NOTICE TO CREDI TORS WOR K WANTED Ear piercing service. Phone 623-5747 for appoint- ment and information. Ask about Mlarch Special. l-ooper's Jowellers Ltd. Monuments and Famlily Memoria Is Our quality and service leaves nothing to be desired Ask the person who boughit from us, a neigh bour, friend or relative The Rutter Granite Conpany 73 Ontario Street PORT HOPE Phono collect V.W. RUTTER Office - 885-52Î16 Home - 885-5522 CONTACT ORONO AREA REPRESENTATIVES Bill Grady 983-5149 William Turansky (kendal) 983-5420 Christa Winterhelt- 983-5465 Charlie Reid 983-5914ý John Pritchard 705-944-5519 Pat Yeo 983-5725 W. FRANK REAL ESTATE LIMITED 234 King St. E. BOWIMANVILLE 623-3393 WORK WANTED Peter butherland luiinmProd. Siding - Soffit - Fesia Trough - Shutters Windows - Doors - Awnings 623-4398 For Free Estimiate Now handling Vinyl Siding FURNITURE AND UPHOLSTRY REPAIRS STE VE'S FURNITURE SHOP R7R. 1, Orono, Ont. Complete furniture refinish- ing. Antique and modemn. Steve Johnson. 983-9630 INFORMATION RAPE CRISIS CENTRE Victims of rape or sexual assault call 623-7243 or 623- RAPE. 24 hour answering service. tf. SWI MMING POOLS FOR SALE 1977 Models, slightly scrat- ched in transport, fully war- ranted, complete with pump, motor, filter, fenice walk-way and deck. Suggested retail price $2,- 295.00, available at pre- season special of $1,288.00. Caîl now for early installat- ion, Collect, 4ffl-663-9508. tf. SWIMMING POOLS TORENT Swirnming pools to rent, will lease and instaîl for home owners, family size, alumin- um swirnming pool with patio. Choice of styles meeting'al fencing regulations, 1-2-3 yr. rentai basis with option to own. Try before you buy, cal collect 416-663-9508 any time. tf Orono Landscaping SNOW PLOUGHING 983-5598 FOIR SALE Kimbail electric two key- board organ, like new, 13 note pedal board, 13 chords with 8 rhythm. Many lesson books. Caîl 983-§262 before 3 p.m. 23, ap. HELP WANTED Town of Newcastle requires part-time caretaker for Orono Municipal Building. Please apply in writing to: J.M. Mcllroy, Town Clerk, 40 Temperance St., Bowmanville, Ont. HELP WANTED URGZENT .Men interested in helping a boy become a man. There is no cash reward -for a Big Brother, but, there is no greater reward than when a man helps a boy. For inform- ation telephone 6218-6646 or write to Box 13, Bowmanville, Big Brother Association of Newcastle. 23, 6, 20, 4, 18, ac. H1ELP WANTED THE NORTHUMBERLAND AND NEWCASTLE BOARD 0F EDUCATION Applications will be receiv- ed by the undersigned until Monday, March 28, 1977, 12:00 noon for the position of: SECRETARY Clarke High School Must have typing, genieral knowledge of office procedure and business machines. Must be accurate with figures. Ability to get along with people. Please apply in writing stating qualifications, exper- iecreferences and tele- phone number to: M.A. MacLeod, Business Administrator and Treasurer, P.O. Box 470, Cobourg, Ont. K9A 4L2. 23, ac. NOTICE ORONO NURSERY SCHOOL We have a few, places available for April, May, and June this year. Please cal 983-5402, mornings, 987-4012 afternoons. 9, 16, 23, 30, ac. Clarke Public LI1 BRARY PHO0NE 983-5507 Monday, Tuesday, Thursdayv and Friday 2:30 te 8:30 P.m. Saturday 10:00 to 12:00 a.m. Orono, Ontario COMING EVEINTS Oriental cooking school, coming to Orono United Church, April 191h. Sponsored by U.C.W., Unit 1. Please reserve this date. 23, ac. COMING EVENTS Next movie, Walt Disney's "The Gnome Mobile". Orono Town H1all, Saturday, March 26, 7:00 p.m. Admission $100, pre- schoolers $.75. 23, ap. COMNING 1EVENTS Kinsmen of the Great Pine Ridge annual Fertilizer Drive, April 2 to April 9th. Lend us a serving hand in selling our 40 lb. bags of 10-6-4 Fertilizer at $4.50 a bag or weed and feed at $7.50 a bag. Phono 983-5093 or 987-4774. 23, ac. COMING EVENTS House of Amber invites you to our "Spring Tierra Tea", March 25 and 26, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Everyone welcome, Shop located North end of Hampton village. Caîl 263-2981. 2, 9, 16, 23, ac. COMING EVENTS Orono Figure Skating Club presonts "Showtimo '77 in the Wizard of Oz", April 2nd and 3rd. 7:30 Saturday ovening, gue- est skater Susan K~iernans. Sunday, 2 p.m., guest skaters Shanon Armstrong and David Desrochos. Price, Aduits $1.50, Children 12 and under, $.75. 23, 30, ac. COMING EVENTS TOURS Washingt on Cherry Blos- somn Eastor week-end tour. Escorted, no overnight trav- el. April 7-10. Price twin, $130.00 Mid-term March break tour, Daytona Beach, March 17-ý24. Ski Quebec, March Break, March 20-25. Colonial Virginia, Circle Tour, escortod, April 25-30. 6 days. Bermuda Cruise via "Cun- ard Princess", May 13-22. For information phone or write: Sunshine Party Tours 36 King St', Cobourg 372-9961 or Port Hope Lent Travel Agency 885-2453. 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, ac. COMUING EVE .NTS ORONO 1HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY Orono Horticultural Society will hold its next meeting in Orono United Church on Thursday, March 24th at. 8 p.m. Guest speaker will be Mr. Dick Vanderstoop, Lawn and Garden Centre, Newcas- tle. Topic: Spring seeding and spring care of shrubs. Corne and bring your friends for an interestîng and informative evening. Everyone is, wel- corne and admission is free. However, you are cordially, invited to become a member of the Society for the nominal fee of $1.00 only per year. 16, 23, ac. Orono- E lectric Herb and Gerry Duvali 983-5108 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING ELECTRIC HEATING Electrical Appliances T.V. - COLOUR T.V. RADIO -HI-FI" WESTINGHOUSE RCA ELECTROHOME Guaranteed Service *IN THE ESTATE 0F JOHN MITCHELL McRAE (also known as Mac iRae-), late of the Town of Newcastle in the Regional M1ýunicipality of Dur- hami, Gentleman, deceased: Ail persons having claims agaiînst the estate of the said JOHN MITCHELL McRAE (also known as MacRae) who died on or about the l6th day of September, 1976, are here- by noýtified to send to the uindersigned Solicitor on or before the First day of April 1977, their namnes and addres- ses and full particulars of their dlaims and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them duly verified* by statu- tory declaration. Immediately after the said First day of April 1977, the assets of the said deceased will be distributed amnong the persons entitled thereto hav- ing regard only to the dlaimns of which the undersigned Solicitor shall then have notice. Dated at Orono, Ontario, this 3rd day of March'1977. ERNEST EDWIN CALVIN HAMM, Orono, Ontario, Executor. W.K. LYCETT, Q.C. Orono, Ontario Solicitor for the Executor. 9, 16, 23, ac. Advertising... a showcase for intelligentI shopping. CADA DRISING AOISORY BOAR] 0I Film ' I -- w -l--ugiuinqII Processing Heating CHILOREN'S I Electric PHOTOS Indu strialI-Com mercial Cameras and Residential Photographic 7627 Supplies78-27 78 .King St. W., Bowmanville R. R. 1 Orono 623-2404 Phone 623-31377 I "FLOWFYRS IWITH I FEELING"- Bey. and AI Anderson, Prop). * HONEY&CIDER * To Keep You Wel * 50 IL POTATO ES $3.50 * Free Glass of Hot I Spiced Cider with $5.00 PurchaseI F FRE D'Si Fruit Market I Highway 115 South of Orono i Chariles Reidi Orono's Licensed Auctioneer Valuator Specialize in Farm Furniture Salesl Consuit Me for terms and dates Phone Orono 983-5914 TELEPHONE 623-6555 JOHN MANUEL, C.G.A. INCOME TAX AND RELATED ACCOUINTING SERVICES 67 KING ST. EAST - SUiTE 2 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO - LIC IN3 133 Church -Street Bowmanville 1