Clarington Digital Newspaper Collections

Orono Weekly Times, 13 Apr 1977, p. 12

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12-Oroo Wee Times, Wednesday, April 13th, 1977 JIGAforgood, Supplied by THE OSHAWA CROUP LIMITED supply depot for progressive independents DWAYNE WELCI- <OUR MR. IGA AT MARMORA IGA, MARMORA Butter J,-R.7 5e_ CINADY, PINK OR LEMON Liquid Detergent DEa MONTE, FANCY Peach Halves or- iClA. FAINCY Asparagus lips XAM Lunaheon Meat IGýA Goa ibble PLASTIC 32FL FL' slices O I50 oz TNI 5 12 OZ TIN LJ(D 1I0% PURE VEGETABLE GIL IGA aSoft Margarine TU 4 IGA, ROYAL GOLO, MAILO, MEDIUM DLD COLORED OR OLO WWTE SEMI SWEET CHIPITS12Q Chocolate Chips $11 BARBECUE PORI$A1IBS OR CHICKEN Shake 'n' Bake l63gO2179e ClrxBIoah PLASTIC OI. 39e )GA PKG- Sugared 0out F 12 RGL OR RUFFLES Cis~~ 9 Lay's Potato hp BASSETTIS $ Licotice Alisorts 6 1.~25 FROZEN. FAMILY PACK k 3 Z 9 FROZEN, WHiTE PKt3Ge60F Robin .Hood Bread -Doug4 L ES95 AUTOMATIC, fILTER DRIP 1L ,3 5 Moather Parker's coffee .Uiq CRYSTAI. Prescut Beer Mugs EAH490 PROGOF 0F SA. PPRODUCE 0F U.S.A. CANADA FANCY HD FLOID MRSHSEDLSSAnjou 'White peans ONTAR;o GROWN CANADA Nû. i GRADE SIZE ONTARIO GROWN RWS CANADA NO 1 GRADE FOR Seedless ýýqp Cucumbers 3 CANADA FANCY GRADE 9 Red or Golden1 59, eAR MSTRONG'PS Con Sumer iniformation at !GA Yeur IGA store bas some interestinq ;stactfrjou oR a Wnant tu know4 a ltile more about metric conversioni? Get copy al "Metirc and the Consumer" firo IGA. What siiould you do when somthinggoues wrong and you have a complaiýnt? 1t's al! expli jedil note tart sheot at IGA. Asic the cashier fer your copies of CONSUMER AWARE! Fur any ther food infonnmatie do nt hesitate tu Write t0 me. MICRS.REÉN ISAIAB R FTflTAI 1< "SIPPING.'Tri J' ý 12-Orono Weel

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