Retiresafter 32 years commlîttees On Monday ever inauguaral meetirý standing commit set-up witb chan nated. The new; done away with ti tee of the Whole, wi Rickard stated fol meeting should standing, andt previously handie committee will directed to anothi tee or toe ouneil session. A new committ& formned to be1 Legisiation and By mittee. The eompositi4ý various committee: as follows. (a), Finance Comi Ail mnembers of D.W. ning at the rIL of cornimr. with Minîstry i.g01 oulcil Jirn Buckley of Leskard ttees were who retired from bis position nges being with the Ministry of Natural couincil has Resources at the Orono Tree he Commnit-. Nursery at the end of the viich Mayor er led iscoie- Alowing the yablready frins nc, osr not be a imr was termed maintenance t-hat work mechanic at the Nursery u ed by thisybu eithr be proved to be much more with ýer commit- his innovativeness over the iregular past thirty-two years. -Mr. Buckley came to the Nursery ee ha been in 1945 following bis stint with knw bas e the Queen's Ow,,n Rifles dur- Yiavn on-a ing World War Two. i-law com- The retiree sees littie troub- on 1 ýf he'le in now fillý.ing l his leisure es aro te timne and looks to be able to ~s retobe spend more time with a number of hobbies he bas Jrnittee gained interest In over the Council past few years. He also views Ain some odd jobs that wvill keep his mmid active and is ýd Property creativity stirring. From those that have known Jim Woodyard, over bis life in Leskard tbey are well aware that botb bis Ykstra bands and mind have turned Taylor out a number of useful gadgets- that could not really nd B-Y-laws be purchased over the count- ideas put forth by Jimîn Buckley sucb as an automatic s'prinkler system i the green- bouse, tree root pruner, seeders and a bost of other operatilve and time-saving gadgets, Presefltly jim la working on the building of a Rhyzometer to measure root densîty of young trees at the Nursery. This work will continue even though be bas retired. 1It is easier to talk to Jimi about blis future plans than those that nappened Jr, the past. He expects to spead mnuch more tjime wit-h bis transmtter and recel-ver as a Ham Radio operator, He belongas to the Radio Society of Ontarïo as well as to the North Shore Radio Cl-ub based out of Oshawa. 110 gives bis caîl sigra out, over the air- waves as VE3 BGZ (Bravo Gulf Zullo). Through this- hiobby Ji.m, like ail other Ham- radio onerators, bas a bost of t this Id be .yor sewex incil said. the bavec the Mlr. ýce Taylor spoke of on and that be a realist. Mr. Bob poke of the need for communications that extensions to water supply plant ewer plants were eeded in Bowiman- furtber 1200 in ile will place the at at its lîmît, be and ready when you tions", he said. per H4olliday said it H1e a temn witht Kidd, with ti. mxx