8--Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday,April 2tî. 1977 Kendal Nelws "While the earth remaineth seedtime and harvest, sum- mer and winter, and day and night shahl not cease." Genesi s 8: 22 The farmers are busy preparing the land for seed- ing. Our friends in Saskat- chewýan tell us that unless Te Wor Id's Greatest Authors JOIN NOW!!! Orono Publie Library they get ram tihey will not plant any grain in the dusty soul. t would only blow away. A jiunior choir accompanied by Terry Mffatt on fier guitar sang, "And tbey'li know we are Christians by our Love." Rev. Tizzard continued bis series of ser- mons on tbe books of the bible, onie sermon from eachi book, tbat bad been interrup- ted by tbe fîve sermons on the Easter message. The scrip- ture readîng was Joshua Il: 1-15. His topic was, "Fulfil- Iing requirements". Tbe bible says of Josbua: "He left notbing undone of ail tbat tbe Lord commanded Moses." What a wonderful record. How many tbings do we leave undone tbat God wisbes us to do? Sometimes we do not write tbose letters. Some- tîmes we fail to-visit tbat shut-in. Sometimes we neg- lect to do good. Jesus said, "I wias bungry and ye gave me no meat. 1 was tbirsty and ye gave me no drink." So often we put off the spiritual tbings. Jesus said to take bis mes- sage mb oall the world. Our organist, Mrs. Alian Foster is in Port Hope Hospital. We hope sbe may soon be feeling mucb better. Mrs. Mlarie Stukel of St. Cathierine's .with ber twvo sons Jay and Mark was visiting ber parents, Mýr. and Mrs. Martin Foster thie past ",eek- end. The hymn sing Sunday evening.was enjoyed. Speciai numbers such as, "Into a tent wbere a gypsy boy iay", sung by Mark Wagar and "In the Garden" by George Kemp, a solo by Mrs. Morley Robinson and a special chorus fromthe Newtonviiie group and a solo by Mrs. De Smit were al goüod. Mrs. A. Tizzard sang as the closing number, "ýAmaz- ing Grace" accompanied by Mr. George, Kemp' on bis mouth organ and Mr. Mark Wagar on bis guitar wbile Mrs. Keith Wood was at the piano. This was very'fine, indeed. Mrs. Ray Martineil and ber mother Mrs. Wm. Aiken and also Mrs., G. Catbcart- attend- ed the luncbeon dinner at tbe borne o! Mrs. Margaret Kiileen, Bowmanville on Sat- urday, April 16. She was assisted byber sisters Mrs. Isabel Challice and Mrs. Barbara Munneke. This was in honour of tbeir brother's bride to be Miss Nettie' Edmunds. There were about tbirty guests. 1Orono Towing IGENERAL REPAIRS Sneeze in 9good hea Ith- :COLOR CRAFT *NEIR AE FI INTERIOR AE LAT Sem-li Gos Gai. $8.98 I * Orno (omiion)Phon 98-5207I Why do we say "Gesund- beitc" when someone sneezes? Wby do we take notice of a sneeze at ail? Wel, we just do, and bave been doing it for tbousands of years. The early Christian cburçh tried to convince its memnbers to pay no attention to sneezes, but people went rigbt on saying things like "Salve" (Latin, "Be Healtby") or "'Asusa" (Hebrew, "Healtbi") or "Bon- ne Sante" (French) or "Ev- viva" (Ma ltese). Blessing a sneezer or wisb- ing hlm or ber good bealth probabiy started because peo- pie feared a sneeze was dangerous - a cbance for the spirit to leave the body. The anicient Persians prayed a!ber sneezing. Se did the ancient Hebrews, asking bystanders to bless tbemi. Mohammed tbought well of sneezers, bowever, and told bis follow- ers to bless tbe sneezer as a ribute tb Alah. Many other beliefs sur- round a sneeze: If you hear a sneeze wbile praying, you certainly mnust begin again. Some Germans think it's bad luck to sneeze wbile putting on sboes but a sneeze whiie making a statemrent proves it's true. To an Estonian, if two pregnant*womnen sneeze in chorus, tbey will have girls, if their busbands do, the infants will be boys. Most peo ple also believe - rigbtly - that a sneeze is of ten the first sign o! a respiratory infection. If there are otnier symptoms , as welike cougbing and shortness of breath, better see a doctor. That's the advice of the lung ascatothe "Christ- mnas Seal" people, wbo care about eerc-y breatb you take. Claims 983-9167 pla nt have littie effect An Eldorado Nuclear Ltd. refinery operation, to be located in Port Granby near Newcastle. wili "have littie impact on 't'he environment" a company spokesman assured the region's planning and developmnent commrittee Tue- sdlay. t was the first formai meeting between the Eldor- ado and regional politicians, since Eldorado announced it was moving its operation to the Durham region, late last year. The 657 acres included in On May ist the United Cburch Women of IKendal will hold their special service at 11:15 a.m. witb Mrs. A.C. Ferries of Oshawa as guest speaker. She is Past Presi- dent of the Oshawa Presbyt- erial U.C.W. There will also be-special music. ~jW>a11 Taping-spray Ceilings Plaster Repair Painting WaIIy Lucyk 983-5518 O0RO0NO this operation, designated a si area in the regi( plan. Gord Colborr manager of Eld lained to the corr the refinery woul both emnp1oyees public and "wil valuable farmlâ production". Another group, ing region offici first time, SEAI Environment frg Pollution), expre cern about nitratE ic finding its wa: Ontario. Hamili Insurai Servii Your Friendly Ail Pers and Comme Insurai Sue Saw For Dependabl 983-51 Headed by John Veldhuis, wVU SEAP aiso expressed ocr about whetber the farmnl' not used for Eidorado's poses, will ever be put to fuil have been use again. peciai study HÀe noted ail 657 acres have ional officiai been taken out of production. , gnrl Dave's Plumbing lorado, exp- rimittee that Heating [d bc safe for sand the Electric hi not take insti-Cm ria nd out of Residential ý,aîso meet- 786-2471 lails for the R. R. 1 Orono P (Save the -om Atomic ssed its con- Orono es and arsen- .y.into Lake Electric Herb and Gerry Duvail tons EETIA CONTRACTING nceELECTRIC ETN Electrical Appliances T.V. - COLOUR T.V. £e RADIO -HI-FI WESTINGHOUSE RCA Agency ELECTROHOME m a Guaranteed Service BYAMS PLUMBING - HEATING Sales and Service 24 HOUR BURNER SERVOCE GULF FINANCING Low Interet Rates Phone: Tyrone 263-2650 QG- Brick - Block - Concrete Wila CH lBCom Stone %Work h r e e c o n a i C'arpcntry - Cabinet(hrtedAcuan WorkPhone Newcastle 987-4240 Floors - Tue 1 983544 OrnoALL DAY WEDNESDAY ~ and SATURDAY arc" PATIO SLABS SAVE NOW! Get this years, Patio Slabs at last years price 241"x24" $1.60 ,Pîcked Up/'.14 24'"x30", Plain < $1.95 \ Picked Up , $ dq Station Street & Hwy. 11 rcial1 ince vyer e Service 115 i I G MAIN ST., ORONO, ONT. e 983-5009 Also save when you pick them up. Coloured Slabs available. Orono Fuel & Lumaber Lum ber & Building Supplies - Fuel 011 - OilFurnaces . . . ....... MAIN ST., ORONO, ONT. 0 983-5009