Molson sponsors four Mosport events Molson's Br7ewery (Ont-: ario) Limnited announced thej sponsorship of four inter-1 national calibre motor racing events at Mosport Park, Ontario. These events are: 1. The Miolson Diam-ond In1- dy - July 3rd, 1977 - a 300 kilometre (188 miles) event for USAC Indianapollis-type cars, part of the Uni ted Sta tes Auto Club Championlship ser- îes. Drivers include former USAC Champions and former Indy 500 winners A.J. Foyt, Ai and Bobby Unser, Gordon Johncock, Johnny Rutherford driving USAC Inidy-tyIpe- cars (1,500 lb. turbocharged open- wheeled, single-seater racing cars) 2. he MUolson Diamond Motocross Grand Prix oif Canada - July 24th, 1977. Two forty minute motos counting towards the 125 c.c. World MUotocross Championship us- ing a special 1.1 mile infield course located within the Mosport Grand Prix track. Eleventh of twelve races in a series which includes France, Italy, Belgium, Switzeriand, Denmrarkç, Poland, Yutgoslav- la, West Germany, the United States and Spain. Riders include defending World Cha- mnpion Gaston Rahier (Suz- uki) of Belgium, Bob Hannah (Vamaha) of the US., CZ riders Jiri Churavy and Zdenek Velky both of Czech- osiovakia and Tommiy Crof t (Honda) of the U.S. 3. The Molson Diamond Can-Am Weekend - August 2th anad 2lst, 1977 - a weekend progam to include the return of the Can-Am series, plus a Trans-Amn Championship ev- ent and a round in the World Championship for Makes. 4. The Molson Diamond MUotorcycle Grand, Prix of Canadla - September l8th, 197i7. A World Championship 750 c.c. Motorcycle Grand Prix road race. The Premnier î class in motore yle racing, it features star. riders such as Giac-omio Agostini (Vamfaha) of Italy, Johnny Cecotto (Vamiaha) of Venez- uela, Steve Bàker (Yamaha) and Kenny Roberts (Yamr- aha) both of the United States and Barry Sheene-(Suzuki) of Great Britain. Spokesmfan, Greg Mc- Knight, Advertising Manager said: "We have been interes - ted in particîpating in big league motorsport for some time, but were aware of the limited number of locations in Ontario where :such events were feasible. Thus when the opportunity arose to heip create new racing events and bring a hîgher level of motorsport to -Ontario, we were most receptive. *ja)ck Moffat (Right) pre- hockey club who last week sents the Bob Best Memlorial were the champions of a four Trophy to Jim Leslie, captaîn team tournament held in the of the Orono O.M.H A. Midget Orono Arena. It is the first Pool operatin g costs over $80u,oOO u'%for towIn The Town of Newasle have been asked to endore the SPLASH proposai for an indoor swimming pool and squash courts adjoiming the Bowmanville High School Which could have annual operating costs as far as the Town is concerned, under a proposed agreement, amoun- ting from $80,000 to $87,000, The matter has been sent to the Town's finance commit- tee to make recommendation to couneil as soon as possible. Under,, a proposed- agree- ment whieb bas tentataive approvW1 from the Board of Education the Board would grant a lease for land on which the pool complex would be built. The board bas also given sîmilar approval that they would accept twenty-five percent of the operating and maintenance costs. The total estîmated cost of the operat- ion bas been estimated, at $58,98.00 of which amount the board would accept $14,- 745.00 annually with the Town accepting $44,235.00 of the total. The Board of Education would -carry-out their Pro- gram durinig school hours with other programs being held by the remiainder of the BOWMAN VILLE BROADLOOM Our New 'Location 170 CHURCH STREET BO WM ANV I LL E 623-5054 Ï CUSH ION FLOOR fromn $3.95 sq. yd. CAR PET f rom $4.66 sq. yd.1 New shipm--ent of Rem nants now in time tor a numnber of years that thie Orono club has won the tournamnent. day and evenin.g. In addition to the mainten- ancee ests for [lhe Town it has been estimnated by the ree- reation departmnent that it would cost the Town a sum of $36,305.62 for their portion of the period for lifeguards, cashiers and instructors. SPLASH wanting an addition-, ai hour of operation estimated this cost at $43,737.75. The total estimated operat- ion cost for the Town amounts from $80,540. up to $87,972.00, The SPLASH organizationr has pointed out that it is their intention to raise through public subseription an amount of $350,000.00 towards the total capital cost of $600,000,00. $250,000.00 is exp- ected from the Recreation Centres Act and Wintario. Oxford BRICKLAYERS STONEMASONS Fireplaces Chîmney Repairs AIl types of House Remode'lling' F lagstone Patio Slabs Concrete Jobs Phone 983-5606 NEWCASTLE RECREATION DEPARIMENT Oirono lCountry a Jamboree ORONO YOIJTK CENTRE TOWN HALL Sunday, April 3, 2:00 p... Sharp. HOUSE BAND: Faye Adams and "Tihe Country'Hits"» with Faye, Glory and Don Adams, Len Somnerscales on Steel Guitar, Herb Wasson on Lead Guitar. A Speclol "Lost of the Season" ShIow. Guest Artists: Terry Curtis - singer The Country Teens - group Mel & Melanie Clingmnan- singers Harlie Eider - fiddile Bill, Mark & Michelle Leggette- singers Albert Gumay and #Marna & Papa Fern - group Bonnie & Jim George - singers Lori Allen - singer Marlene Ogar - singer Uncle Ruf us & Honest Richard- comedy David & Cheryl Brown - singers Les Powney - singer Lynn Greer - tap dancer Tim Toye - singer Harold Fife - 4 string banjo The McGriskin FamniIy - group Mary Buntîng -f iddle Gwen Reeson- singer Bill Lynde - fiddle Reg Pest - 5. string banjo Buck & Barney - comedy i 'y I ................ Mý C. sterfinq Mather