Kirk Entwisle d.,beral president At a recent meeting held in Bowmanville Mr, Kirk Ent- wisle was ,elected president of the Durham East Liberal Association. During the course of the -meeting Ray Haggerty, Lîberal M.P.P. representing Erie riding was the guest speaker. He spoke on the problemns of labour in Ontario citing problemns in the mining and fishing inductries as well as other envir onment- al issues. Marlene Jarvis of Bowman- ville was elected executive vice president with three OShawa residents George Drynan, Frances Jones and Alan Furlong being elected fîrst, second and third vice- presidents. Helen Jackson of Newton- A visit to the sugar bush at Allan Downes is not only an education at this time of year but also provides the oppor- ville was elected secretary and Lynn Housely, treasurer. Directors for the associa- tion are as follws: Lorne Davey and Cliff Lehman of Oshawa, Beryl Hughes and (Continued fromn page 1) Ra ngers ed with preparing 'the camp for use by Boards of Educat- ion and have included in their program of work to be completed sometime in early June a new washroom, gen- eral rebiairs and, redecorating as well as a ne w hydro line into the camp. The Authority expects to spend some $36,- 000.00 on the camp over the next few months. Contac.t ha ho.n made uith tuinity to enjoy a bearty pancake meal with an abund- ance of maple syrup. Pictur- cd above Mr. 0. Challice George Boden, Bowmanville, Harold Ransberry, Orono, Harry Wade, Newcastle, Kingsley Van NesIý, Darling- ton and a youth representa- tive Gordon Cochrane of Newcastle. TPhere are still positions to be filled from East Whitby and Darlington areas. the varions school boards in the area who have shown'an interest in making use of the camp and it is expected that four-day outings at the camp will become a reality on a limited basis this September and on a continuai basis at the beginning of the year. The summer program at the camp by the Ministry of Natural Resources will be directed solely- for Junior Rang ers, students of age seventeen years. The Minis- and wife Isobel, president of the Orono Horticultural Soc- iety. try is making the Ganaraska rn Camp a girls Junior Ranger achool with twenty-four girls being billeted at the camp for a full eighit week program of eduction in the outdoors as well as a work program for the girls. During. the past winter months the camp was the centre for both cross-country skiers and snowmobilers with the skiers out'numbering the snowmobilers by quite a margin. The camp using the gym as a Chalet was rnost appreciated serving local as well as area and district skiers. Orono Tennis Club Prepares for comning season elects new off icers The"Oron)o Tennis Club held their annual meeting Sunday afternoon in the basement of the Orono United Church when plans were made for the coniing tennis season and an election of officers was held. Those elected to office are as follows: Wayne Bailey, President David Grey, V'ice-President Susan Davey, Secretary Two watef June Miallow, Treasurer. AF. McKerù Pine's Girls Basketball Teamr Meeting Wif h Success The Pines Senior School Girls Basketball Team bas had another good season. They were successful in beating Bowmanville Senior Public School in two games but were defeated twice by Hobbs Senior Public School. Af ter maintaining a second place standing, the Pines entered the, playoff game against Hobbs. The final gaine was the most exciting of the season. The Pines beat Hobbs 9-7 a nd won the overaîl western, area championships. Ail the girls played extremely well throughout the season, espec- ially 'Heather Sawyer and Cheryl Miller.. Team members include ercolours by Dr. showing of art at Hï,amyiltons nzie augment the Insurance. Tamnmy Boughan, Cheryl Mil- ler, Heather Sawyer, Debbie Pedwell, Darlene Portsmith,, Elizabeth Brough, Susan Hou- sley, Laura MacGregor, Jana Graham, Shelley Richards. Manager, Yvonine Zondervan, equiPme1-nt manager and scorekeeper, Jenny Adam-s. The tLeamn was coached by Mliss MI. White and assisted by Mrs. K. Whately. Canawood O.M.H.A. Bantamis defeat Visitin'g Bowmanvi lie Boys The O.M.H.A. Canawood Bantams played an exhibition game with Bowman- ville Minors on Monday night. Bob Myles, tipped in a pass from John Bolton and Paul Reed to open the scoring in the second period after a scoreless first period. Bowmanville ti ed it up before the period ended. After thie flood and into the third period dirono went ahead on a goal by Paul Reed from Terry Hedges and Bob Myles. Minutes later Paul Reed connected again on a pass from John Bolton and Bob Myles. Bowmanville added another goal before Martin Perry back-handed Paul Reed's pass into the net to end the game Orono 4, Bowmanville 2. Dan Mitchell was except- ionally hot in the Orono goal. Try Kidney for a change Moresa ready for the heating. process in the sugar shack. Kidney has long been con- sidered a gourmet food. However, it can make an economical and nutritious family meal. Food specialists at the Ontario Food Councl, Miistry of Agriculture and Food suggests serving Kidnrey this week. MIake a tasty steak and kidney pie or put it in a Kýidney is a wise buy. L's lower- in cost than mnost other cuts Of meat. It"s boineless s0 there's little waste. It's an1 excellent source ofi ron. B-efore cooking, remnove mnemrbranes. Cut away outer fat and hard innier cores. Kidney may be sliced or, cut in pieces. To prepare beef of pork kidney, soak fo)r one hour in. the refrigerator in 4 cups of cold water with 1 tablespoon Sait. This wil give the kidney a milder flavour. Cook cover- ed, using a moist heat methed. Recause lamib and veal kidney are more tender and have a milder flavour, they do not require soaking. Saute, broïl or lightly braise larab- and veal kidney. Try kidney for varietýy. When properly prepared, it cat be- a delious additlion to. anly mienu. NOTICE The Orono art Gopi pleased to annouce a 7N Galrseve-ral wor'üks by Group mnembers on display at Hlailtonls Insurance Sr Vice. Hours are 9-12 and 1-5 and everyone is welcom~e.