-~ockhart students place well1 in Leg ion competition The following are the fwo slnei hc o e prize wînning. compositions slnei bc iur wriffen by students of Lock- ber- the war and tbe sold hartsSchoo forthe Lgion and Flanders Fi.eld isa1 harpts cofrt he Lgion wbere fhousands, of our Rie"'eu'bra nce Day veterans were buried. Remnembrance Day is a day Many soldiers went fo wve set aside to rememnber anweehre an those people wbo helped our before returning f0 country become free. hms The firsf Remnembrance If ail the' nations Day«ý was after the First World fogether the world wilI War and the symnbol o peaceful place to live in Remiembrance Day is the grandfather was in the poppy in Flander's. Field, He and fwo, other sol Somie people don't uinder- were in a jeep and fbey stand Remiembrance Day. over aný underground b( -Thbe reason we wveari a The two guys witb him, poppy is tf0 remember the killed. My grandfafher's soldiers wbo died trying f0 was blown off and had f0 mrake our country free. ~a steel pla te in bis bip. Hie Flanders. Field is in Holland bad bis shin wounded bu and poppies grow ail around lived tbrougb if. There the crosses that mark the many stories about Rerr soldier's- graves.-11 brance Day but tbis' b by Paul Garnett. version. Paul]L REMIEMBRANCE DAY Remnembrance Day tomine is Grou p formed foi a day we should be tbinking about the soldiers, doctors, Spinners, Weaver and nurses who sacrificed A group of1 active spînn their lives so that we could and weavers bave forme live in a free and peaceful ru inteBwav country. Newcastle Region., If is sad f0 see ail war The purposes of thegr veterans who have lost a are: part of their body as a result 1. To assist those pec of fighting in the war. pracficing tbese crafL There are Many Reniera- 2. To develop public intei brance day symbols, the and appreciafion of iý poppy wich somie veferans weaving and spinning, distribute, the wvreafhs wbich 3. To provîde fellows are laid at cenataphis and on wifh other weavers graves, the two iminutes s -nes. 4. To furtber develop ti talents and abilities. Tbew next meeting will 4 hbeld in the Visual Arts Cerl Simipson Ave., Bowmanv Don't Leave, It to Chance IlEV. ALLA N HALDENI3 ,(Con tînued from page 1) Be( sure ' our home is fri-l lege in Theology. Hem protected byî a goodlic ordaîned by Bisbop Wilii Calluis [now Wrigbl ýf'f Algomi-a Diocese. Milison Insuraince Algomna Diocese tbey serv Agency af Silverwater on Manitou Office: Corner of Church Island, Emisdale, norfh and Cobbledick Street Huntsville, Liffle Current S: 0:-so, 2ânitoulin Island. Their s <,r uI ,l,,,,ahfRuth f,w ho St. Saviours AN.%GLICAN ST. SAVIOUBS Regular Sunday Worship .Service - 10: 00 a. m. Rev. Alla n Haldenby B.A. L.TH. Orgýanist Mr.Joan Cashin UNITED CHURCH Orono Pastoral Char g e * Minister Rev. B.E. Long B. Th. ORGANIST &CHOIR DIRECTOR Douglas Dewveîl SUNDAY, FEB. 20, 1977 ORONO UNITED CHIURcH1 Sunday Churcb School 10Oa.mn. Mnl-i"ýing Worship il :15 am. Vr BY UNITEIJCHRC .MorninigWorshiip 9:45 a.m. Sunday Churcb, Scbool il a.m., D)ial-A-Th'louglit,983-91j51 Orono WekyTimes, Wedniesday iebuay 6th ,1977-3 Queetný's Park Report Region to coninue memi- ddiers, place ir war to war years their work Ibe a i. My ewar. Idiers ywent bomb." iwere "s hip have le also ut he 'eare nem- isMy Lane. rs ners id a, ýroup eople f s. eresf hand ýship and their Il be itre, iville was arn e.In ved iof ýon sec- af Emsdale and now lives in Rexdale. Their third daugh- fer, Esther, was born at Little Current and now lives in Alton, Ontario. From Littfle Current they wenf to Dawson City in Yukon TerriforY and served fhere under Bishop Tom Green- wood and then Bishop Henry Marsb who is nomliving just nortb of Cobourg. Af fer nine years in Yukon fbey went f0 St. Wvilfrid's Church in Toron- f0 and then f0) the Parisb of Ininisfil near Barrie. T hey mnoved f0 St. Agnes' Long Branch in Toronto in 1969 where tbey stayed until fhey moved tf0 Newcýasfle. lHe bas served as Archdeacon of Kiondike and as Regional Dean of Etobicoke. Grace bas written for various papers including the Mvanitoulin Ex- positor, the Whitehorse Star and The Anglican. She wrote the book on the history of the Cburcb rmy in Canada. She was a fle member of the W.A. and active in children's work. As a member of A.C.W. she bas wvorked on local projecfs and is on the Youfh Commit- tee of the Diocesan A.C.W. fin this week's colun In would like to release the resuits of my faîl riding questionnaire. Over 500 res-, ponded to the questionnaire which were mailed ouf to' every household in the riding of Durham East. Here are the questions and the breakdown, of pnswers: 1. Do you think that the rent revjew should be extend- ed beyond July, 1977? Yes 64 Per Cent No -19 undecided - 16 2. Do you think that 'the preservation of agricuit- ural land sbould be a priority item for govern- ment? Yes- 88 Per Cent No - 10 Undecided - 2 3. Do you think that the Second Marsh should be added to the Darlington Provincial Park as pro- tected environment? Yes - 79 Per Cent No - 10 Undecided - i Among the issues ci ted by the constituents on the quest- ion of what, their biggest concern was: unemployment, wage and price. controls, preservation of natural res- ources and environmental pollution, industrial bealth, condominium problems., the high cost of auto insurance, as well as a host of other problems. An overwhelming number- talked about the problemns of regional govern- ment and the higb cost of essential servic'es in addition to high taxes. I was gratifiedi by the response to the qu esti ornaire. Many people took the time f0 add personal comments and APPROVE FRENCil FOR GRADES 7 & 8 (Continuied from 1page 1i for clases in, Bowmianville and C'obourg. Th'le foal cost for the french rgrmforý the two grades, and for the frýenchi kind(ergar-- ten immer-sion course \will amount f0o $303,28I8.0o. 0f this amount 18,8 will comne from the pr-ovince i the formn of a r-eguJlr grant with an addifionial fr-ench gr-ant of 60100.0fthe remiaining $44,702.00 wllhave f0 be .evied against thle area tax- payers. The cost of insitruction for. the french kinderýgartenhav ng classes in Cobourg and Bowmanville costs fhe board an amounit of $106,000.00 wMille thaf for theznew-oral french program fhrougbout the area wiIl cost for instructions an mount of $142,000.00. A notice of motion wýas )resenfed to the meeting on rhursday in which D.E. Gaît ,ve notice thaf he would ýresent at the next meeting a omtioni that the Ad Hoc 'rench committee be dîsban- ed and amialgamnated witb e Cuirriculum iiCommittee. COUTNCILLORS VOTE ADDITIONAL $1 0()oSALARY tAISE! (Confinuied from page 1) 825.00. Couin. Ashe said this mount did not represent the Icrease in the cost of living othe(r opinions. 1 wish to assure you that these are valuable and do have an effect on our responses to Government legislation and on our own policies. I am also pleased by the niumb)er of people who have requested information on the NDP and our policies and the number of people who have signifed that they wanfed to join: 75. 1 attempfed to address each person who rèsponded by a personal note but ran ouf of timre. If you have any further questions, comments, or ad- vice please contact me. Doug Moffatt, M.P.P., Durham East. was lafer stated b)y Coun. Dewar f0 be in the neighbour- hood of 19.5 per cent. Council memnbers from the Town of Newcastle wllnow receive the $12,000 regional water, sewer works By a vote of 18 f0 10 the Region of Durham wiIl con- tinue f0 handie water. and seWer service acÉoss the_' region. A bid last week by' Oshawa and Ajax was unsuc- cessful in returning the ad- ministra tion andservice of these two services to the individual municipalîties. The aftack to revert the fwo services to the local munici- palities was beaded by the Mayor of Oshawa, Jim Pot- ticary. The samne proposai those in Pickering up by ailmost fwenty per ent. Pickering council memibers wKill recei ve $6,500 at the local level with Ajax council memn- bers r-eceivinig $5,100. Oshawa counicillors wilî now receive a yearly salary of $5,5,58.o00 has been before the region on ai least two other occasions and at those times was also voted down by council. Ift was pointed, ouf at the meeting on Wednesday that cosfs would rise considerably in some local municipalities if the opera tion of the water and sewers were reverfed f0 the municipalities. Newtonvillet 786-2937 786-2941 lm24 Hr. Service saîary plus an, additional *O S e e s e. . . . .. e . $5,000.00 from the Town of e Newcastle which to this date has been unchanged.e Counceil miembers in the s City of Oshawa recently voted themnselves a 7.5 per cent increase while council mem- 0 bers in Ajax Up their munici- e pal salary by 8 per cent and ATS Ne Main ndCyl e e POe 8-54 iraW > YO'UU'RE IN CLOVER WIT IESE cO0RN I-SH'S (FULL SLICE) l1b. $1.18 (TOP (1UT) l b. $1.3 8 ý1>EDIUM') lb. 78c l b. $1.29 Cut from Caniada Grade -A" Beef Round Steak Cut from Canada Grade -A" Beef Rou nd Steak Fresh Minced 1 Ground Beef Maple Leaf Sweet Pickled Cottage Rolis mmm m mm mlum m mumm G LENRHA EDAI1RY FRESU RAE A"I27% LARGEM 9*r OMO MILK EGG SU ur ~1 DOZEN 3Qur Bg moals 1