2-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, February 9th, 1977 Orono Weekly Times Second Class Mail Registration Number 6368 Published Every Wednesday at the office of Publication Main Street, Orono Roy C. Forrester. Editor Eric Patterson, Advertising WHAT ABOUT TOMORROW? Council on Monday night, in a matter of a few minutes and with scanty information, embarked on the rebuilding of the Newcastle Village arena. The matter neither went to any committee of council or even to the Department of Parks and Recreation. The decision of council has disregard for their own rules and regulations, their own department of recreation, to an engineering report and most of all to the future development to come about in the village. One could only be sadly disappointed with the inability of this council including even the Mayor to look beyond the present day situation and with no regard for the future. It no doubt will cut present-day costs but over the long haul will be a costly, futile decision. The decision of council is to place the new structure on the present site which is inadequate according to the Town's own regulations as to front and side yards. It is inadequate according to a report filed with the Town of Newcastle by their engineers, Totten, Sims and Hubicki who have strongly recommended that a new site be sought if a new building is to be constructed. Millions of dollars are also being spent by the Region to construct a new water plant in Newcastle for present and future residents of the Village and is being designed for at least 7000 and an ultimate of 10,000. This is an indication of what is to come-in the future for if the plant is constructed, and there is every intention that it will be, the population will follow. It is as clear as night and day for if the services are there the growth will follow through pressures of developers and the fact the more users the easier it will be to pay for the service. Its elimentary. Unfortunately council has lacked the foresight to look to the future and wave their hand of approval for any solution. Not one councillor questioned any noteable aspect of the proposal and must now find themselves down the perverbial "garden path". After spending thousands and thousands of dollars in planning both at the Town and Regional level it is unfortunate we can do no better than this. Surely some area in Newcastle Village is suitable for a sports complex with area to expand as the Village grows. What about the area around the Public School where already a swimming pool, wading pool and future tennis courts are the beginning of a sports complex? How can the taxpayers and residents of this community have confidence in their council to handle the development of services amounting in the millions of dollars, plan future growth patterns on an economical base, deal with such as Ontario Hydro and Eldorado, when such as planning a new arena gets such a shawdy treatment?????? Letter to Editor Dear Sir, With regards to your editor- ial of February 2nd in which you quote various costs that appertain to the providing of "ice" facilities in the Town of Newcastle. One af the reasons why Orono, Clarke, Newcastle, Bowmanville and Darlington was amalgamated into the Town of Newcastle, was so that the costs of these very expensive arena facilities could be shared by a greater population. It was not the intent to amalgamate so that one group of people who were not as "vocally" strong as anoth- er should have their pockets penalized as you describe in your editorial. During the time I had the priviledge of representing Ward One (Darlington) on the Newcastle Council, I was a strong advocator that a "Policy" must be evolved to provide "ice" for the citizens of the Town of Newcastle to be shared by all and the costs likewise. However, these revolution- ary seeds fell on infertile ground. The results of such short- sightedness is now becoming very apparent as demonstrat- ed by your editorial. The Town of Newcastle is tax hungry. Industry is needed not only to'provide jobs but revenue for the 30,000 residents. Eldorado is available. Is it "safe and secure" question all including local, provincial and federal politi- cians carefully covering themselves by adding that the refinery would be a welcome addition to our local economy if ... if ... if ... In the meantime the towns tax collecting system rem- ains confused and the recent problems of the Orono, Bow- manville and Newcastle aren- as compounds the problem. What happened to the Rice Retirement Park proposal. According to a letter from Mr. E.C. Aldridge, Valuation Manager of the Regional Tax Assessment office, this park would have generated some $466,000 per annum free and clear for the town if the politicans had approved ifs construction. Surely a sum of money such as this into the town coffers would have been-sufficient to rebuild or refurbish all kinds of ice facilities and for that matter the Kirby museum to boot. Letter to Editor I have been reading the ingenious publicity of Doug- las Moffatt, the New Demo- cratic Party member for our Provincial Parliament that has been printed in your paper since his election in 1975. Despite his polished words, I believe that the time has corne to outline the major plank in the political policy of the New Democratic Party for the edification of the people who are not deep in politics and only take election time interest in government. This major plank of the NDP manifesto that is kept quiet, off stage and generally not spoken of or written about by Mr. Moffatt or any other NDP person is the bald political fact that the New Democratic Party consists of politicians and party follow- ers banded together from coast to coast to impose the principles of socialism at all levels of our Canadian type of government in the event that the NDP is successful at the polls. Are Socialist governments acceptable or not for Canada? In my opinion the answer is "No!" Socialism is not the alternative to the present government - on any level - and these writings are direct- ed along that definitive stand. Here is what Socialism is all about. "Socialism is essentially a doctrine and a movement aiming at the collective organization of the commun- ity in the interests of the mass of people, by means of common ownership and col- lective control of the means of production and exchange." (Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol. 20, page 888) "Collective control of pro- duction". A very good for instance - could it be imagined what would happen with an NDP government running General Motors? - The idea of 2,000 retired people living in a self support- ing community was so abor- ent to Councillors, Entwistle, Lyall and Mayor Rickard not forgetting M.P.P. Doug Mof- fatt that they opposed this proposal to the point of hysteria. Is a self contained commun- ity of retired people "unsafe and insecure", or were the real reasons for rejection always shrouded in the foggy air that blows off Lake Ontario? The financial problems fac- ing the residents of Clarke and indeed the residents of all of the Town of Newcastle are grave. These problems are now to be further compoun- ded by our greenhorn council who have just rushed blindly into approving large resident- ial growth in Courtice which can only result in the lowering of our industrial residential tax ratio even further. Indeed, it is time that the council of Newcastle, climbed off the grey political fence, sat down (not behind closed doors) and equally enumerat- ed their total responsibilities to all of the people in the Town. Then and not till then should they make decisions. - Ann Cowman. Do we want collective control of production? Do we want collective organization of the commun- ity? For me, thanks but no thanks. I have been interested in politics for many years. What amazes me, is how lightly so many people in previous elections have marked their ballots in favour of NDP candidates without fully real- izing that in supporting NDP candidates such as Mr. Mof- fatt who is dedicated to the principles of Socialism - the voter is in fact supporting Socialism. It is ta be hoped that people who read Mr. Moffatt's puf- fery that is presented in a manner to engender support for his efforts and his party's efforts to become the govern- ing body for Ontario and Ottawa will balance off his honeyed words with the realization of what a Socialist Party would accomplish as a Socialist Party - should it take office. To the local members and supporters of the New Demo- cratic Party who do not agree with this diatribe by hollering "not so" or "This could not happen". Could I ask them to request Mr. Moffatt to inform the public through future colums in newspapers what the program of his party would be if the NDP would form a majority government? Could Mr. Moffatt outline the theory of how the NDP would put such a program into action? I have no desire to afford Mr. Moffatt the opportunity to corne on with more words hitting at present political conditions in , this province and the country at large. What I want ta see in black and white is Mr. Moffatt's explanation of the basic philosphy of the New Deomo- cratic Party vis-a-vis Social- ism. It is my opinion, shared by a host of other political minded people that Socialism may be great for the people of the USSR - the Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic, Russia. Socialisrn may be wonderful for the other people behind the Iron Curtain. However, in this writer's opinion, in the interest of future lifestyle of Canadians it is to be hoped that with its ascent and fall in British Columbia the New Democrat- ic Party has reached its zenith as a Canadian political WHIS;TLING" 'EN TE DARK ... OHER< FLLW' party. Canadians must delve into and understand what the New Democratic Party stands for before accepting any further blandishments from the NDP standardbearers made in the effort to woo further support for the NDP as a replacement to the Liberal and Conservat- ive candidates. The time is at hand for Mr. Moffatt and the New Demo- Orono Landscaping SNOW PLOUGHING 983-5598 F. R. Tennant Fuels Ltd. cratic Party to sail under full disclosure of its basic aims. Kenneth E. Lyall, Citizen. Dave's Plumbing Heating Electric Industrial-Commercial Residential 786-2471 R.R. 1 Orono Orono E lectric Herb and Gerry Duvall ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING ELECTRIC HEATING ElectricalAppliances T.V. - COLOUR T.V. RADIO -HI-FI WESTINGHOUSE RCA ELECTROHOME Guaranteed Service Attention Farmners!! Reasonable Prices on SAVE ON Diesel Fuel Motor Oil i Gasoline- Phone 668-3381 - Colled DX FUEL OIL For Prompt Courteous Service CALL US TODAY gr --ooe mm oem - om o Child's Sizes 13-6 Snowmobile Boots * 25%OFF VICTORIAVILLE Hockey Sticks * 25%OFF I I Table 3%OFF * Lamps3 Rolph Dominion rHardware ORONO, ONTARIO Phone 983-5207 g I eme== =m==mm4