 12-inch slyrofoami cone Tootlhpicks or bamboo) skewers 1 can ready.îo.-spread white frOSting Silver cake decorations 1 smalil HoSîess doughnut SAf candies andl minia- ture miarshm.iallows for the wreath 1l apple 2 whoie cloves Cut Twinkies in hall, length-wise separating fiat bottams f ramr rounded tops. Leave avernight ta stale slightly. Fasten halves with toothpicks vertically in 3 tiers araund the cane. Toothpick 4 halves ta imake each wing and f asten tA- the top tier with toothpicks or skewers. Frost the cakes and sprinkie with silver cake decoratians. Place doughnut on top of thE cone. Fasteni candies arounc the apple top wvith tooth- picks. Insert claves for eyes. Taathpick, or skewer, app.e- ta the cane top. -Here is what yau need for the mini-aqngel: 7 Hostess Twinkies Tootlhpicks 1 6-incli styrofoam cone 1/2 can ready-to-spread white frosing Silvercake decorations 2 Cloves 1 Hostess doughnut Cut -Hostess Twinkles in haif length-wise, separating flat bottoms fram curveçi tops. Leave overiiight ta stale slightly. Fasten halves with toothpieks vertically In 2 tiers around the cane. Taothpick 2 halves together for each wing and skewer ta the top tier. Frost the PORTý ORONO T'YKES PLAY TO DRA W WITHT BOWMIAN VILLE The Orono Tykzes aver the week-end played a twa-all tic game with a visiting teamn fromn Bowmanville. Greg Philp netted the first goal for Orono with assist ta Fred Cashin. The second goal came off the stick of Stewart Simpson on a three-way plawih uray Dennis and Fred Cashin. ROAST BEEF ATOMIS ROLL, ALONG The Roast Beef Atomis playing ouf of the Orono Arena continue their ,ýfnning streak with a 7-3 victory aver the Orono A\tomn Fyers. Bruce MacLean netted five of the Roast Beef goals with the others being scored by day Olsen and Joe Davis. The Flyer's goals were scored by Tom Lycett andz-Ken Farrow. PEEWEE FLYERS AND KINSMEN AREL WINNERS. The Orono PeeWee Flyers ini a league game wjth Millbrook took a shut-aut and the gamne by a score of 3-0. Bobhy Myles scared with assis tot Ted Deuet. Duane Major notched two goals with goals being assisted by Todd Miller. The Orono Kinsmen PeeWees took a 4-3 win over the Orono Hornet PeeWees, Ross Stlutt and Wayne Macbean bath scored two goals for the Kinsmien while the three Hornet g;oals were shared by Jaey Seneca, Alan Webster and Paul Reed. BANTAMI EAGLES 6 - 0 WIN OVER DUTCH OVEN The Orono Bantam Eagles taok a wide margin wiîn over their counter part in Orono, the Dutch Oven crew, by a score of 6-0. Doug Hancock scored two of the six àoals with the remainder being shared by Ron Taisma, Doug JKramer, Kevin Russeltand Kerry Dvs MAKING ANGELS FIROM TWINKCIES can keep liftte earth- lings out of mischief on a ecid winter day. cakes ai-d sprinkle with styrafaam bail, Taaothpick silver cake decorations. Use douglimut ta bail and bail claves ta mnake eyes in the ta cane. OIRONO, ONTARIO TE 1mN A NT FNU E.LS Vour Fina Sales Agent, Orono, Ontario Serving ail of the Town of Newcastle 983-5693 Enjoy the wvarmith of summner throughout the winter mionths we provide everytliing you need. -FREE annual furnace conditioning. -PLUS FREE, Emergency turner service. -Hlot water tank rentai. -Dependable automatic mletered deliveries. -Monitly credit ternis. -Interest free budget accounts. - Furnance financing and installation. For comiplete personalized home comnfort day or night. FI P ETROutF IN A CNADA LTD.