-~ ~1~~ -- -~ WORK WANTED Ear piercing srie Phone 623-5747- for appoint- ment and information. Hooper's Jewellers Lt" Monuments and Family Memoria Is Our quality and service leaves niothing to be desired Ask the person who bought from us, a neigh bour, friend or relative The Rutter Granite Company 73 Ontario Street PORT HOPE Phone collect V.W. RUTTER Office - 885-5216 Home - 885-5522 For prompt, rteous, efficient service when buying or sel iing and for the iargest selection ol properties iný the area. CONTACT ORONO AREA REPRESENTATIVES BilGrady, 983-5149 William Turansky (kendal) 983-5420 Christ a Winterhelt 983-5465 Charlie Reid 983-5914 John Pritchard 705-944-5519 Pat Yeo ,983-5725 W. FRANK RIAL ESTATE LIMITED 234 King St. E. BOWMANVILLE 623-3393 Peter Suthlerland Alum Siding - Troug Windows -' 6: For Fr Now Handl FURNI UPHOLS¶ STE VE'S R.R. i Compiete fi ing. Antique STEVE JOI 9j SWIMMI Swimming will lease anc owners, fami um swimm *patio., Choice ofs fencing regu *rentai basis own. Try befoi collect 416-66 SWIMMI FOF 197777Mode S ched in trains ranted, camp. motor, filter, and deck. Suggested 295.0N, avai season specia Cail now f oi ion, Coiiect,i ANTIQL COLL Antique Ci requires oidc pocketwatche. dition. Phone- ARTICLES,, ANTIQUE ani watches work guarant done by Swiss-t mnakers. Free estimai Hoapers Jewei< FOR Box plants, ets, house piý Farm, Marti Manders. Phot FOR 1 VANDEI GREEN1 imile north Morgan's Roac 3rd line. Geraniums, plants, 70c.; V flowers.-Han, from $3.25. FOR Gigantîc yai and 28, Fni. ai ta 6 p.m. 'at Bowmanville. Dishes galc rocking chairý dresser, old hoid articles, signs. inum Prod. Soffit - Fasia h - Shutters )oors - Awningsý :34398 F e Estimate ling Vinyl Siding TURE AND! 'ERY REPAIRS FURNITURE Hfop Orono, Ont. irniture refinish- and modern. INSON 839630 [IG POOLS RENT _pools to rent, instali for home ly size, alumin- ing pool with tyles meeting ail Lations, 1-2-3 yr.' with option to you buy, cal ;3-9508 any time. NG POOLS SALE slightly scrat- p ort, fully war- [ete with pump, Ifence waik-way etail price $2,- table at pre- il of $1,288.00. rearly instailat- i16-66-9508. E CLOCK ECTOR ock Colector flocks, parts or in any con tf. FOR SALE CLOCKS repaired. Ahl eed. Repairs Irained watch- es available. rs Ltd., Bow- 747. soc SALE hanging bask- ints, Manders iand Grace î983-5179. 18, 25, 1, 8, ac. ALE tMALE {fOUSES of Hwy. 2 on 1first right off 85c.; Box ýegetables and ging baskets, 18, 25, ace. SALE ,d sale, May 27 id Sat., il a.m. 23 Second St., :re, fumniture, ;, plant stand, bottles, house- etc. Watch for 25 ac FOR SALE Hard-top suncamper, sieeps 8, aiso 10' x 12' canope. Phone 983-5693. 25.n FOR SALE 3 registered Polled Here- ford year old bulîs for sale. Phone 983-5137. 18, 25, ac. FOR SALE 1 -2 1 Cu. ft. Viking Chest Freezer; 1 - 60,000 B.T.V. highboy gas furnace; 1 - Gas stove, 2 burner with oven; i - - il stove with biower; i - 22 gai. glass-lined hot water tank with 115-120 voit ele- ments. Phone 983-5432. 25, ap. FOR SALE OUTBOARD MOTORS The Northumberland and, Newcastle Board of Educat- ion invites sealed bids on, the following outboard motors: 4- 1977 Evenrude 6 H.P. Outhoard Motors These motors are in brand new condition and mnay be seen at Cobourg D.C.I. East High School'by èontacting- Mr. W.G. Davis at the school at (416-372-2271), for an ap- pointment. There is a reserve bid on these motors. Bids should then be mailed to the undersigned no later than 41:00 p.m., Friday, June 3, 1977. Ail envelopes must be plainly marked "Outboard Motors"'. M.A. MacLeod, Business Administrator and Treasurer The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education P.O. Box 470, COBOURG, Ont. K9A 4L2. 25. ac. FOR SALE OUTBOARD MOTORS The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Educat- ian invites sealed bids on the foilowing Outboaird Motors: 3 - 1977 Johnson 6 H.P. Outboard Motors These mnotors are complete with tanks and are in excel- lent operating condition. Mot- ors may be seen at Campbell- f ord District High School by contacting Mr. F.L. Feeler at the school (at 705-653-3060) for an appointment. There is a reserve bld on these motors. Bids should then be mailed ta the undersigned no later than 4:00 p.m., Friday, June 3, 1977. All envelopes must be piainl1y marked, "Outboard Motdrs". M.A. MacLeod, Business Administrator and Treasurer the Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education P.O. Box 470, Cobourg, Ont. K9A 4L2. 25, ac. NOTICE Kirby United Church Anni- versary an Sunday, May 29th, 1977, 9:45 a.m. Dr. Norman MeNenzie guest speaker. Speciai music. 25, ap. CARD 0F THANKS The family of the late Sarah A. Bowen (Sadie) wish ta express their sincere thanks talal friends, relatives and neighbors for their many acts of kindness, floral tributes, donations to the Cancer and Arthritic Society, and expres- sions of sympathy at the timne of their recent bereavement. Speciai ,'thanks ta Rev. A.M. Amnacher and the Morris Funerai Home. The Bowen Famiv. Aderising~ Ia showcase for intelligent shopping. CANADIANAOVERTISING ADISORYBOAR COMING EVENTS ORONO AMATEUR ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION Annuai Carnival and Draw, June 29. Parade from Orono Park to Orono fairgrounds, 6:30 p.m. Games of Chance, Bingo, Kiddies Rides, Tug of War, Refreshments, Draw for Paiaroîd SX 70 Free Admission, Orono Fairgrounds. 25. ac. COMING EVENTS Annual Pancake Breakfast and Auction being heid at.the Orono Fire Hall, June l8th. Those wishing to donate, please cail 983-5717 or 983- 5206. Proceeds for niew Orono arena. tf NOTICE ORONO TENNIS CLUB Deadline for registration for Orono Tennis Club is June lst. Phone Mrs. June Meiiow. 983-9124. 25, ac. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE 0F EVA BERTHA HARNESS late of the Town of Newcastle in the Regionai Municipaiity of Durham, Married Woman, deceased: Ail persons having caims against the estate of the said EVA BERTHA HARNESS who died on or about the l9th day of February 1977, are herehy notified to) send to the nder-signed Solicitor on, or before the 3lst day of May, 1977, their namnes and addres- ses and full particuiars of their dlaims and the nature.of the securities (if any) held by them duly verified by statu- tory declaration. Immediately after the said 3lst day of May 1977, the assets of the said deceased wiil be distributed among the persons entitled thereto hav- ing regard oniy to the dlaims of which the undersigned Solicitor shall then have notice. Dated at Orono, Ontario, this loth day of May 1977. REIDDEWITT HARNESS, R.R. 1, Orono, Ontario JOAN MARIE HARRIS, ,8 Red Deer Ave., Scarborough, Ontario. Administrators. W.K. LYCETT, Q.C. Orono, Ontario Solicitor- for the Administrators. il, 18,25, ac. Orono Weekly Times, WVedinesday, MAY 25th,1977-1l S FERGUSON - John and M ynda are proud to announce the safe arrivai of their daughter, Jennifer Lynne, weighing 6 lbs., 3 oz., on May .." 2Oth, 1977 at Oshawa Generai CENTRAL LAKE ONTARIO CONSERVATION AUTHORITY invites applications for the foilowing permanent staff position 1N FORMAT ION AN D EDUCATION CO-ORDINATOR DUTIES:- To-develop and implement a conservation ,education programme for use on Authority land in conjunction with local systems; to co-ordinate and implement the Authority's approvedl community relations programme. QUALIFICATIONS: Graduation from. an accredit- ,ed university or coliege in a resource oriented field; working knowledge of the principles and practices or resources management; demonstrated ability and interest in conservation education; ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing and to deal with educational officiais, the news mediaand the g eneral public. SALARY: Commensurate with qualifications and experience. Final date for receipt of applications for the Information and Education Co-ordinator position is June 17, 1977. Please submit applications to: Mr. M. W. Campbell, General manager, Central Lake Ontario Conservation Anthority, 1650 Dundas Street East, Whitby, Ontario, LiN 2K8 road. Aslovn $o9l9v0-wnth trs. ne r is mcountry Don't wait. . caîl1 NOW. Orono 98,3-5915. ORCHARDS, ORCHARDS, ORCHARDS Opportunity knocks. Be you own boss on this 20 acre app le farm - bath towvn and country - onIy 2 miles east of'Bowmanvllle - ex(cellent farmhome wlth cold storage buildings. Terrific value at $149,500,with $25,000 dow,,. FANTASTIC LOT Approximnately 11/2 acres. Just east of Bowmanvllle, south of Hwy. 401, paved road, ail permits. avallable - $25,OOO.with terms. We cordially invite your enquiries for Farms, Homnes, Land, Commercial and Recreational pro- perties. *is AP'PLE TIME * rONEY&C)tCIDER * To Keep YouWuel * 50 lb. POTATO ES $4.25 * 75 lb. POTATO ES $5.75 F Free glass of hot spiced Cider with I $5.00Opurchase IFresh Asparagu-sf rom the garden -