Start gardening earl y Ani early start on the vegetable gàrden can mean F.R. Tennant Fuels'Ltd. Phone 983-5693 two or even three crops each season. The seeds of severai common vegetabies such as carrots, beets, peas, lettuce, spinach and radishes can be sown just as soon as the ground can be worked. With the recent moisture we have bad, the soul shouid be excellent and we do know that a number of gardeners ai-. ready have, some of their eariy plants in the ground. The above-mentioned veget- ables and young cabbage, cauliflower an d onion plants can usually withstand unset- tled weather during early spring. In tact miany of these plants actually, prefer cool growing conditions. For the early start on the vegetable garden, the early sowings cani be hiarvested in time for a second planting. Aiternately tomatoe' or squash plants couid be plant- ed for the summer months. When planning your garden, this spring, put in early seeds anid give tbem every opport- unity to produce for you and in this way, you can increase the productivity of your home garden. Lawn-Boy,5 SOLI D STATE MOWERS CD 21" Auto-M%,ower Mîodel 82:15. Proven gear-driven self -propelled -rnechanïism. 2-speed operation. Push bandle forward to engage drive, pull« back to stop. Converts to mnanual op- eration. Safety interlock prevents accidentai starting with drive en- gaged. Removablè grasscatcher and polypropylene bag incluided.$291.95 Lawn- Boy CI) Super Starter 19'" Model 5245. Quiet, safe, iigbtweight, manoeuvrable, dependable - 2 -spee' power -- easy fingertip starting. Optionai grasscatcber assembiy. $194.95 CD Super Start-er 21" Model 7266 Vacuum action deposits clippings, leaves and debris, in bushel-size bag. Easy on-off durable polypropylene double wall bag bas fuil-width zipper for fast emptying. When not needed, grasscatcher is removed in seconds. $22L-95 MWithout grasseatcheir. $209.95 5 DE LUXE MOWE RS Deluxe 21" Auto-Mocwer Model 8255 No more raking, no more pushing, effortless fingertip starting and convenient con- trois. Proven gear-driven self propelied mnecbanismn. Just pusb bandie fQrwýard to go, pull back to stop. Converts tLo1 manual operation.. Safety in- terlock prevents accidentai starting when in dri ve. Grass- catcher assembi nc. $274.95 D)eluxe Grasseatcher Model 5269G Same labour -saving benefit«s as the 21" Grasscatchier mode] but with narrow>Ver 19" cut for easier biandiing in tigbt places oýn banks and terraces. Grasscatchier as- sembiy can be remnoved in seconds.$9.5 D)eluxe 21" Model 72216 Wide 21" eut, 2-speed power and traditionai Lawn-Boy ruggedness make tismodel ideai for big mniwing jobs. Optional grasscatcher' assembly available. $192,95 With gras;scatCher $2ý-'14.95). Lawn-BOY ECONOMYl Lawn-Boy 19" Model 5124 Even our lowest-priced mow- er delivers much more than 4 'other "bargain"l mowers. Rustproof housing. Large staggered whMeeIs. Finger-tip starting. Otional igrasscatch- erassemblycan be added. s.149.95 New Reair-Bagger Accessory Lawn-Boy's new rear-bagger attacbment fits ail 21" Lawn- Boy models si nce. 1972 equipp- ed witb a grasscatcher chute (except Commercial, Hevi- Duty and 1972 model 8229-B). Rear-bagger assembly for grasscatcher miodels specified No. 6817 10. $32.95 RoIpgh )Harmmd ware9 orono, Ont. Mr, Ernie Nicholson of 92 years. The first sign of scereedno f0 orton the part Orono could weii be,-termed green grass brought Ernie out of Ernie to complete the bail and bearty at the age of witb the iawnmower and it chore. How to con trol1 Ga rdedn Weeds Witb tbe increasing bigh labour costs and shortage of belp, herbicides are becom- ing more popular to borticul- turai crops. However, these are not recommended for garden use, because many garden plants kiiled or damaged by the chemicais in the herbicides. The most practical method of controlling weeds in gar- dens is by the frequent use of a hoe or other sballow cultivatioti. Most annuai weeds can be kiiied with one or two cultiva tions. Perennial weeds are usually destroyed by any kind of cuitivation which remover- ail top growth at frequent intervais. Af ter the food stored in the roots bas, been used, tbe weeds- wiii die. Wben it is possible to appiy chemicals to control weeds without any danger of barmn- in g tbe garden plants, tbe "lsait' shaker" method is recommended for Granular formulations. They can be easiiy applied by using a jar with a perforated top. Liquids can be appiied through a compressed air sprayer. It is important that the correct amount be appi- ied. One way of ensuring accuracy is to fi the garden sprayer with water to a mark - appiy tbe spray of water to- 1,000 sq. ft. taking care to apply it as evenly as possible, and tben measure the amount Of water used. Add the chemnical recommended to this amount of water for each 1,OOQ sq. ft. treated. As a guide in coiýverting the recommended rate per acre of any chemnicai to the amount required for a smail area, one ounce per 1,000 sq. ft. is approximately equal to three pounds per acre. For iiquid measure, two level table- spoons is approximately one fiuid ounce. One pint or twenty fluid ounces of spray mixtures per 1,000 sq. ft. is equal to the five galions per acre rate. Roses, Roses, Roses The rose, whicb is probabiy the oidest flower in cuitivat- ion, was brought to Canada by eariy settiers coming from France, Britain and the American Colonies. Today, àt is stili popular throughout the worid. The rose bed shouid be sheitered from wind and snow, but not so secluded that the circulation of air is prevented. This couid resuit in iidew and other foliage diseases. A compiete separate gar- den is preferable for the suclcessful growth of roses, and the site should be level as possible. For best resuits, roses require fu'Il or .lmost full sunshine. The blooms wilil ast longer if they bave a littie shade at mid-day, but this may be difficuit tb arrange. Roses wili succeed whiere they bave to compete with trees for food, moisture or sunlight. Tbey do best on a level spot on a south or east general slope, protected from prevail- ing winds. When rose plants are just purcbased, they must not be pianted immediateiy. The reason for this is unknown. Instead, the roots shouid be placed in a trench and covered and packed firmly witb eartb. If the roots are dried out, immnerse tbemn in water, and if the tops are witbered, cover the 'whole plant with soul for a day or two before planting. Ail classes .of garden roses prefer a good dlay loam soil, but ail will grow weii on lighter soils, provided that the proper amounts of moisture, organic matter and minerai elements are present. The soil shouid be neutrai or siightly acid. These plants, need ample moisture, but will not grow ýweil if the land remnains wet. Wbere the subsoil is heavy dlay, or hardpan, drainage wiii be poor and it wili be necessary to open it up by deep digginig and! drainage witb land tule. Wbere gravýel or sandyý subsoil permits water to run away too rapidly, dig out the beds and add dlay' to the subsoil. The best metbod of fertiliz- ing soit for roses is by using Weil rotted manure or second best is peat moss mixed with fertilizer. PRUNING Garden roses and climbers must be pruned each year for good resuits, but winter itself somnetimes prunes 50 much that it is only necessary to remove the dead wood in the, spring. To prepare the plantý for winter, summer pruning and fiower removing, sbould be reduced as the season ad- vances. 'To do this, cut the flowers Witb shorter stems. Charged with possession A combined force of RCMP- what is possibly vials'of bash OPP-Durham police executed oit. a searcb warrant late Thurs- day evening bere and arrest- ed a mian and charged him witbi trafficking in narcotics. A spokesman for the Joint Forces Drug Section said lhevý seized what is believed to be 21-1 pounds of marijuana, and Cbarged with possession of a narcotic for ýthe purpose of trafficking is 'George Peter Vandergaas, 21, of Scugog St., Hampton. He is also charged xith possession of a nroi and is to appear in Bowmanviiie Court, May 31. - ý --,mmmm