6-ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, MAY 25th. 1977 Interesting vie Uvs . from Bay of Quinte The following excerpts are more officials to perform 'civil from a news release from the margesvisayth recent 53rd annual meeting of CoungesevcesofUnithed Ontario oniofUte the Bay of Quinte Conf erence, Churches It says that many the United Church of Canada. people do ot want and should These excerpts rather out- not have C hristian marriages line the concerns and action rites but they have no of this group and prove most adequate alternative. interesting for reading and Bay of Quinte Conference, information. representing 170,000 United MORE CIVIL MARRIAGES Church rmembers, approved URGED the proposal. If the four other regional conferences - Hamil- ton, Toronto, London and Northern Ontario - vote for it, the request will go to the provincial government. The Ontario Council also wants much tighter control on retired ministers who per- form marriages. The council wants weddings performed only by ministers who ha ve a pastoral connection with a congregation. The Bay of Quinte Conference favors the move. NEW APPROACH URGED FOR SCIENCE Much scientific research and development creates more problems than it solves, says Rev. Frank Brisbin, secretary of the United Chur- ch's communication division. *Scientists, he told the Bay of Quinte Conference of United Churches meeting in Peterborough, should spend more. time considering the adverse effects of their devel- opments rather than concen- trating on expanding human knowledge. Expansion of human know- ledge has outstripped human wisdom, he said, and prior- ities must be set for future scientific projects. The world "may be living in the twilight of an era when people feit that whatever could be done in the pursuit of scientific knowledge should be donie," he said. "The money, technalogy and know-how used for some- thing like organ transplants might serve the human race better if it were directed into more simple channels. If the amount of technology needed for heart transplant was used for other basic humnan needs, it would go a long, long way." As examples of "progress"' that can be questioned, he cited the use of aerosol cans which, it has been found, endanger the ozone layer, and thalidomide, which was con- sidered a boon in terms of medical treatment until peo- pie discovered what it would do to embryos. Dr. Brisbin said the human race must be prepared to live without certain conveniences if those conveniences cause harm, and the philosophy of science must change to con- sider what is best in the long run for the human race. Dr. Brisbin said that within the church, concern should be directed toward social prob- lems rather than increasing membership. "I'm not des- pondent about the church," he said. "I- see today signs of vitality and commitment to action as well as faith". THE FRENCH CONNECTION The United Churches in the Bay of Quinte see student exchanges between Quebec and the rest of Canada as one step on the road to better mutual understanding in Can- ada. They see "twinning" of United Church congregations which neighbor Quebec wîth Roman Catholie and other congregations in that prov- ince as another way to help bring unity. The two proposals, made by the Bay of Quinte Conference of United Churches in May, will be considered by the church's General Council when it mçets in Calgary in August. The conference resol- ution asks the whole church to request its mission division to act on the plan. A student exchange could build understanding between French and English groups in Canada, the resolution said. A Clarke Public LIBRDMnAR Y PHONE 983-5507 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday "twinning" program could Iead to vacation exchanges and other events to foster rapport. The resolution supports the teaching of both French and English in ail provinces, beginning in the first grade. The resolution said national unity is a pressing problem for ail Canadians, pnd the United Church is a "uniting" church serving the English and French facts from coast to Coast. The United Church recently established ýthe position* of liaison of ficer between French - and English - Canadians in the church. A copy of the resolution has been'sent to Quebec's prime minister and its cultural affairs minister. Film Proceisi ng CHILDREN'S PHOTOS Camneras and Photoegraphic Supplies 78 King St. W., Bowmanville 623-2404 Dave's Plumbing Heating, E lectric Inidustrial-Commercial Residential 786-2471, R. R. 1 Orono Cha ries Reid Orono's LIceflsed Auctioneer Valuator Specialize in .Farm Furniture Sales, Consuit me for termns and dates Phone Orono 983-5914 F. Teninant. Fuels Ltd-. 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