In the recent Bowman- boys team plACE SECOND Lorne- Rosamond, Stephen Shawn Ro binson, (Front row) ville Kinsmen Invitational IN THEIR DIVISION 0F Fellows, Paul Woodbeck, David Lawson, Paul Lane, Volley Baîl tournament the THE COMPETITION. Pie- Grant Yeo, coach, Spencerý Jake Zondervan. Lockhart's Public School tured above are, (Bàck row) Williams, Ma rk Easton, Lockhart School News The tournament that was sponsored by the Kinsman Club in Bowmanville on the fourth and fifth of February was a great success:. Teams from Blackstock, -Oshawa, Bowmanville, f(irby, New- castle, Enniskillen, Newton- ville, Mlaple Grove, Courtice, Orono and Lockbart ail parti- cipated in the tournament. The tournamentý started on Friday at 3:30 and ended at 4:00 on Saturday. Games were twýýo out of three with losing teams going to one side of the schiedule and winning teams the other side. The games that were play- ed Friday night was to decide which teams that would- play againsteach other.' Lockhart girls played against Enniskillen, Lord El- gin, Athabaska and won al three series. Lockhart boys played against Ontario Street No. 2 then Ontario Street No. 1 and won both. They set the stage for the final two out of three series to determine the gold and silver winners. The girls teams to play for the gold and silver were Kirby and Lockhart. Kirby won the, gold and Lockhart won silver, and Newcastle won the bron-, ze. The two boys teams playing for the gold and, silver were Newcastle and, Lockbart. Newcastle won 15-13 and 17-15. The gold went to Newcastle, silver to Lockhart and bronze to Kirby. The final gamnes were televised on cable channel 6 in Oshawa. Shawn Robinson, SPIZZA: *300 King St. E. * NEWCASTLE *997-4709 *Is pleased ta announce * Mr. *Terry Thomnpson* of Newcastle in * the position of 0 * DELIVERY e @ Terry now provides e a DELIVERY 7 DAYS Ase 0 WEEK. 0 *Sun.- Thurs. 4 p.m. -* ' 12 p.m. Fri - Sat. 12 am -2 am.e *Please allow 30-45.e *minutes for in -village.e *delivery and 45-90 0 *minutes for out of 0 :village. *However delivery may e be sooner on oc- 9 @ casion depending on *number of orders at The girl's Volley Bahl team at Lockharts was not to be outdone by the boys with the result that the girls also placed second in the Iinsmen tournamewnt. Pictured above lÇellie Johnson, Linda Lemn- (Back row) Hope Robson, pen, Betty-Jean Trimble, Denise Pedwell, Alice Devos, (Front row) Lori MeNeil, Cathy Sheridan, Mrs. Linda Charlene Rodd and Sherry Hansen, coach, Lisa Alun, Stere. Hotel- owner f ined minors in hotel bar Elmnhurst Hotel, Newcastle has been fined a sum of $1,500.00 for permaitting per- sons under the age of 18 years of age on their licenced property on November 4th, 1976. Police found about twenty persons under the age limnit in the hotel on Nov. 4th. Mr. Jones, president of the Elmhurst Hotel, bas been reported to say that the days of persons using birth certifi- -cates, baptismal certificates and the likes are over and that hotels in the Town will only accept age of majority cards as prove of age. It was also pointed out 'that units from the Liquor Control Board will be in town on February 23rd in the Village of Newcastle and in Bowman- This was the fîrst compet- ition that Lockharts has- ever entered relating to Volley Ball. ville on February 24th. 'The ID ca rds issued by the LCBO will 4ive the pteture of the person on the card to whom it is issued. There has been a problemn in the past in making proper identification and proving age. Cla rke interior to be com'pteted April l5th A- report to the Northum- berland and Newcastle Board of Education on Thursday outlined that ail interior facilities would bc completed and ready for use by April lStb at the Clarke High School. The school has been operat- ing during the year with periods of time wben the gym and cafeteria were out of service due to the renovations at the school. Cou your llcensed Plumblng and Mechanical Contractor Who eus, Installs and guarantees CARMAN Phimblng and Reatlng Phone 983-5207 orono Have Stea mer.. WI »Travel Water Pipes and Septic Tanks Thawed Out Phone 983-5206 H. Partner & Sons ORONO, ONTARIO Wednesday Night 5 -9 p.m. 4 Course Meal1 Top Sir loin Steak $3.95 Thursday Night 5 -9 p.m, 5 Course Meal Spaghetti 'N Meat Sauce Ail you cari eat $2.75 Every Day - Noon - 3 4 Course Luncheon Specials $1.95 New Dutch Oven âý ý m L-