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Orono Weekly Times, 4 May 1977, p. 10

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i-ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, MAY 4,1077 TDURHAM PREÇISION [4 LL CABINETS 1) LTD. PRO VIDES CRAFTSMANSHIP AND AKERY ADVANCED DESIGNS L! BAKERS 0F DISTINCTIVE PRODUCTS WHICH ARE 159 BASE LINE E., Unit 2 6325 FAVOURED IN THIS AREA This firm enjoys an enviable reputation by virtue of 21 KING ST. E. 623-.5855 i completely satisfied customers who know,ý the pleasure of The tasty' produets of this Bakery are greatly appreci- doing business here. Every imaginable type of kitchen ated by the people of this area. Establishied in 1936, it is cabinet and vanity is designed, with a modern showroom capably operated by the owners, THOMAS CARTER and displaying the latest developments in the trade. They are STEVEN OKE Who have had rnany years of experietice in also recognized specialists in designing.. with complete the baking business. Fully realizing their responsibility to service available and can provide everything you desire thepublic and serving the larger part of this area, they are for your home with the very best in Kitchen cabinets and 1backed by a long and continued experience at baking an* bathroom vanities. ever-improved and complete vàriety of freshest and tasti- DURHAM PRECISION CABINETS LTD. was origi- est baking produets. nally established in 1970 and opened in Bowmanville,- In aIl the products of the CARTER FAMILY BAK- May, 1974. It has been serving the public by taking a per- ERY, vou will find only fresh ingredients - eggs, milk, sonal iterest int seeîng that they receive the best in Kit- best-grade flour, sugar, yeast and other essentials. These chen Cabinets and Bathroom Vanities manufactured at are carefullyý, blended and rixed, then accurately and their plant. scientifically baked b'Y rneans of the most modern equip- You would be well advised to stop in and 'acquaint rnent under approved and most sanitary conditions by yoursef with the services available here and-see how they skilled bakers. can assist you. Their qualified personnel are very cour- Any of our readers who may have been so unfortunate AUDIet Frth O-V SI opfeeaddeedbe gsO v sirte CRTC .E NTRMLYBAERT e THvi Pes OPLKcenWCabinsaW BTHRooSTERitEO Mapd t'iaie Nngbthosibe s ervieat oet o r AND VALUr om, E HiR CUSomi-EdRhS teprnipeuisusnssisttteessO adA 20c KIsT..v23231 BOC, heofnrsofuhirhnebusneswhohae an BOe reAson fr the suceso O MNIL yaso5xeine.Tiza enahivdb xeit AUIOVIIO LIID(OCK V i xepinlingeprt SErvie IthtEdfCETREchnL knw val Es, EP EicHandKNOWlTEdgeablEeoMwo avnege a n o e qi pmentbpus er irnteest cin up- levated it to a position as a place where you can do busi- holding the excellent reputation acquired throughi this type ness with confidence. of service. Whecn looking for home entertainmient, you want the Most of us are not mnechanically incli-ned, so when we benefit of sound advice on the nuit best suited to yoûr face the problem of miechanical trouble we have to rely on needs. The people at BOWMANVILLE AUDIO-VISION what the garage rnechanic relates as the problem. LIMITED are well qualified to give this.advice. BROCK'S SERVICE CENTRE LTD. has proven itself - This firm, with a modemn showroom, was established reliable and trustworthyv and is a credit to the comnmunity. approximately 20 years ago as LOCKE TV and is success- Whatever your problems in, repairs, you can be assured fully directed by TED DENNY, It is widely recognized as this firm will give you an honest estimate and complete the the home of quaflity and service, in a class by itself and is job to your satisfaction. They specialize in service in elec- wvhere you will find the choicest variety ini televisions, trical repairs, lubrications, tune-ups, BP gas and oul prod- colour or black and white and stereo components. You can ucts. General Repairs to cars and trucks, tires, býatteries, purchase here witht the knowlýedge that they service what towing, road service, sales and service for LAWN-BOY they selî. lawnr-nowers. For depenidable service you can rely on Wheni you compare selection, quality, price, service, BROCK'S SERVICE CENTRE LTD. renutation. the logical place te buv is IIOWMANVILLE oeabrîcs THE STORE WITH THE STOCK AND PERSONALIZED SERVICE 33 KING ST. W. 6345 Now that the worid of women has taken u p the art of mnakîng their own clothes and for members of the family - some of them are doing it with a great flair and success. The only way to get a joy out of it is to visit MARYANNE'S FABRICS who are not just interested in selîing you products such as Fabrics, Sewing Needs, etc., but give customner guidance in their endeavour. MRS. MARY HAMBLY, the owner, and ber staff take-- the time t(> help you witb your selection and give sound advice with your purchases, something you don't find in many shops these days. You wiIl find a real pleasure in being able to choose fromi the largest display of Fabrics in, the area. They offer to the area one of the largest selections of' Canadian Fab- ries plus Simiplicity and McCaîl Patterns. This store baý become a very popular shopping place for the ladies of the district. If you have not already stopped in to see the fine display of mnerchandise,- do so at your earliest opportunity as you will find you are always made welcome. We are pleased to recommend this shop to ail our readers. STRATHAVEN 'INURSING HOME PRO VIDES THE ULTIMATE IN PROFESSIONAL SERVICE TO THE PEOPLE 0F THE AREA 264 KING ST. E. 623-2553 This professional service- was established ini Dec., 1974 and is under the guidance of a superb management tearn. Thcy cxtend a 24-hour service for those who require .nursing care and are associated with the Extended Care Program. The nursing home is well located. AIl rooms are brîght and cheerfully decorated and have that home atmosphere. They have also incorporated an excellent Arts and Crafts prograrn including ceramics, leather craft, rug weaving, hooking or any mentionable hobby. Included also, they have a live entertainment program.' 'Here one can place a member of one's family in their care wvith the assurance and knowledge that they are e- ceiving the bcst of care and attention. The management have suroundcd thenselvcs with a staff including regis- tercd nurses and nurses' assistants wbo provide 24-hour supervision. It has beeni their objective to minister to' the elderly people and patients the care, diet and bospitaizationj that tbev- could not get at home and themeby assuring both tfie individual as well as the family of the knowledge that cverything possible is being done for the comfort of the patient. We are pleased to refer this establishment to our readers. TUE OPTICAL lUIT IODE ONE 0F BOWMANVILLE'S FASHION CENTRES 30 KI NG W.- 623-4477 THE OPTICAL BOUTIQUE, which opened ini 1975, is one of the area's highly respected Optical Services, mani- aged by MISS G. ZIEGLER. Fashion cornes in rnany parts. Give careful thought to every detail of your wardrobe - especially right up front. Chobose your eye wardrobe at the place where they know the story so well, which is THE OPTICAL BOUTIQUE. This fashion-wise optical centre is alive with new shapes and colours in eyewear, designed to enhance your appearance. They have exquisite oversize frames for the wide-eyed look, available in light-weight lenses in flatter- ing tints. They will also tell you about such developments as hiard resin lenses, which are half the weight of glass (yet superior in optical quality), resist shatterink and 1oggi ng. We are pleased to review sorne Qf the highlights of THE OPTICAL BOUTIQUE and refer their services to our raders. ~ HOPER'S JEWluELLERS ASHOPPING SHOWPLACE FOR JEWELLERY AND GIFTS 29 KING ST. E. 623-5747, When you want something lovely and more disti 'nc- tive, it certainly maires sense to visit HOOPER'S JEWE-L- LERS LTD. 1There is no comparison or equal to HOOPER'S JEW- ELLERS LTD., one of Bowmanville's better businesses. It is one of the area's most respected Diamond, Jewellery Centres which' is successfully guided by ARTHUR D. HOOPER, who opened his business'on Noveinber 9, 1945. In-buying fine Jewellery, one of the mnost important people to know is your Jeweller. His'or ber knowîedgeand business ethics shouîd be above reproach. HOOÏPER'S JEWELLERS LTD. is a recognized head- quarters for quality Jewellery. They feature here Orange Blossorn Diamonds, Watches, Gold Jewellery, Earrings and they also do certified watch repair. For Jewellery, and Gifts that you will give with Pr-ide, let HOOPER'S JEWELLERS LTD. be your Guide. WHERE PEOPLE FROMI THE AREA DO BUSINESS WITH CONFIDENCE 219 KING ST. E. 623-4481 Onie of the most impressive Auto Dealers in the area is MACDONALD FORD. Through honest dealings with the' public and assuring them of service on al products rep- resen.ted by them, residents from many parts of the area continue to buy with confiçlence knowing the business will be aroundI for. many years to corne., This firtn, established in 1965. was founded with the highiest principles in business dealings and is very capably directed by-' LES MACDONALD, Pres., and MIKE DUPUIS. Mgâr. Every niérnber of the. staff has contributed to the suc- cess of this firrn which is not just an auto deaîership, it is people who care. AIl new vehicles are properly pre-serviced as weIl as excellent service after sales, something you don't find in niany dealerships these days. SThey already have a large -family" of customers from this area who have purchased cars here-because they know of the integrity and reputation of MACDONALD FORD, a business we are pleased to recomrnend. ,c g"Jllunrrat i I mr WELL, RECOGNIZED FOR 132 YEARS 53 DIVISION ST. 623-5668 No business or professional review of this area would be2 com plete without due refereInce to, one of the leading funiemal homes in this part of Ontario. We are, therefore, impelled to direct the attention of our readers to NORTHCU'IT ELLIOTI' FUNERAL HOME. This firm was originalîy establisbed in 1845 by Robert Mannlng and was taken over by William P. Power, in 1882. In 1894, Marcus WMIlams took over in partnership with bis son Alan until AIan's death in 1932. The firm then changed hands to ARLEY NORTHCUTT and Aubrey Smith. CARSON ELLIOTF later joined the firmi in 1961. Aubrey Smith passed on in 1962 and then the flrm became known as NORTHCUTT ELLIOTT LTD. ARLEY NORTHCUTT passed on in 1974 and the firmn today is diected by CARSON ELLIOTr, Pres., who is assisted by CORY KUIPERS. This firm brings to the people of Bowmanville and surtrounid i ng comniu nities a service which is steeped in the tradition of the past, handîing the unfamîliar details witb reverence and respect. You are assured that quiet com- fomting consolation wiII be extènded. We wish to compliment NORTHCUTT ELUIT FUNERAL HOME on the distinctive service they bave of- fered the people of this area for the past 132 years.

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