1--flRfl WPEKLY TIMES. WEDNESDAY. MAY 25th. 1977 he would run into problems over severances that were time consumîng and costly. 1 don't want to see valuable farm land used for residelitial building but 1 do believe that ravines and bush lots should be able to be severed for building purposes, he said. "We have to let up a little", he said. He said that red tape could be cut wîth some changes with the Ontario Municipal Board and suggest- ed that a possible involve- ment of the local member could speed up) matters. Mr. W. E. Reid of Oreno asked the candidate if he was satisfied wi th the Blair report and along with other area farmers said they would much rather have the present system of taxation than that suggested in the Blair repret. with the government paying one hundred percent of the cost. Building a House"l or remodelling ygur present one? Then contact- I 1'loyd, Nic.holson- Orono 983 5049ý Pictured above is the Long service to the Orono church Td og hlrno r family with the exception of and community. (Left to anddMs Long . at thre tiofMe. one taken on Saturday even- right) Rev. B. Long, Mrs. oaking . o.a the icur yun ing in the basement of the Clifford Long, Cliff Long, Jffrey, n of Mctr n rs church follewing a pregram? Mrs. B. Long, (back row) Mr. C. Long made a disappearing et entertaininent and in and Mrs. 11hil Long (front lef t act behînd the scenes. recognition to twenty years of to right) ýChris, angela and BYAMS PLUMBING - HEATING Sales and Service 24 HOUR BURNER SERVOCE GULF FINANCING Low Intereut Rates Phone., Tyrone 263-2650 Q Phone 623-3377 "FLOW)%ERS WITH 133 Church Street, Bowmanville FRESH & DRIED FLOWER AIRANGEMENTS for1. WEDDINGS, FUNERALS, HOSPITAL and HOME Bev. and AI Anderson, Prop. IlOPLE M06T EASILY IO.D( SO roue Towi.g GENERAL REPAIRS Phone 983-5249 Oroiie Pumping Out Sept ic Tanks Bert Tompkinu Phone 786-2552 é86-2636 Sam Cureatz, PC candidate for the Jurie 9th electien in Durham East pauses briefly in Orono on Monday wi th Miss Patsy Reid~ during their tour of the riding to chat with Bfi Newman, l!ifinister of Agricul- ture and Food in the pafit legislature and Mrs. Bette Lunn, campaign manager in the oshawa area. Newman was out insupport of Sam on Monday- Last Friday afternoon the PC candidIate visi ted the Senato, in $irby -.when he emphasized that he could take a posi .tive approach, if elected to he legisiature, on any local sue and could do se frem th ~government side odf the bouse. Ho said it was difficuit for the Minister of Housing te grant menies for municipal services when Deug Mofftt was in opposi- tion te most prejects. S. B.Rutherford said the 1irby grop were net in opposition but did feel there was a greatý injustice in local taxation anld enly in the past two and half weeks was any censideration boing given to the matter. Sain Cu,- etz said he could -net make any promises other than, if a member, he would make a full investiagtion cf the prob- lem. Cureatz pointed eut again that Moffatt was on the opposite side cf the heuse. Mike Sawyer speke cf the preblems faced with red tape in building a new arena in Oreno. "They den't leave any deors open te give a ha nd", he said. Cureatz pointed eut that he. was invloved in the reconstrcutien cf a new arena in Newcastle and understood the probleni but he said there should be some self -participa- tion in such prejects. He said the Town cf Newcastle was being mest helpful regarding the arena prejects. Cureatz aise said during the course cf the discussion the province should not be push- ing a second official language in Ontario but sheuld make sure that French was avail- able for those who desired it. The PC candidate said oe cf the main reasons he had censidered running in this election was the matter cf, land use. He pointed eut that time af ter time, as a lawyer, NOTICE 0F DVACEPOLLS F FOR THE ELECTION NO.W PENOINOG TO ELECT A PERSON TO REPRESENT THE VOTERS IN THE 406 LEGISLATIVE ASSE-MBLY 0F ONTARIO F001 THE ELECTORAL DISTRICT 0F DURHAM EAST ADVANCE POILS, FOR THE PURPOSE 0F RECEIVINO THE BALLOTS 0F VOTERS WHO EXPECT TO BE UNABLE TO VOTE ON THE REGULAR POLLUNG OAY IN THE POLLING SUBDIVISIONS FOR WHICH THEIR NAMESAPPEAR ON THE LISTS,WILL BE HELO Saturday, Monday,' June 4 June 6 1977 1977 12 a. m. to 9 p.m. 12 a.m. to 9 p.m. (Dayliglt SaVing TII1,$I IOfight Sâvinq Time> AT THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS: 1. St. Paul's Presbyte rla nChù'rch 32 Wilson, Road North, Oshawa 2. St. Stephen's United, Church Corner of Taunton, Road& Simcoe Street Oshawa 3., St. John's Anglican Church Queen & Temperance'St. Bowmanvi lie THE BALLOT BOXES FOR THE AOVANCE POLLS WILL NOT BE OPENEO FOR THE COINTING 0F THE VOTES CAST FOR EACH CANDIDATE UNTIL THE CLOSE 0F THE POLIS ON TH4E REGIJIAR POLLING DAY, BEINS THURSBAY, J UN E 9th, 1971 at 8 p.m. (Daylight Saving Time) At the Returning Office, Main Street, Orono CIVEN LINDER MY HANO RlNNOOFFICE AORNSfETURNINI, OFFiCR -,May 11, 1977 Orone George T.Plit TELEPHDNE 623-655e JOHN MANUEL, C.G.A%. INcomE TAx AND RELATED ACCOUINTINS S5gRvIcÏS 67 KING ST. EAST SUITE 2 BOVMAF4ViLLE, ONTARIO -LIC 1N3 Y