ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNESDAV, MAY4, 1977-11 LAIGHAIR FASHION DESIGNERS 21 TEMPERANCE 6i23-4191 68 KINGW. Oshawa 725-8710 Beo riginaters ot Adv anced Hairsîx'ýlinig is the an- s,er te thec success et ADAM & EVE UNISEX ý%hich is successfullY directed by MATHEW and ANGELO SACCO, %%ho aise eperate CITY MAN'S in Oshawýa, %vhc private censultation fer hair loss can resuit in a scientific cure threugh Biecrinelogie. These top-ratcd Hairstyling leunges serve style-cen- scieus men and women tbroughout the area and thev have introdueed te this area one of the mest beneficial prefes- sional services in creating styles fur women's and men's hair te suit eacb personality. They keep their fingers very closely on the pulse cf hair fashions and interpret the newest trends te the indi- viduajitv cf their clients and their way of life. We take pleasure in this review in referring these shops te you. SA SUCCESSFUL FIRM, PROVIDING PERSONALLZED SERVICE R. B. SPENCER LIMITED REAL ESTATE (REALTOR) 137 KING E. 623ý7-694 or 623-7661 The familiar signs of R. B. SPENCER REAL ESTATE LIMITED (REALTOR) are seen regularly in the bandling cf Properties in the area. This business, established in 1970, is successfully guided by ROLLYB. SPENCER. The firm has figured prominently in transactions cf every nature pertaining te buying and selling cf Real Estate, placing experienced counsel cf practical value at the public's command. Having been so closely acquainted with valutes and their fluctua- tions and noting the trends from year te year, t hey are in a position te give an! appraisal cf preperties regardless cf their type. This firmn offers this area a complete Real Estate Serv- ties and farms as well as Mcrtgages, which are a large part cf their business. People cerne te this office w.ith con- fidence becauise R. B. SPENCER REAL ESTATE LIMIT- ED (REALTOR) has a reputation fer reliabilityý and has been decidedly fair at aIl ttrnes. SUPPLIERS 0F THE FINEST TRAVEL TRAILERS LEISURE LIVING R.R. 4, BOWMANVILLE 623-4700 The name cf this business bas been cutstan ding and wviJl be well rememtibered by the many people who have had the pleasure cf dcing business here.ý 1 LEISURE LIVING, established in 1973, is ownted and cperated byv BOB and DORIS REYNOLDS, wvhc have al- way'ýs adhered te a principle cf fajrniess and hcnest in busi- niess transacýtionis which has wc-n fer them great respect in the area.1 You xiii agree that their Trailers effer many advan- tages and you will like the rceminess, ccmpactness and design cf these beautiful Travèl Trailers. Tbey aIse have complete Accesseries and Service for thes e units. They feature such great naames as TERRY,. TAURUS-TRAVEL Traiders, VEGA Truck Campers attd VIKING Hard-Tcp Camping Trailers - aIl completely equipped te suit ycur needs. Here you tnay purchase a Travel Trailer on easy ternis. We regard it an extreme pleasure and cf great value tour readers in referring the services cf thîs fine business te yeu. PRO VIDES EXCELLENT CRAFTSMANSHIP WHYTE' 9 DIVISION ST. 623.5252- This firm is one cf the foremcst custome-made furni- ture builders and uphclstering firms, established in 1962 and is cwned and operated by JOE ORR, wbc bas over 23 years' experience and who bas upheld the ighest prin.- ciples in business te always maintain bis excellent reputa- tien. Specializing inia cem plete Furniture Rebuilding and Uphclstering Service, they are expert in repairing frames, resetting springs, replacing webbing and adding new filling. They have an excellent selection cf finest fabries on the market today fronm which ycou can miake a choice and ycu uil] find their service is mcost comiplete in every depart- ment. Check your berne tcday and if ycu bave a chair, chesterfield or somie article that needs Upholstering, just caîl 623-5252 and tbey wvillIlbe lad te givëeqetimates, with- Reviewing Leading Busýzinesses &Professions P No artof hes fetur strie ca berepoduedWthout the written permission of the writers A DECORATING CENTRE IN A CLASS BY ITSELF Abernethy's9 Paint & Wallpaper 55 KNG S. W.623-5431 The reason fer the success cf ABERNETHY'S PAINT' & WALLPAPER, is knewledgeable people ccmbined wvitb a %vide and varied selection cf decorating preduets. Fer alvelir ecorating requirements, there is ne finer store than ABERNETHY'S wbicb is successfully owned and operated by RAY and DOUG ABERNETHY, who pro- vide persenal service. As deeerating is se personal and as eacb family's needs are se different. isn't it by seeing a wide range cf BENJAMIN MOORE Paints, Wallpapers by SUN- WORTHY, wallcoverings, paintingand decorating sup- plies, etc., and wvitb competent assistance that you can selectthe many possibilities that are exactly rigbt for ycu? YeuL can consult bere vith qualified decorating consuiltants wbe bave bad years cf experience in creating beautiful interiers, harmionizing colcur tones and cc-crdinating fabries,, furniture and walls. Whien yopu feel your home needs a smart beauty tenie, tryv the decorating power cf ABERNETHY'S PAINT & WALLPAPER. You'll find the new Wallcoverings and Paints cf todayv transform every rcem in the home. ABERNETHY'S PAINT & WALLPAPER is bighlyv rcemmendedi(t,( for aIl yourdeccrating requirements. HAS SOLVED MANY 0F THE BUILDING PROBLEMS 0F THE DISTRICT BOWMANVIILE OFFICE 623-4172 213 FAREWELL ST., Oshawa 723-0575 Wbecn you are admiring soeeof the beautiful bornes in tbe area, we would like te congratulate tbe responsible firm wbvvo bas added on additions. and repaired many cf tben. NMARIANNA DEVELOPMENTS can plant, estimate and advise ywu on your buiilding problemis regardless of size, shape, type or price cf building you plan te ereet. With a vision cf a greater comimunity always in mi, they bave becomne an imiportant factor in the developmient cf the area since the timre this firrn was establishied in 1967. While i lihas been thieir objective io obtain fair and beonest profit from their extensive services, the guiding in- fluence orfMARIO VELTRI bias always been te fur ,isfi the bigbiest standards in werkmianship at the mcst reasonable costs. Tbey custcm build bomnes as well as building ad- ditions, reneovatiens and repairs. Tbis is a very dependable firrn to censuit en ail building requirements and we are very pleased te reccmn- mend their services to you in this special review cf the out- standing businesses and professions cf Bewmanviîîe. BOWMANVU LL'Eý A NAME 0F DISTINCTION IN RUGS, CARPETS AND SERVICE FOR YEARS 170 CHURCH ST. 623-5054 Since 1975, this firrnlbas expanded its operation te tbree tirnes is original size and is ccntinuing to pregress and presper tbrough the guidance cf JOHN KEHLER. First-Quality grade carpets, workmansbip, bonest prices and estirnates a pleasure bave been a tradition witb BOWMANVILLE BROADLOOM. 1Teday, more than ever befere, witb the increase in carpet ftrms epening and clesing ail the time, it is impera- tive te ebeese a eempany that is welI establisbed and wvil be areund fer many years te cerne. BOWMANVILLE BROADLOOM prevides the ultirnate in SALES, SERVICE and CARPET LAYING. Their design ability wiIl spread decorative beauty threugbeut yeur home or business. Theybave 'years cf ex- perience in the business, and ail work is dyne in a pro- fessienal manner. They aise bave one cf the finestý service departments fer expert installations, completed by their ewn prefessionally-trained staff. We hîghly recemmend BOWMANVILLE BROAD- LOOM, whe are distinetiveîy different and in a class by theniselves. MOTONN ONE 0F THE AREA'S MOST PROGRESSIVE MOTELS HWY. 401 623-3373 Good Motels are indispensable te tbe 'progress and development cf a growing area and tourist trade., FLYING DUTCHMAN MOTOR INN bas accemmo- dated a great many t ourists and businessmen in a manner tbat assures tbem cf ccntinued patronage and goed will cf the travelling public. Tbe management here has maintain- ed an ideal service wbicb is tboroughly exemplified by the manner in wbicb ev'ery emplcyee attends te bis or her duties. Notbing is taken fer-granted, nothing is over- looked. Hospitality and service are always their first con- sideration. Mucb cf the credit for tbe splendid reputation cf FLYING DUTCHMAN MOTOR INN is, due te the execu- tive ability c f the management cf MR. JIM BOURKE, wbeIise uintiring efforts, feresight and careful attention te detail have maintained a standard of hospitality and serv- ice wbicb would be difficult te surpass. It is a pleasure te recommend, FLYING DUTCHMAN MOTOR INN for yeur travelling pleasure. AN EXCEPTIONAL DINING PLACE IN THE AREA RESITfW(RfANt ç 50 KING ST. E. 6330 Onecof Bowmîianiville's very promninent dining places is thie RICE BOWL RESTAURANT. This business is success- fully guided by' DICK SETO, wbo b las a ,vealth cf experi- enice in tbe restaurant business and bas created a friendly atmiospbere net te be foun-d elsewbere. The RICE BOWL RESTAURANT bas a successful comibination, perfect bosts, excellent dining facilities and superb food*. Their facilities are cleverly decorated and clearlyN create a beautiful dining atmosphiere. This is net just another restaurant. It is a valuable contribution te the area and fecatures the mcst exclusive selection cf excellent foods and is where quick , friendly service is a specialty and a taste-tempting choice of Chinese and Canadian Cuisine at its best wiIl be sure te please ycur appetite. Dine in the relaxing atmospbere cf Oriental grandeur -subduiedl,exetie ... and exciting, designed tece mple- mnent your every wish in dining pleasure. The cbefs bere put tremiendeus effort and censummnate skill into their craft and preduce dishes cf which tbey cani be justly proud. Gcod food levers frcm the entire area bave discovered that cbarm and hospitality combined witb excellent food can bie found at the RICE BOWL RESTAURANT, which is bigly recommnend for its Excellenpce in Dining Pleasure. ~\1fiillhBOWM AN VILLE ~w~IIIIIjCLEANERS (197a) LTD OWE GREAT SUCCESS TO QUALITY METHODS AND CUSTOMER SATISFACTION 84 KING ST. W. 623-5520 With the Town cf Bowmanville as its borne base cf operations, BOWMANVILLE CLEANERS bas been pro- vidinig tcp-quality-dry cleaning and shirt lauindering serv- ice silice the firm was established about 36 years age, a ser-vice thiat is ncw enjoyed by thousands cf satisfied euls- tomiers tbrougboutthe Cuunty. Tbe firm is directed by MIKE LOOTSMA. Somne indication cf the growtb cf BOWMANviLLE CLEANERS is evidenced-by the firm's strategically le- cated stoire and agents, such as MIDTOWN CONFEC- TIONERY AND GIFTS in Orone and MOM'S KITCHEN aIse in Orono, FIRBY GENERAL STORE and KENDALL GENERAL STORE. Many men and women, al bigbly skilled in the dry c'leaing industry, are employed by tbis firm wbich is justi- ftably'ý preud cf its reputation for first-quality dry cleaning, minor and major repairs and shirt laundertng service. Tbey are reccgnized specialists in cleaning draperies, slip covers, wall-to-wall carpeting, rugs and upbelstery, whicbi are finisbed te tbie custner's satisfaction. Tbey aIse have a cemiplete uniformn rentaI service wbicb includes smiocks, ~pants, coveralîs, etc. witb promptecaiesriea rea.senable rates. p xbnesriea We are pleased te recemmiend the services cf BOW- MANVILLE CLEANERS (1973) LTD. whc bave placed weroikmian-sipi and service above profit. I i i