it Oflo A few wéeeks back the Oshawa a forward out along the visited the Orono Arena and boards. took part in an exercise with a The young player may be goodly number of Orono overpowered in the end but he young players. above Scott has learned this technique Prescott. number 9, practices cquite well. Improvemelits in student assistance Dr. Harry Parrott, DDS, Minister of (Colleges and Universities, has summiariz- ed improvements in the Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) for 1977-78. Students' living allowances under OSAP will1 be increased to $61 a week, up from $57 in the current year. The maxi- mum allowance for books has been increased il per cent, and there are several increas- ed allowances to be used in calculating students' resour- ces for determining loan and grant limits. Dr. Parrott noted that recent improvements in his Ministry's computer systems will allow more efficient processing of OSAP applicat- ions. May 2 is the target date for commencement of pro- cessing 1977-78 OSAP applic- ations. The 1977-78 grants budget for OSAP is $741 million, up $13 million from the current year. Recentlv anno-unced tuition fee increases, the first in five years, will be taken directly into account in calculating the amount, of assistance that students can receive. Traxpayers contribute about 80 per cent of universities' operating revenue and pri- vate sources supply approx- imately another four per cent, leaving the student about 16 per cent of costs to be paid in the form of fees. Similar figures apply to Ontario's system of colleges of applied arts and technology. OSAP provides boans and grants to Ontario post-second- ary students who have insuf- ficient money to pay their living expenses and tuition fees. The amount of assist- ance made avaibable depends on students' educational costs and financial resources. In 1977-78, assistance up to $1,000 will again be provided as a repayable boan guaran- teed by the federal govern- ment under its Canada Stud- ent Loans Plan. Students needing additional assistance will usually receive it in the form of a provincial govern- ment grant. Orono WVeekly Times, Wednesday, Mlarchi 9th, 1977-9 May Eliminmate Need of Hearing. We have prepared submis* sions Io the Nlinistr-y of Eneýrgy and Minister of Env- ironment, and have been holding discussions with Ont- ario Hydro whcnay allev- îat e the necessity of a hearing before the Envîroinmental Assessmnent Board- Discussions have taken place on a continuing basis and as a result, time has been extended by the Minister of Energy from March 1 to Mlarch 18. Ontario Hydro have publilv tptfed that they wi1l not permit comnftnities to suffer because of generat- ing stations being built in a miunicipality. We- believe those statéinents to be made in good faith and as a consequence we feel our discussions with Ontario Hy- dro xill produce an agree- ment will involve the Town in the design process and will protect residents from ad- verse impacts. G.B. Rîckard, iMayor. Tree Planting Lindsay District 1977 The Lindsay District forest management staff is now pr'eparing for the 1977 spring tree planting program. A total of 685,000 trees will be planted under the Woodland's Improvement Act in parts of Peterborough, Northumber- land and Victoria County and the Regional Municipality of Durham. MI, Under the act, a private individual may enter into agreement with the Minister of Natural Resources for the purposes of tree planiting or the improvement of existing woodlands. In the Lindsay District a minimum of 10 acres is required for an area to be p1aced under agree- AT TH E Business Men's Luncheons Mon. to Fr1. 12 nontao3pan. Wed. Nite Special with q a ss of red or wieWlne $4.50 Sonday Family Menu incl. chlldren's portions 5 to Exciting New Evening Menu CandiligtgMBuffets with entertainmtent by Mr. John McKenzie Fri. and Sat. 6 to 11 p. Banquet Roomns for Receptions, Dances, Card Partfes or Business Meetings ktp to 200 RESERVATIONS 623-4925 Lake ]Road Off Liberty Street Southi Exit 75 - 4Ce BOWMLAN-VILLE, ONT. are taught some puck control Battey who is a right winger for the Oshawa Club. by Oshawa General Vie ~, J - ORONO AMATEUR ATHLETIC ASSOC IATION Booster Banquet and Etimination Draw for $"200. United Church Basement 6:30 p. m. Draw and Cards in the 1...F. Hall Sat., March l2thi Proceeds for Minor Sports in Or... Tickets $7.50