TO SIGN AGREEMIENT It is the intention of the Town Council to sign an agreement with the Durham Central Agricultural Society and then pass the necessary by-law so that the Community Centres grant and Wintario grants may be applied for by the Town. This is in connect- ion wîth the repairs at the Orono Arena late in 1976'to allow it to operate during this winter season. FIRST INSTALMENT DUE MARCH 28th The first instalment of taxes in the Town of Newcas- tle will be due as of March 28th with the second instal- REPORT TO COST $8,500. 1Council approved the hi ring of I.B.I. to carry out an e.valuation assessment of the Community Impact Study and Environmental Assess- ment as submitted by Ontario Hydro on the proposed Dar- lington Generating Station dated January 2lst, 1977 for a maximum price of $8,500.00. IN CAMERA SESSION An. "In Camera" session of council, was held on Monday evening when council met with Mr. John Veldhuis, chairman of the S.E.A.P. organization. Bob Dykstra voted against the in camera * eç aboveS as the at the :Ail at Substantial Savîngs *Perf ume, SoaP, Talc and * Gift Sets :Ya rd ley * Colognes, Soaps, Bath Products, s and Make-Up *Chocotates A s by Smilies 'N Chuckles, Rowntree AEb ~CARDS & GI FT WRAP by Carleton yee -534 ORONO, ONT.* 983-50 e In the above photo Gwen jousting, competitions. witni one super jouster. balance. Myles and Marilyn Garrison These are inter-pack corn- The whole idea behind this The resuit of the display to the cubs the correct petitions which will be judged game is to keep your balance photo was a draw n2ethod of defeating their by the leaders and scored on the tippy discs while the leaders both fell off opponents in the up-coming accordingly until they end up opponent uses the padded same time. stick to try and put you off AGAIN IN OPPOSITION Former Counc. Ken Lyall addressed council on Monday night presenting a petition of some seventeen names in opposition to including the- Village of Newcastle in a gas. Don't Leave IL t. Chance Be sure your home is'truiy protected by a .good policy Cail us now Milison Insurance Agency Office: Corner of Church and Cobbledick Street L ý -983-5032 St. Saviours ANGLICAN ST. SAVIOURS Regular Sunday Worship Service - 10: 60 a.m. Rev. Allan Haldenby B.A. L.TH. Organist Mrs. Joan Cashin Orono Pastoral Charge Rev. B.E. Long B. Th. 0ORGANIST & CHOIR DIRECTOR Douglas DeWell ISUNDAY, FEB. 13, 1977 ORONO UNITED CHURCH Sunday Church School 10 a.m. Morning Worship 11: 15 a.m. Y_,<RBY UNITED CHURCH Morning Worship 9:45 a.m. Sunday Church School Il a.m. Dial-A-Thought 983-9151 franchise to Consumer Gas Company. Lyaîl referred to the dangers of gas, also what he termed a short supply, the digging up of the streets again and the feeling that it was not needed in Newcastle. Mr. Fagan of Consumer Gas again approached coun- ASKED TO DIRECT FUNDS TO COURTICE AREA (Continued from page 1) must be used for a storm sewer to drain a good portion of the development. Counc. Woodyard said there was a lot of meniti the submission and some inform- ation was similar to what he had been able to learn over the past few days. "It merits a lot of consideration", he said. "I would like to support this in principle", he said. Councs. Halliday and Taylor both voiced similar comn- ments but feit there was no way they could take any action on the requests at this meeting. Counc. Allin said there should be concern over the cost of water and sewers to present owners and this should be deait with by the Works Committee. Mrs. Cowman also stated that the Courtice group did support the report of 'the Central lake Ontario Conserv- ation Authority in tfîe matter of redirecting a streamn and carrying drainage by storm sewer to the Farewell Creek. Council last Tuesday gave tentative approval for the 1100 bouse sub-division pro- posai over the objections of the Conservation Authority. The proposail must be under- way by March 3lsst if the Town is to qualify for certain granto Council is to consîder the requests made on behaîf of the 'Courtice and Area Citi- zens Association and referred the matter to the Planning 2 Commn.(ittee of Council. 1 cil for the issuance of a gas franchise for the whole of the Town of Newcastle. Further consideration is to be given by council of the matter. Fagan did state that initially the gas line would pas along North Street from the north to Highway No. 2, then west to the Ruddell Road and then South to the existing sub-divi- Sion. Mayor Rickard stated that the former counicil was about to give approval of, the franchise wîth the exclusion of the Village of Newcastle.' APPOINT LOCAL ARCHITECTURAL ADVISORY COMMIITTEE Through a by-law the Town of Newcastle has imitiated a Local Architectural Advisory Committee with the follwing appointments to the commit- tee: Marie Hubbard, Jack Gordon, Newcastle, Bill Bag- neil, Helen Schmid, Orono,' Forrest Dilling, Patricia Reid, Pat MacKay, Mayor Rîckard and Counc. Bruce Taylor. APPROVE USE 0F ORONO TOWN HALL BY JAYCEES Council bas agreed with the request of the Bowmanville Jaycees to use the basement- of the Orono Town Hall and that a simple agreement be COUNCIL APPROVES REBUILDING NEWCASTLE AJIENA (Continued from page 1) In speaking with the chair- man of the Newcastle Organ- ization, Keith Barr, following the meeting he said the committee did not have a final cost nor did they have plans for the new arena. He did say the engineers had estimnated the cost at around $250,000.00. Mr. Barr also said he was not sure if the additional land would be available or just how much it would cost or who would piay for it. The additîonal land, he said, was in an residential zone and would lîkely have to be rezoned. ,*'~- / !SOME MEN CARRY LE TTEIR 0F cREVIr 0 FACE, WmeHH ES worfJ LWl4REVER THEY 60. Marine and C: Orono Phone 983*ý e *e. FRESH GRADE "A" LAG mmmm mmmumm m mmmmmmmumm m ~mm GLEN RAE DAIRY 2 % OMO 0 MILK $1,' *GoId SeaI SOCKEYE SALMON ;, Oz. Tini Shop Red & White for these and many more bargains You'II be Dollars ahead CORN ISH'S Council Briefs mm,3 Quart asemm.