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Orono Weekly Times, 30 Mar 1977, p. 3

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»Up &Down th ADULT Mother Teresa by Desmond Doig (her people and ber work) Days and Nigbts in Calcutta by Clarke Biaise and Bhar- ati Mukherjee (a candid look at India by this husband and wife, one a Westener and the other a Bengali) As They See Us by Walter Stewart (how the Amien- cans see us as grassroots) The Last Emperor hy Arnold Brackmnan (the dramatic story of the Emperor of China who became a com- munist) Mrs. Pollifax on Safari by Dorothy Gilman (more hWl- arious antics of a middle aged lady spy) Ghost Fox by James Houston (a new best seller by this well known Canadian auth- or) Ramsom Run by Martin Dibner (a psychopath and a woods wise teenager are locked together in a battle of life death) Where the Lost Arpils Are by ieBook Stacks Calfrn y Elizabeth Ogilvie (roamgtfam r tic suspense) JUNIOR The Love, of Birds by John Burton (fantastic photo- graphs) Going my Way? by Stan Applebaum (naturel's hitch- hikers) 110w do they Package it? by George Sullivan (what you always wanted to kniow about packaging from box- es to tubes)ý Saltwater Summer by Rod- Haig-Brown (an excit- ing novel set in Canada) EASY READING AND PICTURE BOOKýS Laugh and Learn Library by Richard Scarry (four little books for very young read- ers) The Bunny who Found Easter by Charlotte Zoloto The Enster Egg Artists by Adrienne Adams Three Baby Chicks by Ruth Jaynes The Egg Book by Jack Kent, Madeleine Hadlev. Queen s Pa rk Report DOUGIMOFFATT, M P.P. DUE Last week at a public meeting in Oshawa called by the Oshawa and District Labour Council 5-6 hundred ira te citizens protested the costs of water and sewer services and high taxes as a result of Regional Govern- ment. There appears to be a real movement underway in the Durham Region to question alI aspects of Regional Gjover- nment. This is an excellent example of tlhe operation of democracy. The comfments and questions w-re for the most part, wel-pbased and thoughtful and reýpresented a real questioning and searcb for answers. Democracy blossuims in St. Saviour, ANGLICAN Regular Sunday Worship Service - 10: 00 a. m. Rev. Allan Haldenby B.A. L.TH. Organist Mrs. Joan Cashin UNITED CHJURCH Orono Pastoral S Charge Minister Rev. B.E. Long B. Th. RGANIST & CHOIR DIRECTOR Douglas Deweil SUNDAY, APRIL 3,1977 ORONO UNITED CHURCH Sunday Church School 10Oa.m. Morning Worship 1:15 a.m. Palm Sunday Service to be conducted by the Hi-C's. 1 RBY UNITED CHIYRCH h.ïrning Worship 9:45 a. m. Sunday Church School il a.m. Dial-A-Thought 983-9151 "Farmers have been sold down the drain for, the past 40 years". This remnark was matde by Peter Hannam, President of the Ontario Federation of Agriculture, at the Annual Banquet of the Durham, Region Federation of Agriculture held on March l6th at the Uxbridge Second- ary School cafeteria. Mir. Hannam was referring to the federal and provincial agricultural policies that are and have been in force for the past four, decades, and stated that it just wasn't the farmer who has been adversely af fcected by these policies. Mr. Hannam stated that if you deduct grain fromn our agri- cultural trade, picture we're wildly, insufficient in product-, ion of food for Canada. We don't just import citrus fruits, coffee and bananas and the like whicb we can't grow bere but almost every other commodity which can be grown hiere - and we do s0 to such an extent that our own producers are very bard pressed to compete - and in some instances find it impos- sible to do so. Take beef, for instance. Under the present tarrifs and trades set up, nicely prepared beef cuts destined for theý restaurant trade come into this country at 3 cents per 1 **.*...B.. Se...... e....... essi discussion and concern but withers and dies in apathy. It was obvious that the residents of Oshawa have seen tremendous cost inc- reases in water rates and feel they are being charged for additional services in Bow- manville and Newcastle. For the information of the Osh- awa Councillor who claimeçi that Newcastle costs had gone down. That's flot so! Ail sewer and water costs have gone up in every municipality. To my mind this is a direct resuit of the requirement in Bill 62 (The Reg. of Durham Act) that sewer and water become Regional funictions. The point being that if the Province places such' a res- ponsibility for providing new homes on the residents here the Province should provide grants to bring these stan- dardized siervices up to an even level of service. A petition to the Govern- ment of Ontario is being circulated and copies are available at my Oshawa and Bowmanville offices. Do your part in your democracy. We'l present the petition and maybe, just maybe with al] three political parties in Durham now cal- ling for change and aid we'l get the kind of help we should have had in the beginning. If provincial planning pla- ces 200,000 additional people in Durham we must have the Bob Yeomans Plumbing and Heating 24 Houir Ser-vice New Installations Alterations - Repairs Specializingjn Hot Water Heating Forced Air Hleating Septic T'Iwk Work R. R. 1, Orono 983-5624 'SUBMITS OBJECTIODN TO 0MB Russell DeCoe, a former chairman of the Newcastle Committee of Adjustment, has filed objections with the Ontario Municipal Board pro- services but we can't ask local people to pay for someone else's decision. if we're not going to have the additional people - we don't need the additional services. The odd thing about thîs whole situation is that while Oshawa, Bowmanville and Newcastle Village residents have escalating sewer and water bis the people in unserviced areas of East Whitby, and Darlington and Clarke have the parallel increase in their taxes. The Minister of Housing just phased out his 1.0 M.E. program and had budgeted $200,000,000 for it. Just a small portion, say $10 million of that, would do the job in Durham Region. Etrcata ontrlautin Phone 9)83-5546 or 983-5940 Orono, Ontario testing the construction of 1042 home unitls in ourtice Heights development. DeCoe listed nine points in bis protest and pointed out that development in the area was premature especially since areas dloser to Oshawa could be developed at a much lesser cost. This he said would still allow the accomplish- ments the Ministry of wants. DeCoe also pointed to the need for another school if the development proceeded and thus a rise in education taxes. Hardware Cut from Canada Grade "A" Bee Round Steak Round Steak Orom(ýo Weekly. Timies, V this present state. These past few weeks have been busy ones for the Durham R'egion Federation miembers. Thieir February meceting wýas held in Hampton, Ontario in conjunction with the Ontar- io Minist ry of Agriculture and Food which was holding a special meeting on income mientsand other matters of vital concern to farmers. Olive Dairymple, Ag. Rep. of Durhami and is associate, Rod Stork, kept the inform- ation flow,ýing and it was a worithwh,,iile evening for the 50 or so farmers and their wives who attended. pound tarrif, but, beef going the other w7ay is charged 30 cents Li pound. This policy bas encouraged the American packers to tailor their busi- nesses to meet the demand from Canaýdian restaurants and hotels while prac ' ically putting our own pýickers out of competition. Another mnisconception is (bat agriculture in this coun- try is higbly protected by tarrifs, however, a recent survey conducted by the OPA Research Dept. found tbat a report fromn the Economnic Council of Canada reported tha t the food processing industry operates under a 19 per cent taffif; textiles- 23 per cent; knitting milîs- 33 per cent; furniture and fix- turcs - 20 per cent; petroleum and coal products - 44 per cent; chemicals over' 10 per cent and agriculture 12 of 1 Per cent. This policy adver- sely affects the employemnent picture when you consider that the highest j'ob producer is foodstuffs in this country. Instead of "make work pro- grams" why not support the agricultural industry to stim- ulate the economy. We must remain strong and actively strive for the support of Al farm people. in unity tbere is strengtb! Disunity bas brought us to hO TRACTMR Save from 1300 t» s892 UnhiM arch 3 1 st yms-il gea o w hy W t, he competeneetrd o lest 8p h 1 Rolph, Domiril (FULL SLICED) lb. $1.18 Cut from Beef Loins Stea ks Sirloin, T- Bone or Wing lb. $1 .49 Bonel ess Rump or Mdu rs me Botor RondGround Beef 7Roast ..$1.39 Ib. 8 Prîde of Canada R indless Bacon Burns Beef and Pork Sa usage (Small Link) 'j.1 i - CORN ISH'S b.$1.29 lb. 78c Pl1ace your order to-day fo r a fine Easter Ham or Turkey Freezer Filler SPecial I 125 lb. Average (Cut and WraPned) $ fBraided HndofBe14I. Ail Bone and Fat Included in Weight Canada Grade "A" @Expert Ear Piercing: ALMARCH SPECIAL ALFOR $10.00.... * Ears pierced including Surgicale * Steel Studs *PLUS - 1 set of Hypo-Allergenice * Genuine Stone Ear Rings e :Hooper's Jewellers Ltd. n9 King St. E. 'lelephione 623-5747 Bowmnanville Your Bolens dealer makes the best deal better! withpurchase of alnynew /À

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