Kirby Public School Vol<leyba Il winners Last Friday night and Saturday, the Kinsmen Invit- ational Volley BaIl Tourn- ament was held at the Bowmanville Higli Sehool. During the course of the two days 12 girl teams and 12 boy teams rallied to corne up with a winner in each division. In the girls division, girby Public School came first winning the Gold medal and a plague and in the boys division 1irby camne 3rd thus winning the bronze medals. In the above photo shows the Kirby Public School Girls Volley Bail team who had won first place in the Bowmanville Kinsmen Invitational Volley Bail Tournaiment. trili, Robiii Munro, Michele Back row from left to right Bamsey and Mrs. L. Adams shows: Caroline Opoka, Deb- (coach). Front row from Ieft ie Ripley, Michelle Quan- to right, Suz-inne Forth, Megan Hurst (captain), and Donna Lowery. Absent for this picture was Wendy Pro- cher. ONTARIO MEDAL FOR GOOD CITIZENSHIP. haim. Front row from lhft to Robinson and Mike Vogel. right Kryke Innis, Mike Absent was Chris Proc1her. owned by M Moore, Silver Lad and paid $29.90 for the win. Gord Robinson drove to his second win in two starts with his own horse F. D. Parson. In the asme race Derek- Newman was sixth with the Glenn Tennant horse, Valiant Way.J Tartan Princess won the second, Moorelan's Mister the third, Daleack the fifth and Sassysam the seventh. Jaspere Ban#ff oYellowstone 23 Days Departures in June, JuIy, August & Septemnber Wl? h many of them visiting the Calgary Stampede MariimesMaritimes M2aims & Newfoundland Departe every Monday18 ay June 6 to Sept 19th, 1977 Departurea in JuIy, Inclusive August & SepîeMber $450. e655. per pers >n perWÎflYo Also many departures to New England, Florida, California, Virginia, Kentucky, Georgia, Tennessee & Penn Dutch Orono Weeklyý Timues, WVedncsdaY, Februaryv th, 1977-7 b Advertising.c a showcase I I for intelligent I I shopping. I C-ANADIAN ADVERTISING ADVISORY 130ARDJ Good Citi*zenship deserves -a medal Do yo know anyone here in Ontario who-through self] essness, humanity and kindness without expect- ing anything in return-has made this a better Province in which to live? That's the kind of person for whom the Ontario Medai for Ciood Citizenship was established. Recipients are selected by an independent Advisory Council of Ontario citizens whose honorary chairmnan is the Lieiutenant-Governor of the Province. Anyone may nomimate a person for the Ontario Medal, and nomination forms are avaýilable by writing: Executive Secretary Advisory Councîl Ontario Medal for Gocod Citizenship Queen's Park Toronto, Ontario M7A ]AI Making a nomination is itself an act of appreci- ation foi- good citizenship. Alil nominations should be received by April1 15, 1l977.