WORK WVANTED WORK WANTED WORK WANTED EARN SOMIE $ Ear piercing service. BROWN ELECTRIC (Part Time) Phone 623-5747 for appoint- Peter Sutherland - Service changes Sell panty-hose, men's ment and information. Alumiîiinim Prod. - Upgrading hydro socks, tights etc. Get your Hooper's Jewellers Ltd. Siding - Soffit - Fasia - Rec. rooms ' free catalôgue. Act Now!. Trough - Shutters - No job too small Nycole Hosiery, MO u62.3-4398 Paul Brown Ste-Julie, Quebec. .al -1Fa nili For Free Estimate 983-9661 JOL 2C0 hMY N,,, h nlignl idi f n,,Orono 19, 26, 2,9, c Memoria is Ontr quality and service leaves nothing to lie desired Ask thePer-soli Who bought fromn us, a neigh bour. friend or relative The Rutter Granite Company 73 Ontario Street PORT HOPE Phone collect V.WV. RUTTER Office - 885-5216 Home - 885-5522 Fior Prompt, towteOLtw, efficient service wlien buying or selling and fuor the Iargest selèktiohl cf propertes in the area. CONTACT 0RONO AREA Christ a Winterhet 983-5465 Bill Grady 983-5149 William Turansky (Kendal) Charie Reid 983-5914 iohi# Pritcflard 705-944-5519 Pal Yeo 983-5725 W. FRANK REAL ESTATEI LIMITED 234 King St. E. POWMANVILLE 623-3393 FURNITURE AND UPHOLSTRY REPAIRS STE VE'S FURNITURE TOUCH-UP R.R. 1, Orono, Ont. Complete furniture refinish- ing. Antique and modemn. Steve Jonnson. 983-963U INFORMATION RAPE CRISIS CENTRE Victims of rape or sexual assault cail 623-7243 or 623- RAPE. 24 hour answering service. tf. LOST Black Lab. named Sheba. Phone B. Esier, 983-5044. Cameras and Photographic supplies 78 King St. W., Bowmanville 623-2404 Orono Building Contractor ,Brick - Bloek - Concrete Stone Work Carpentry - Cabinet Work Floors - Tile 983-5441 Orono Hamiltons Insurance Service Your Friendly Ajgency Ail Personal and Commercial Insurance Sadie Hamilton Sue Sawyer Jini Tare 983-5115 Lic. No. 309A-030223 2,'9,16, 23, ap. HE LPWANTED URGENT Men interested in helping a boy become a man. There is no cash reward for a Big Brother, but, there is no greater reward than when a man hielps a boy. For inform- ation telephone- 623-6646 or write to Box 13, Big Brother, Association of Newcastle, 26, 2,9, 16, ac. OFFICE HELP Town of Newcastle requires a Confidential Secretary for Director of Public Works in Hampton Office. Applications will be received for the above position up to 5 p.m. on Februaryý 18th, 1977. Applications to be sent t 'o the office of the Town Clerk, 40 Temperance Street, Bow- mnanville. The persons required should be proficient in Typ- ing, Shorthand an-d other office procedures. Previous municipal exper- ience would be an asset. Duties to commence on March 28th, 1977. Salary commnensurable with ability and experience. J.M. McIllroy, A.M.C.T., Town Clerk, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario, LIC 3A6. Clarke Public LIBRARY PHONE 983-5507 Monday, Tuesdjay, Thursday and Friday 2-:30 to 8:30 p.m. Saturday 10:00 to 12:00 a.M. 1Oiiono, Ontario SWIMMING POOLS TORENT Swimming pools to rent, will lease and instaîl for home owners, family size, alumin- umn swimming pool with patio. Choice of styles meeting all fencing regulations, 1.-2-3 yr. rental basis with option to own. Try before you buy, cal collect 416-663-9508 any time. tf FOR SALE 1969 Ski-Doo, 1203 H.P. ;n good condi tion. Engine check- ed over this year. Phonie 983-5379 after 4:30 2, ac. FOR SALE 1976 Chev. Impala Custom, 2 door hardtop, excellent condition, 11,000 miles, $4,750.00. Phone 983-5448. 2, ac. SWIMMING POOLS FOR SALE Will sacrifice 1976 alumin- umn swimming pools to make warehouse space for new manufactured merchandise. Not ail sizes in stock, but a good selection on hand at this timne. For early delivery, cail now, collect 416-663-9508. tf SWIMIMING POOLS FOR SALE 1977 Models, slîghtly scrat- ched in transport, fully war- ranted, complete wîth pump, motor, filter, fence walk-way and deck. Suggested retail price $2,- 295.00, available at pre- season special of $1,288.00. Calil now for early installat- ion, Collect, 416-663-9508. tf. TELEPI-ONE 623-6555 JOHN MANUEL, C.G.A. INCOME TAX AND RELATED ACCOUNTINO SERVICES 6ING ST.. 'EAST - SUITE 2 BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO - LIC 1N3 DXS E RVICEE STZ"A TIO1 Highway 35 and 115, Just north of Newcastle Featuring: ~~ Premiumn Quality Pi oducts At the Most Reasonable SPrices Available pi aniy quantity àPhone 987-4215 I NOTICE The Senior Citizens hold their meeting on 7 day afternoon, Feb. 3 p.m. at the Oddfellows' COMING EVENTS Clarke Public Lil crafts for children, ste Saturday, Feb. Sth, 101 Il a.m. COMING EVENTý GREAT PINE RID(. KINSMEN Valentine Dance, Feb l2th, 1977, 9:00 -1: 00, Ne tie Community Hall,, I ing Toriler Brass, Kitcl $12 couple, flowers for valentine. -Lunch, refreshments tickets caîl 983-5920. 12, 19,21 îes, Wednesday, Februarv 2nd, 1977-1_ BIRTH 1100EY - Gord and Cindy are pleased to announce the arrival of a son, Timiothy Wlliam, a brother for Penny, at Fort St. James, B.C., January 8th, 1977. 2, ap. will COMING EVENTS ['hurs- Durham East Liberal As- at 2 sociation (Provincial) will Hall. hold its annual meeting on 2,-ap. Wednesday, Feb. 9th, 1977, 8 S p.m. at the Port Darlington S Marina, Bowmnanville. ibrary Election of the executive arting for 1977 will take place, and a. m. - also at this time delegates will be elected to the forth- 2, ac. coming provincial Ontario Liberal Party annual meet- 's ing, which is to be held at the GE Skyline Hotel, Toronto, frorn Fni., march 4 through to bruary Sunday, March 6th, 1977. ewcas. To quahify to vote at the featur- meeting, your membership hener. must be purchased or renew- ryour- ed by Monday, February 7th, 1977. sFor Contact Lynn Housley, 987- 6,2, 9. -HOWdoesa it feel to b ut on the Stet Find ot.Take a wafl,» Advertisings- a showcase for intelligent shopping. _CANADIAN ADVERTISING, ADVISORY BOARD 4735. 2,ac. Pumping ouf Septi kTanks Bert Tompkins Phione 786-2552 1 786-2636 Wilim C. Hall, .COMM. (ha rtered Accountant Phone Newcastle 987-4240 ALL DAY WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY Phione 623-3377 133 Church Street Bowmanvilie "FLOWERS WITH FEELING" Be.anid AI Anderson, Pr-op. * Pears (Flemish Beauty * * and Bose)I i Winter Apples * 75 lb. bag of Potatoes * Fresh Maple Syrup j Honey, Sweet Cider F RE D'S * Fruit Market E Highway 115 South of Orono U i