FMonum ents and Family Memoria Is Our quality and service leaves nothing to be nCdesired Ask the person who bought fromn us, a neigh bour, friend or relative The Rutter Granite Company 73 Ontario Street PORT HOPE Phone collect V.W. RUTTER Office - 885-5216 Homie - 885-552,2 , e enP buying or selling and fut the largest selection of properties in the area. Christa Winterheit 983-5465 Bill Grady 983-5149 William Turansky (Kendal) 983-5420 Skhdi - Soffit - Facer Eavestroughlag - Widow Doors - Awnhasgs 62ý-4398 For Frpe Estmatp FURNITURE AND UPHOLSTRY REPAIRS STE VE'S FURNITURE TOUCH-UP R.R. 1, Orono, Ont. Complete furniture refinish- ing. Antique and modern. Steve Johnson 983-9630 HELPWANTED Babysitter, for weekends. Phone 983-5534. 5, ap LOST A gold ring with emeralds and diamonds. Reward. Finçi- er please phone 983-5614. ac INFORMATION RAPE CRISIS CENTRE Victims of rape or sexual assault cali 623-7243 or 623- RAPE. 24 hour answering service. tf. Film Processing PHOTOS Camneras and Photagraphic Supplies 78 King St. W., Bowmanville 623-2404 Orono Buildimg Blrick - Block - Concrete Stone Work Carpentry - Cabinlet Work Floors - Tile 983-5441 Orono Charl Insurance Joli 1i Service Pat Yeo 983-5725 W. FRANK1 REAL ESTATE LIMITED 234 King St. E. ROWMAN VILLE 623-3393 Youur Frfiendly1ý Agency Ail Personal and Commercial Insurance Sadie Hamilton Sue Sawyer Jim Hare For depeida hie esie 983-5115 BOARD 0F EDUCATION Applications will be receiv- ed by the undersigned until Wednesday, January 12, 1977, 12:00 noon for the position of: JR. CODING CLERJ< Commercial or business education a necessity, includ- ing typing and general office procedure. Cuding experience preferable, but must have mathemnatical aptitude plus the ability to get along with people and be able to work from verbal and written instructions. Please apply in' writing stating qualifications, exper- ience, and telephune number to: M.A. MacLeod, Business Administrator and Treasurer, P.O. Box 470, Cobourg, Ont. K9A 4L2, * COMING EVENTS Night school typing course at Clarke HighSchool, begin- ners and advanced courses offered. Registration night Monday, Jan. ioth, the Pines Senior Public School, 7 - 9 p.m. Courses begin on Jan. 18th and will run for 10 weeks. Please contact Mrs. L. Sun- strum, 987-5232. 5, ac. COMING EVENTS Frustrated musicians un- ite! Have you always feit you had hidden musical talent? If su, here is your big chance. Corne and sign up for begin- ners instrumental music night schooi classes on Mon., Jan. lOth, 7 - 9 p.m. at the Pines. Instruments available at very reasonable rentai rates. Course starts Jan. 24 at Pines if enough peuple are interest- ed. Please contact Mrs. C. Proie, the Pines, 987-5232. 5, ac. COýIïNG EVENTS Men s Lob-Bail General meeting to be held in Jan,, 1977. Anyone interested in work- ing on the executive of this league, contact J. Willan at 623-2618. 22, 51 ac . 4-H clubs 4-H in Ontario is basically designed for young people living in rural areas, but anyone interested can juin. 4-H Agricultural Clubs are open tu boys and girls between the ages of 12 and 20. The program provides the opportunity for people to learn to work with people, Everyone meets together as a club to plan activities, to have fun, and to Iearn from a speaker or club leader. 4-H members run their uwn program wîth une or more adult leaders to help out. But, that's just a local club. There is a whole team of peuple working on 4-H actîvities. Al members, nu matter huw young, take an active part in planning and running the local program. Senior mem- bers share their experience with younger members. Par- ents and other members in the community help by prov- iding encouragement and res- ources to 4-H memrbers. Club leaders are volunteers who cu-ordinate the 4-H clubs. 4-H is flexible. The local 4-H members can shape and mould their prugram to suit their interests, provided they Bob Yeomans Plumbing and Hleating '24 Hour Service New Installations Alterations - Repairs Specîahilzîngjni Hofit Wa ter Heating Fo-rc.ed Air Hleating eptcT'kWork HRR1, Orono 983-,56241 TELEPHONE 623-6555 JOHN MANUEL, C.G.A. INCOME TAX AND RELATED AccoUNTING SERVICES 67 KING ST. EAST - SUITE 2 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO - LIC IN3 Hlighway 25 and 115, just north of Newcastle *Featuring: à Preinium Quahity Prùductý; At the Most Reasonable Prices Diesel 011 Avaliable -ni any quantity Phione 987-4215I "Learn to do by Doing." In Durham County, the 4-H Agricultural program gener- ally runs from April to September and the 12-14 clubs in the county average 6 or 7 meetings each incIuding Ach- ievement Day and special events such as: Car or Bus tours, Judgîng Competîtion, etc. Regular meetings are usuaily held weekday even- ings beginning at 8:00 p.m. Area farmers offer their farms as meeting places, and generally a short farm tour is included in the meeting program. Last year, topic areas included: 6 livestock clubs, as well as Conservation, Farm Management, Field Crups, Landscape-Gardening, Small Engine, Snowmobile, and Veterinary clubs. Achieve- ment Days for ail production clubs were held in cunjunct- ion with local fairs. Perhaps you might be interested in 4-H; either as a member, parent of a mem- ber, or club leader. If so, contact: 4-H Co-ordiniator, Ontario Ministry of Agricuilt- ure and Food, 234 King Street East, Bowmanville or at 623-3348. BYAMS PLUMBING - HEATING. Sales and Service 24 HOUR BURNER SERVOCE GULF FINANCING Low Interest Rates Phone: Tyrone 263-2650 Gui SVENEZIÀA Restaurant -zMile Southof Orono Phone 983-56,51 OPEN 7DAYS AWEEK We Specialize in: Pizza - MealIs W%'eek( end Specials ýWilliam c. Hall, B om Chartered Accountont 0 Phone Newcastle 987-4240 ALL DAY WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY "Fowers witti Feeling" For Any Occasion Tet.62124377 OPEN ALL DAY WEDNECOAY I rshFoe adDidFoerArneet HSA ndOME Winur wApples * Frsh MleiSyrBu j Hone, Sw eCd m 1 5FRED' S * Fruit Market Highwayl115 South of OronoI