On Friday, March 4, 1977 the Orono Camsport Tykes took on their mothers in a hard fought game, with an outcome of a 3-2 score in favour -of the Camsport crews. The mothers were on the scoreboard first with an unassîsted goal. The Camsport team then rallied back with Orono Bantams beat out Millbrook in the first round of play-offs, best two out of tbree games. First game in Orono. Orono came out the winner defeating Millbrook 3-1. Third game phayed in Orono with Orono comîng up with tbe big win with a score of 4-3. The first scorer for Orono was Richard Robinson, assists went to Kevin Pbilip and Teddy Deriet. Second goal to Kevin west -~if, RichardL Thursday, March 3, the O.M.H.A. Midgets were on the road to play Pickering Village and soundly defeated the home tearn 5-1. Pickering opened the scoring but Orono wasn't long coming back with one frorn Doug Hancock, assist to Jim Leslie. Mark Charland was very bot for Orono and scored their next 4 goals, assîsts going to Pat Williamns (3), Jîm Leslie and Ron Opoka. Saturday,' March 5, the Midgets were at borne to face Lindsay. In a well played garne, Orono was victorious, score Orono took an early 2 goal lead, goals frorn Pat Willams and Jirn Leslie, The O.M.H.A. Bantams played ln Omernee on Saturday morning against Keene for their. second garne of the tournament that had started the week before. Jim Moffatt opened the scoring with a sizzling blast frorn the .point on a pass back frorn Joey Seneco. I<eene carne back to tie it up. Then Robbie Taismna tipped in a pass fromn Martin Perry. Keene again tied it up to end the first period. In the second period Orono got two unaswered goals. Ross Stutt hustled up fromn our end to slip the puck in ahead of the goalies band. Robbie Taîsma slipped in a pass frorn Martin Perry. 'During 'the third period the Orono boys got two more, one from Paul Reed on a blast from his win and the other by Duane Major into the empty net as the groalie was out for the extra attacker. The boys met New astle for the charnpionship game and the right to March 5. 1977 The Tennant Fuel Atorns travelled to Omernee on Saturday for the Little N.H.L. tournament. Orono played a best 2 out of 3 series against Millbrook. Game No. 1, Orono 1, Millbrook 1i Glyn Jenkins scored unassîsted for Orono pacing the team with a fine effort. The game was tied 1-1 at the end of the 3rd period. Two five minute overtirne periocis were played with the garne stili tied at 1-1. Orono bad fewer shots on goal in the last overtirne period and Millbrook was awarded the garne. t was a tougb one to lose, witb ahI the team working bard. Garne 2, Orono 3, Milbrook 2 The Tennant Fuel boys carne out fired up in tbe 2nd game with Glyn Jenkins and Guy Brachvogel scoring for Orono. Robert French and Steve Sawyer getting the assista. Millbrook scored two quick goals to tie up the garne. In the 3rd period Steve Clapdorp three goals. The first by David Bailey and two more by Bill Buchanan. The assists went to Kevin Hartwig, MIaurice Cbarland, Darren Dennis and Brent Gatcbell. The mothers then added anotber goal to mnake it a close game, bilt were outdone by tbe bustling Camsport tearn. Robinson and Jeff Westbrook. Third goal by michael Zieger, assists to Teddy Deriet and Ken Presacott. In the last minute of tbe gamne Millbrook puilled tbeir goalie to try for a tie but Orono's Warren Nicholîs put tbe puck into the empty net, making it a 4-2 gamne for Orono with assist on the play to Norman Battams. Terrific game played by ail, especially our goalie Terry Coombes.- assists to Ken Evans, Mark Cbarland and Gary Clapdorp. Lindsay received their first goal earlý in tbe second but the Orono tearn was not to be outdone and scored the next tbree goals. Goals from Michael Mitchell, Doug Hancock and John West, assists to Jirn Leslie, David Sunstrum (2), Charles Quantrill and Doug tiancock. Lindsay came back with 2 goals in the thîrd but it was not enougb and Orono held on for the win. The Midgets' next home garne will be Wednesday, March 9 at 9:00 p.m. and then Saturday, March 12. They travel to Lindsay, game tirne 9:30 p.m. represent our zone in the AIl Ontario Cbampionships at Pelhamn. There was no goals in the first and Ross Stutt scored unassisted in the second to take the lead. Newcastle tied it up witb just a minute left in the period and scored again with one second on the dlock. Tbey added two more in the third period to take the game 4-1. On Monday nigbt, the Ornemnee Bantams were in town for an exhibition game with the Canawood Bantarns. The first period was scoreless and Peter Kruhkert opened the scoring in the second on a pass frorn Ross Stutt and Martin Perry. Terry Hedges let a shot go frorn the point from Peter Kruhkert and Paul Reed. Omnemee scored in the thîrd but tbey couldn't get the tieing goal so Orono won the chippy game 2-1. Dan Mitchell was sharp tonight and Preston Long, Alan Webster, John Bolton and Bob Myles played well also. scored unassisted to give Orono the well deserved win. Game 3, Orono 3, Millbrook 4 With one and a haif minutes gone in the first period Guy Brachvogel blasted the puck past the Millbrook goalie with Steve Clapdorp assisting. Orono feil apart Trom then on with Millbrook scoring 4 unanswered goals. The Tennant Fuel Atorns finally got on track in the 3rd period wîth Guy Bracbvogel and Steve Clapdorp again connecting to put Orono within 2 goals. Orono pulled the goahie witb 6 minutes to goal, with sorne bard work-in front of Millbrook's goal Steve Murree scored witb Guy Brachvogeh assisting. Greg Vey lifted a backband shot from tbe point high into the air, it was rigbt on target and the Millbrook goalie made a great save preventing Orono frorn tieing the score in the final seconds. Tbe Orono boys played well and wish Millbrook good luck when they travel to Pelharn in the school break. Invite members for Junior Garck Nature resu rr< her family S PO0R TS Camsport Tykes Face Nbthers and Edge WAn Mr. Brian Hancock, Gener- al Superintendent for the Authority, reported that the Conservation Services pro- grarn had been approved and would be operated this year on a trial basis. This program provides financial assistance for approved works on pri- vate property relatîng to water control, erosion, tree planting and wihd life planting The Authority will also taker care of the planning of sucb project with the approval of the land owner. Mr. Hancock said he boped to have six to eigbt projects in operation during 1977. To date three projects have been researcbed and are tentative- ly scheduled for completion this spring and summer. He also pointed out that after this year of operation it is hopeful sorne modifications can be made to the scherne prior to a f ull years operation in 1978. Or-onioMeekly Tîmnes, Wednesday, iMardi stn, iau-, Dnerswill learn flow to use seeds ~nersand weeds to create items of beauty for your home. As you erctS read this members are enjoy- ing the beauty of potted bLflbs which they started last fail. You can also*enjoy and learn these things. If you think a porch is a wonderful place to grow things in containers. Do you know that ahi green vegetation helps to keep the air cleaner and provides oxyegen s0 necessary for good health? Do you know why the Department of High- ways plant so many trees on the roadside? Not only for beauty but also because trees help to purify the carbon- dioxide from the multitude of cars and trucks. We cannot plant too many trees. Our forests and even the trees on your property are working constantly to provide a pleas- inig environment for human- îty. At Junior Gardener's, you We have gone through the worst winter in over 100 years, no doubt you will be pleased to see the daffodils, tulips and the other flowers put forth their colourful blooms to add cheer to the changing season. Then we should observe the silent explosion of Spring: listen to the mnusic of bird songs, watch the beautiful leaves and blossoms unfold, shed your fleavy clothing and feel the warm sun on your face. Spring is the time when Nature resurrects ber family of plants and wilclife, you are the benificiaries of ber gener- osity and should learn how to protect and conserve ber gif ts. Your generation will inherit the Earth after a few years and you should learn ahl you can to protect it. One way is to learn the old hobby of gardening. The Orono Junior Gardener's club will teacb you many things about grow- .ing plants in a garden or in a winsow sili and a balcony or garclen wiii oe a problem when you want to go on holidays, it does flot need to be. Lt will maintain itself several weeks with a littie protection. The Juniors have lots of activities, competitions and slides to enjoy. We meet once a month in the Orono United Church at 6:30 p.rn. on . the 2nd Tuesday of the montb. Do corne and join us. We think you will be very pleased. Agces 6-10 and 11-16.. -Orono Horticultural Society Mrs. 0. Challice, Pres. Mrs. Mennie Zegers, Jr. Leader Written by: Mrs. Penny Fairbrother. Following investigation into tbe causes of these collisions four persons have been char- ged with offences contrary to the Highway Traffic Act and one person bas been charged witb impaired driving. The Detachment members also investigated over 100 general occurrences includ- ing complaints of wilful damage, theft, break, enter and 'theft and assault. One person has been charged with causing disturbance and two witb assault following investi- gations into these complaînts. Proclamation The Councît of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle resolves that the month of Ma rch, 1977 shah1 be observed as Red Cross Month in the Town of Newcastle. G, B. Riekard. Mayor J. NM. Mcllroy, Town Clerk Proclamlation The council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle resolves that the week of March 6, 1977 to March 11, 1977 shall be observed as Chiktren's Aid Weekin the Town of N ewcastle. G. B. Rickard Mayor J. MI. Mcllroy, Town Clerk Orono Water Safety s Are You Interested in Your * Children's Swimminng Lessons? Plan to attend meeting on March i5th 8 p.m. at the * Orono Schaol. * Without your help future lessons will flot continife. O O.P.P. REPORT The Ontario Provincial Pol- ice at Newcastle experienced a relatively quiet week ast week baving to investigate only 9 motor vebicle collis- ions. Three of the collisions did resuit in injury to six persons, but none seriously. Orono Ba nta ms Over M 1llbrook in Fi rst Round Tm In ARow For Mdgets Ganaraska to-assist private land owners OM.H.A. Bantamns Keepto Busy Schedule O.M.H.A. Atomis Play MeilBut Edged I i ~1 I I