10-ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, MAY llth. 19q77 'Planning 50 f loats for Orono june.parade On Wednesday, June 29th the Village of Orono is to jump ahead with activities nowx being planned for a' carnival and a mammoth parade. Plans for the event were unveiled Tuesday morn- ing by Charles Gray who heads a committee of the Great Pine Ridge Kinsmen club to assist the Orono Amateur Athletic Association in their annual carnival. The proceeds from the carnival are to go towards the arena building fund. Mr. Gray stated that more attention has to be directed toward the'carnival and the Kinsmen felta parade would be the key to get more people involved in the annual event. The Kinsmen- promotor has set a target of fifty floats for the parade as well as having some bands in attendan1ce and he is looking towards the Clarke school band to assist with the promotýion. t was pointed out that over one hundred letters are being sent out to local businessmen and organizations to interest them in provîding a float for the parade. The parade will start at the Orono Park and travel to the Orono fair grounds where the carnival is to be held. The date June 29th does coincide with the celebration of Canada Week and such an event in Orono could well be part of the nation-wide cele- bration. Mr. Gray stated that al businessmen in the area will receive a letter within the next few days to seek their assistance in the parade and this will also hold true for local organizations. Board a pproves PD day ca lenda r There were more ideas when Professional Develop- ments day should be held than nddatese Phone Oono 93-91 thiere were days last week when the Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education meet to discuss the calendar for such days. Finally the Professional Activity days were set for September 30, October 21, November 25 in 1977 and in 1978 on January 20, February i7 (PD day) April 28, June 28, 29 and 3th. Ail days have been arrang- ed for Fridays with Moorcroft of the staff.pointing out that it was better for the children to * Io I OXFOR-D * Bricklayer-Stonemasons Mt. O)RONO, ONT'ARIO Phone 983-56066 iAttention Farmers!! I Reas 1onable Pricesi have a holiday at the end of the week when parents may be preparing to go away. bA number of trustees stated that- they had beard that teachers were shopping on such days and trustee D. Gaît said it would be most interest- ing to report tha t 98 percent of the teac hers were in atten- dance at PD days. Both the director of educa- tion and the chairman of the Board stated that all teachers are to attend the days. Newcastle trustee Marg. Ibbotson asked if it was not possible to have professional, activity days prior to the faîl opening of school. Lt was pointed out that the contract with teachers does not start until the first day of school. William Carman, New- castle trustee suggested the the Board consider inviting the parents to such activity days as they are now-doing in -the Durham area. He also asked Mr. Moorcrof t to'ex- pand on why the days should not all be held at the end of the term. Mr. Moorcroft pointed out that they' did have tèachers leaving the system at the end of the terni and also if they were to have work. shops for the teachers it should be throughout the school termi rather than at the end of the termi. Mter the Board had ap- proved the schedule of activ- ity and development days the chairman of the board sug- gested that trustees speak with teachers throughout the year to get ideas on which days they feit were the best days for professional activity days. PEOPLE DO CARE Continued from page 1 including Cobourg, Port Hope Peterborough, Lindsay, Bow- manVille etc. Lt was explained tilat Can- ada Week was sponsored by the Council. for, Canadian' Unity, a non-profit, non politi- cal organization, national organization. The organiza- tion was started in 1964 by some sixty English and French speaking Canadian with the chief aim being national unity. The organiza- tion has Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau as honourary chairman. Miss Reid points out that the organization is supported by every level of governent andis funded by Wintario funds, government agencies and private dona- tions. Lt was pointed out that this area has submitted a budget which is assisted with various proj ects in the district and may well provide some form of donation to such as the new Orono arena. . The main thrust of the organization, said Elva, was Canada Week but other out- standing activities reiating to national unity could be part of the organizations programn. Canada Week, she saîd, is now even more important through the November elec- tion in Quebec and a move towards separation. NO FOCUS FOR THE YOUNG CANADIANS Elva Reid pointed out that for the children. "There is a quarter of the enthusiasm as great necessi ty for the need of Miss Reid, Canada Week a national celebration", she would be a most noteable said, and especially a show of occasion for this nation. f national strength as a people. PORT HOPE Ha miltons OUTIN FRONT Miss Reid stated that Port Insura nce Hope reception to the Canada S rvc Week celebration for this year were fantastie and that Se v c already some 750 people were invloved in celebrations and Finl gn1c activities in the Town during -ouFrelygec Canada Week. Every organ- ization has slated something Ail Persona I for the fine days. and It was pointed out that Mr. Commercial Russ Major was assisting with sonne activities in Orono Insurance and that if anyone -or any organization in the Village is Sue Sawyer interested they should either contact the Orono Times or For Dependable Service Miss Reid. "I would like to see every household bring out their flags during the week", 983-5115 she said. Miss Reid turned the calen- dar back to 1967 when al Canadians celebrated in one way or another the Centennial of this nation. There were super films made in Canada for this celebration she said JOHN MANUI but the children of today do NOETXADRLADA not have the opportunity to ICM A N EAE see them. This should not bc th e c se, h e n ted .67 K IN G ST. EA ST - SU ITE 2 Canada Week should be a BO0WMANVILLE, ONTARIO - LI< reaching out and a timie to give thought to the unity of this great nation. It asquteobvou WiltM fliam C. Ha as enthused over the unity of Canada or even showed a (ha rtered Ac Advertising... Phone' Newcastle I a showcase I I for intelligent j LL DAY WEU shopping. -a~nd SATIJB CANAIAN DVERISIN ODISOR'1 BOAýR- Dvs Pluming Heating E lectric Industrial-CommniercialI Residential 786-2471 R.R. i Oro.no Drono Building Contractor Brick - Block - Concrete Stone Woiék Carpentry - Cabinet Work Floors - Tile 983-5441Ooo TELEPHONE 623-6555 EL, C.G.A. 'CCOUNTINGSERVICES [C 1N3 Il .Comme countant e987-4240 )NESDAYq ZDAY IINSECTROLITE ELECTRONIC BUG KILLER Now, from Insectronic International Incorporated, a divis ion of Gaslite Company of Canada cornes the Insectrolite electronic bug killer which will give you pest-free evenings around the pool, patio or garden ail summer long. The Insectrolite I/ controls pests over an area of one haîf acre; Insectrolite 2 using two filtered black lights controls pests over an area of one acre. Beauty and economy are combined in these two models, the styl ing is Colonial, the power needed to run the Insectrolite 1 is flot much more than used by a 15 watt light bulb, while Insectrolite 2 doesn't use much more power than tw6l5 watt bulbs. Simply hang the units from a post or tree and plug into a standard 115 volt outiet and they start working immediately. The units areeasily installed, safe, maintenance-free and weather-proofed. To control extremely infested areas you may have to add on the Power Booster which is optional for either model. Dimensions: Approx. 16 square inches x 25 inches tal INSECTREOITE t2 INSECTROLITEÈ) $82.95 [J$98,195 Oroau,o& Fuel1 't&aL UnaUbe-C'Jr Ltd. Luminber & Building Supplies - Fuel Oil - Oi Furnaces 983-9167 Station Street & Hwy. 115, Orono On SAVE ON' SDiesel Fuel uMotor Oil Phone 668-3381 - Collect DX FUEDI For Prompt Courteous Service CALL US TODAY fui