2-Orono WeekIv Times,. Wedniesday, March 3th, 1977 Orono Weekly Times. TIME TO CUT CLOTHI TO FIT PURSE Increases in sewer and water costs thiroughi out the region have mnounted over- the past few months and a great upcry is being heard fromn many areas. As yet no one seems to be able to satisfy those concerned with tlhe resuit that the regional system of government continues to grow in defavour. We, in this corner, continue to contend that the regional system of government can work and work in an economical fashion. It must however be allowed to work and councillors must look at the region as a whole and make their judgements on the basis of the entire area. One may ask, "do the councillors of Oshawa point to al factors pertaîning te their city ln respect to regional Rovernment or do they now only point to some rising costs of sewers and water?" What about a reduced cost for police protection and roads within their own area? Did Oshawa's milîrate reduce when these costs were taken over by the region? Do they explain that sewer costs Up te 1976 were collected on the tax bill but now lumped with the water bill? We also suspect that regionai councillors have allowed an over-development of water and sewer capital developments and there is nother way to pay for these developments and there is no other way to pay for these need more houses do we have te be building them ail at once in Pickering, Whitby, Oshawa, Courtice, Bowmanville and Newcastle especially when we find in the region a surplus of homes yet to bc sold? And don't forget somne of these costs have yet to corne on stream se look for other increases above the normal in the future. The three area M.P.P.s have circulated a petition in which they call for more grants from the province te help, with régional costs~. This is no answer even in the short term for it only puts off todayi what should be faced today. The time is long passed for regional councillors te sit down and govern the region as what it really is, a single identity. Developmen.t must be placed where it is reasonable te do so and at a maximum of cost. It's time to settie our own problemns rather than asking greater support from the province. And its ime to lay ahl the facts before the people. TO HOLD ORONO ly with the probable rezoning ARENA IMEETING TONITE of the are-a by the Town of Il is understood that an Newcastle. arena meeting is being held in It is now proposed that the Orono tonight, Wednesday entrance to the building will when further consideration is be at the south of 'the arena te be made regarding a new and entrance to the property complex at the fairgrounds in and facility will aise be from Orono. thé south.' It is expected to After speaking to Mîr. E. R. construct a roadway west of Woodyard it appears that the present horse barn and there is now confidence that this would be made possible the building can be censtruct- through the purchase of some ed on its present site éspecial- additional land, (Continued from page 1) were held. Under ail weat-her conditions, and some were quite brisk, the boys and their leaders cooked ahl meals outside and operated a pregram of sports and other activities for the outdoors. Soccer was one such item on the program played on a snow-covered field. It was the closest thing to wvilderness camping in this area. The Orono Cubs also spent the past weekend at the Ganaraska Camp using its facilities for sleeping, cooking and recreation. It certainly appeared that aIl had enjoyed themselves from Friday evening to Sunday afternoon. The local group had been stormed out of a previous visit to the camp earlier in the'year due to one of our great snowstorms. FIRST GRASS FIRE 0F YEAR FOR ORONO The local fire department was called out Tuesday afternoon for their first grass fire cali of the year. A grass fire had started east of the Plydesign plant in the north of the Village. The fire was soon brought under control. RECONFIRMIS SCHOOL SITE The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education lias reconfirmed its site location in the Courtice Heights development for a new school. The Board will now endeavour to settle upon the price of the schooi site with the owner cf the property. LAY CHARGES Gordon Glenn Ash of Gorrie, Ontariohas been charged with break and enter with intent by the Ontario Provincial Police, Newcastle detachment. The charge was laid folowing an investigation at the Durham Farmer's County Co-operative on Tuesday, March 22nd. The police received a caîl for investigation at 10:15 that evening. COMMUNITY USE 0F SCHOOLS The Board cf Education set up an Ad Hec Committee to review the present policy cf community use of schboos. Those on the committee are: E.M. Creighton, WH. Carman, D., Gait. R.L, Burke, S.D. Parker and A.M. Thompson. Letter to Editor D)ear Sir, 1 note in your pages a constant flow of articles and letters relating te the spiral- hing cosij of sewer and water buils with bttle or ne explan- a tien that can be understood by the average persen. May 1, a taxpayer tell your readers the way I interpret the problemn based on what I see, hear and read., To bring the Durham Reg- ion into being 20 existing municipalities and townships were amalgamated into eight new municipalities that are the region today. Thus there are eight town councils who eacb send representatives te the thirty member regional Some of these old adminis- trations contributed financial surpluses. Somne, on the other hand brought to the region large financial deficits as well as worn eut sewer disposai plants, that frequently dis- charge raw sewage into Lake Ontario, water supplies that limp along and roads barely fit for cars te travel. Some of these municipal- ities had for years been running on a sheestring. When the idea of regionaliz- atien was introduced, several years before it actually came te be, in January 1974, many of the elected people of these townships deliberately neg- lected te authorise necessary maintenance and impreve- ments. This for the simple reason that they could keep the taxes dlown and therefore themsel- ves in office with the comfort- ing thought that, Big Daddy the Regien would take care of everything in dtue course. Thus regional government flot only inheritîed a large financial responsibuity from, these old jurisdictions, but aise many of the samie old councillors te run this new million dollar corporation. This ail coincided with the Arabs having the bright idea te hold«the world te ransom over the price of oul and thus evernight inflation became rampant. Thle new regionai council set te work te put te rights some of the huge preblems they had inherited. For ex- ample a new well fer the Village of Newcastle ($185,- 00)was constructed which is already eut of date and a new water suppiy from the lake bas been ordered at an estimated cost of two million plus. Many other water and sewer pipes have been con- structed. Another example if O0shawa's Kawartha Street. This had a 'back Up' sewèr problem . All of these items and many many more must be financed -by yeu. To further complicate the financial matters the Region- ai goverfiment was commit- ted te produce an "Officiai Plan". In spite of the black clouds of inflation gathering on the horizon, encouraged by an interest free boan of 39 million from the province the counicil stumbled blindiy on. The plan cailed for populat- ion targets. Whitby, Oshawa And Courtice for exampie are set at 350,000 persons. An antîcipated increase of somne 200,000 people ever twenty A pregramn co-sponsored by the Durham Region social services department and Can- ada Manpower services wili make available labor for aniyonie who nieeds hlep with their spring cleanup. This ce-operative effort is an attempt te place ioflg-termn generai weifare recipients on temporary day-iaber jobs, according te Social Services Commîssioner Doug Johns. The Manpower centre is new receiving calis for "spring cleanup." Johns aise expiains that men are aise available te those whe need snow shovelied or any casual work donc. This program was set>up by Carol Baker of Manipower and Mary-Ann Atkins of the, welfare division. iThose requesting the iabor wili receive next-day service according te Johns. "Our clients are required te report 8:30 every morning." The program was set up te get people of the welf are roles according te the commission- er. Those who refuse te do the work will have their assist- ance cut off he added. The job placement pregram bas se far saved the taxpayer in Durhamn about $17,000, accerding te Johns wîth salary costs estimated at $-1.60 TENTATIVE CONTRACT AGREEMIENT Af ter six weeks of bargain- ing, the Town of Newcastle reached a tentative contract agreement Thursday with its 50 inside and outside workers. The new one-year pacts were settled about 1 p.m., but details are being withheid pending a membership vote next Wednesday by Local 74 of the Canadian Un-Ion cf Public Employees (CUPE). Russ Whitney, an area CUPE representative, toid the media union bargainers plan te recommend ratificat- ion te the membership. The propesed agreements wouid replace contracts which expired for the inside workers last Dec. 31 and on Feb. 28 fer the outside staff. Under those contracts, eut- Side workers earned $11,460 and $12,896 a year. Inside emipioyees received betweenl $5,400 and $15,200 annuaily. CARELESS DRIVING CHARGE LAID (Con tinued from page 1) bal, 17, of Mearnis Ave., Bowmanvilie were injured in the accident. The car came te rest in the west ditch against a hydre pole causing $ 10000 te the pole and an estimnated $1800. damage te the car. years. The engineers were then directed, by your elected reliresentatives, to design plans for 500O,0ý00 people. Just iicase their first figure was 00 lw l'le regional engineers did a great job helped by many oftler professionals who flock- ed to Durham to feed from the regional tax pocket. In the meantime two and a haîf years had gone by and most of the sewer and water users had only been charged a guestimated ameount for wat- er and sewer use. The day of reckening bas corne. The tax man has caught up with you. Now you have a bill that not only reflects the ameunt of water used in the days specif ied, but possibly includes the differ- ence bet-ween the estimated and actual ameount over the last1 two and a half vears for which 'you Ihad flot budget"' it could also relect i repaymvient on debts that should have been mnet years ago. An inflation factor. The beginnings, and only the beginnings of payments for the aspirations, rightly or wrongly, for the future of the Durham Regien. It also reflects an equaliz- ation factor. The factor that says ail who live in Durham will be equal when the buis are distributed. This factor, is anyway, the socialist (NDP) wish of the majority of the electora te so should be the only question not disputed! Or should it? Yours faithfully, Ann Cowman. Orono Amateur Athtetic Association SKl'ATE-A-THON Fri., Aprîl1 8th 10: 00 A.M. Orono Arena To raise monies for a1 new Arena -Commun ity Centre Complex. Any'skater, young or old welcome. Be a skater or back a skater. Entry Forms availabie fromn any memiber of the O.A.A. A. or at theUAena. RULES 1. Two houertimnelimiit, Non-stop. 2. aximium Donàtion $5.00. 3. Ail skaters will be supervised as to laps skated. 4. Prizes for miost pledges. REG I " 1S T RrAT lION * Sumnmer Sports I ATOMSOCCER I7 to 10 Yrs. old - as of December 31, 1977I * PEEWEE SOCCER 11i to 14 Yrs. oid - as of December 31, 1977 * JUNIOR SOCCER * 15 to 17 Yrs. old - as of May 24th, 1977 * GIRL'S SQUIRT SFBL 7,8,9 Yrs. oid - as of December 31, 1977I * GIRL'SPEE WEE SOFTBALL *10, 11, 12 Yrs. old - as of December 31, 1977 I GIRL'S BANTAM SOFTBALL * ~ 13,15, 16 Yrs. old - as of Decemnber 31, 1977 BOY'S T-BALL *6, 7, 8 Yrs. old - as of Decemiber 31, 1977 * TYKE BASEBAL I *9, 10, il Yrs. old - as of lDecember 31, 197 7 * PEE WEE BÂSEBALLg *12, 131 Yrs. old - as of Decemiber 31, 1977 * Registrations will take place in the OronoA,-2na à à on April 8 from, 2:00 p.m,. tili 5 p.,,. or phone it ln, *983-5617 during the samie hours. I It is imperative that yoiu register at this time as I thie various teamns must be entered into respective * eagues. *Orono Amateur Athletic Association Welfare recipients being put to work r